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Messages - Ancient Brony

Has anyone else noticed that everything is washed out/faded since the update on mobile (Apple)? It looked fantastic prior to that, with vibrant, saturated colors, but now it's like looking at the screen through a thin piece of paper. Someone else in-game said they saw a picture someone else posted that seemed to show the same issue - not sure if it's a bug or not, but I wanted to ask.
Sorry if this has been answered and I just missed it.

I thought I saw something on this somewhere, but now I can't find it - is there any way to change your actual forum login name? I know that you can change your "posting as" name, but since it appears that your login name appears when you friend someone in-game, I'd like to update it to reflect my pony if possible.

Yes? No? Maybe so?


I think it may be more of a bug than a feature - or at least I hope so.

A good example is the manticores in the Evershade. I've lost track of the number of times I've been about to land the final shot, and a hornet randomly flies out of nowhere and gets caught in the last attack. Every single time, it defaults to the lower XP from the hornet with nothing awarded for the manticore.

The only way I've found to avoid it is to run away, kill the first, then go back and finish the second.
Quote from: Tripy998 on 2017 Sep 14, 05:26:39I can assure you all, we are looking at this, and working to fix it. ^^

Thanks for the official confirmation and good luck tracking it down!

Not bursting my bubble at all - your "it is getting fixed" response just sounded very definitive and I was curious if I was missing something official.

With regards to the "proper" bug reporting process, I've seen the post, but it would be great if there was some kind of consolidated update or feedback on what has been reported or what the dev team is currently working on. As it is now, you are essentially submitting bugs into a vacuum with no open forum feedback.

Of course people are reporting/discussing bugs and gameplay issues on the forum - it's a discussion forum with topics directly related to the gameplay experience. With LoE being newly launched and very little update feedback from the dev team, people are curious as to whether a particular bug/frustration is unique to them or a more universal issue.

Some of this stuff isn't an obvious "glitch" like a floating bunny, but could be either an intentional part of the game mechanics or some feature that simply hasn't been rolled out yet. It would be nice to know which is which to avoid player frustration and streamline the bug report process.

Even a basic list of known outstanding issues with status would be helpful - for example:

Floating Bunnies near the sparring field in Midway Village------BUG------Known Issue------Working On It (Secondary)

Underground Dragon near the Cloudopolis teleport gate------BUG------Known Issue------Working On It (Secondary)

Pegasus Flying Talent------Feature not yet active------Known Issue------Working On It (Primary)

Negative EXP for Combat------BUG------Known Issue------Priority------Working On It (Primary)

It doesn't have to be in that format or even use those terms, it's just a quick example. I'm sure that they are swamped and it's important for them to not waste a lot of time that could be better spent fixing stuff, but even a little communication would go a long way.

I guess I have more faith in people - while I'm sure that some folks would ignore an "Bug/Feature Update" post, I'm also sure that a lot of people would read it. Bold it, sticky it at the top, and date it - if you build it, they will come. If nothing else, it would be something that people could be referred to when they post a question on something that has already been reported.

All that being said - the team is doing a great job getting this far. Thanks for the great experience, everypony!

Thanks for taking the time to respond and see you in Equestria!

Quote from: Allonsbro on 2017 Sep 13, 14:32:32I have this issue as well. The parts where you stand farther away worked, but something went wrong when I returned to the NPC. Now the mission is still in my journal but the NPC just says random stuff when I talk to her.

Same here.

Quote from: Night Striker on 2017 Sep 13, 16:49:12It is getting fixed, you just have to be patient. Most of my skills have been fixed, combat, partying and magic(on my Unicorn) is still bugged for me. You just have to give the devs some more time to fix this issue, after all you can't always get everything done overnight :P

LOL, so says the pony who leveled up three characters to 50 in the first few days of the game going live.  lol

On a more serious note, where are you seeing the information on what is and is not being fixed? Is there an "updates" or "current status" post that I haven't seen? That would be a great resource and may cut down on the number of duplicate questions.


Quote from: Galapagois on 2017 Sep 11, 22:52:49You can remain as a foal and a blank-flank, yes; however you won't be able to access the quests in the adult stage of the game, you'll have a lower level cap (you can reach level 35 as a foal, I believe), and later on in development higher-level areas might also be made off-limits to foals.

If becoming an adult is required to progress in the game, what are the chances of making more appropriate talents available - especially for pegasi? It would be great if there were more options other than "healing" or "partying" - something like "flying", for example?

Is the lack of available talent options a quest bug, or just something that wasn't ready for the open access release? I assume that the whole dev team is busting their butts since the release, but any info you could share would be much appreciated.

Resolved Issues / Re: Audio issue
2017 Sep 10, 22:22:46
Same here - very loud "white noise" during location transitions or when I lose connection/game crashes.