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Messages - Rainbow Twist

This is heavily compressed, the original is incredibly sharp... makes 4k look incredible...

While Pong and Pac-Man were great starts to the original video games, along with of course Nintendo's Donkey Kong which brought about the creation of the world best known icon being Mario, the most favorite game is an always evolving and changing thing, with past favorites remaining in their top choice place for the era/generation they belong.

Considering that the real consoles really didn't gain ground until Nintendo made the home consoles which ment prior to that .. the Atari and other home consoles weren't really all that popular yet, and a vast amount of arcade places were still huge even after the console launch.

Still considering where I grew up (a farm) which was 100 miles + away from any urban center, and being basically the ONLY one within a 25 mile radius that enjoyed console base video games, I really didn't have anyone to share the experience with. Plenty of hours..... in fact thousands of hours spent playing games among the countless hours involved in farm labour of which was heavily physical. (I am rather physically fit and imo don't really fit the physical description of the stereotyped video game nerd nor intellectual geek... I likely don't fit any category that exists at all well).

While I love the first official Super Mario bros on the nes, I thrived on one of the most difficult games on the nes that deserves more attention than it gets. Metroid was a favorite. However there are numerous others, I can usually even today still play Metroid (though taking years to manage to beat it is a thing of the past, with my current ability to beat it in a matter of an hour give or take depending on which order I decide to do things or if I decide to skip items entirely)... I should also mention that "The Guardian Legend" is a rare diamond amongst all the NES games out there... it deserves way more attention.

Now above paragraph is going to mostly set the tune for what is actually one of my favorites that will remain regardless of era, a top choice. Getting access to a super Nintendo not more than a year prior to the n64 launch (the n64 being something I never owned or had the chance to play much on at all), I was introduced to Super Metroid, this is just a phenomenal game with incredible replay value.

Sure donkey kong Country was always enjoyable, so was tons of other games, including Mario kart and the super Mario worlds, but contra and tetris attack (the latter of which is again a game I excel at), are hard to pick and choose over either. Secret of Mana and Breath of Fire are utterly fantastic too....

PS1 and Xbox and Future generations of console games have had some good and bad. Sadly with the current development of games and their paths, a lot of the attention has moved away from gameplay, which basically due to the lack of any significant graphics capabilities in older consoles meaning that if it didn't look pretty, you HAD to have amazing gameplay and replay value, in fact even if you had impressive graphics for the time, unless the game was actually a decent thing to play specially over and over... it would be a dead product.

With indie game explosions and triple A titles failing to deliver proper complete games, it's really hard to point out anything within the last 10 years that deserves credit and attention. Having played a bit of numerous games, a look back and I can say that I've wasted a pile of cash sadly.

While the Mass Effect trilogy was an enjoyable game to play, there are numerous issues that dock it value... still it would be something i'd recommend someone play...
Borderlands, the first 1 is dry but is a good start to getting things going, borderlands 2 however with the co-op system is phenominal.

Something I should also mention is the lack of Co-op style games and how consoles and pc games alienated a 2 or more player game styles without being forced to get into a cookie cutter multiplayer limited non story board style gameplay system (fps and capture the flag or whatever), granted those are good to an extent, there used to be a plethora of games in which a 2nd player or sometimes more players could play through the entire storyline of the game together, and with every player added, added increased difficult (optional in many cases) which made the game not nearly as simple as modern games today that seem to slap co-op on like a sticker and neglect the fact that 2 player playing together was basically the "We win" button being pressed.

Tons of the highest rated games available in the last 10 years I've actually considered rather poor. I cannot pick a favorite though. Every game that is worth mentioning has specific characteristics that make it valuable in on itself. But portal, and borderlands and deadpool are probably the most recent games that I think are great.
I wasn't able to be present most of the event so don't get to worked up..

while I think a large quantity of the event participants may likely have been those of a younger age not burdened with work. There are quite a few that missed it still.

There are bound to be plenty more in the future.
mlp fim has a nearly unlimited number of plots they could work on, the show can evolve and improve further, addressing other intellectually interesting subjects that haven't been touched, we're dealing with a universe that has a huge potential for more backstory, more future endeavours and countless other things. The only reason the show would lose quality or run into repeating the same subjects and not moving forward is if the creative team fall short or if Hasbro restricts the content (which doesn't appear to be the case specifically)

IT's only renewed for a 5th season "currently"... I hope it continues....
it's not stupid..... why can't people understand this simplicity of the situation.

This is completely Voluntarily Developed, hosted, ran, designed, the works. There is no one getting paid for anything, everyone has a day job meaning that when they finish their day job, they come home, and spend countless hours working on this and trying to keep it running. There ISN'T a massive technical support department, or a department of any kind really that is on standby 24/7.

You aren't paying for a product, the game is NOT even in a "beta" state at all. Consider yourself lucky to have even had a chance to see video/screenshots of the game which is still potentially years from being completed provided nothing goes wrong.

You can't be selfish and demand anything of anyone that is working on this, this includes multiple servers (i'm actually surprised there is more than 1) let alone guaranteed access and a flawless crashfree environment.

How would you like it if several hundred to a thousand people showed up on your doorstep all at once and you had to on a whim, feed, cloth, help, entertain and provide sleeping arrangements for them all for 3 days? How would you feel if, by trying to do all that for them all, a few of them didn't get what they wanted in a short time span or perhaps not at all because you were stretched so thin?

Show a little appreciation for what you've been provided, don't insult their work that you didn't pay a cent/penny/bit for.
likely due to needing to fix a bug/glitch/issue at which point they'll be back up as soon as possible.
try different servers.... one's character that is created is linked to all servers now which means you don't have to worry about recreating one
none of the commands manually typed or using the key designated... or clicking the buttons... at all. for me...

however.. try different servers and try commands after joining... some servers don't seem to be recognizing commands given
from what i can see.. both 32 and 64bit clients show no animation or actions taking place..... can't sit.. wave.... facehoof or anything like that.....

but at least 64bit you can enter SCC, without crashing.

here's the deal...

The first one is clear as day... linux if you have linux OS...

2nd is MAC OS machines (apple typically)

3rd is for those with windows 32bit .. (windows xp... windows vista 32bit and 7 32bit and 8 or 8.1 32bit), you can determine if you are 32bit if you open control panel and then open SYSTEM.... in the information on the screen it should show SYSTEM TYPE and if it shows 32-Bit Opperating System, then you are running 32bit, if it says 64bit, you're running 64bit.

4th is a torrent file for the 32bit version.... do no get this unless you want to attempt to download using a torrent client.

5th is 64bit version... again like the 32bit explanation check your version....

As an aside, 32bit can ONLY run 32bit.... however 64bit can run BOTH 32bit as well as 64bit without issues.
sorry can't help you with linux.... typically most linux programs need to be compiled for your specific version of linux before being able to run it.
been downloading since it was put up..... overall i think it's going to take me about an hour and a half or better to get the file

the 64bit client by itself is 443mb prior to extracting...
Quote from: iSharingan on 2014 Aug 08, 00:41:58
Quote from: Blue Shield on 2014 Aug 08, 00:38:36

WHERE is the 32 bit version?????  >A<

iirc there was a bug in the 32 bit version last time that would repeatedly crash the game if you entered SCC. You'd either have to delete that pony or load your character in the 64 bit version to get back out.

actually you got that mixed up... it was the 64bit version that had the bug...
we comparing internet connections?

For anyone that might care, most everything I see online is still 2 channel stereo flac/mp3/etc and so forth, which by all means is entirely fine. But anyone that has an appreciation for Multi-Channel audio, specially when it comes to a properly mixed/mastered version in 5.1 or better surround, it's considerably better experience. I really wish more music artists would touch on surround. Since the introduction of mono ~> Hi-Fi Stereo, there was a brief period in which Quadrophonic audio was being utilised as well. Though Disney was the first to really create a surround sound environment way way back in the day, seemed back then most were still comprehending mono setups and were just thrilled enough to have something.

8-Track cassettes (no, not the Cassette many people are still familiar with, the BIG huge ones) were the first multi track tape that allowed car manufacturers and home audiophiles their first experience of quadrophonic audio, using 4 tracks to create 4 separate channels of audio. And then by the mid 80's or later it mostly fell into obscurity. The other fact is that some of these systems could "enhance" FM Stereo or other stereo 8-tracks into a quadrophonic experience, it actually sounded pretty good.

Since then it's been dull stereo experience for the last 3 decades, even with the last 15 years having full access to proper 5.1 Audio mixing software and capabilities. You'd think with the ever increasing file sizes/bitrates to accommodate high quality surround that more people would enjoy working with it. In fact i'm rather surprised many artists haven't jumped head first into it simply due to what they could really create for amazing audio effects.

But instead, i'm finding more and more artists that really don't even take full advantage of stereo. Majority aren't innovative or even creative anymore, just dumping tracks and such.

Granted i'm not overly enthusiastic about the mlp eg surround that was implemented for the music, it seemed a touch bit tacked on... a few effects and various sounds emanate from the rear channels, but otherwise it's a touch better than straight up stereo IMO.

I only ripped, cleaned, encoded 4 songs out of the movie. (the only source to get 5.1, everything else, soundtracks and such are all stereo only). I have nearly Lossless 1280kbps 5.1 AAC versions of these songs too, but I didn't upload them, unless there is demand.

Here are AC-3 (Dolby Digital 5.1) 640kbps Bitstream Compliant to any supported DD5.1 Decoder or computer that can already decode DD5.1. (every DVD/Bluray player on the planet can decode/read this format too).

I've used Arcsoft DTS-HD Master Decoder to decode the Master DTS audio properly (I did not extract the core dts-hd) which gives about the best source material you can hope for (lossless). And then using ffmpeg/libav AC-3 encoder (which currently is the best AC-3 encoder out there for quality) encoded the following. Granted there is more involved between.

Either way, TL;DR or lets just have at it.


MAKE CERTAIN TO DOWNLOAD the file, DO NOT LISTEN as the media player on the mediafire website doesn't decode the AC-3 track properly, missing several elements and will not be 5.1.
Off-Topic Archive / Re: Your Stupid Habits
2014 Feb 14, 17:18:07
i have a habit of eating either to much or to often.....
Video Games Archive / Re: League of Legends
2014 Feb 04, 19:19:35
i'm willing to give this game another chance but imo the community has always been terrible when i've tried.

Granted i've maybe 20 hours logged, all of them have been against bots.. and maybe a few against bots with other players....

I've 2 accounts, one for EU West and North America..... both of which are lvl 5 minimum.

anyone care to add me for a game run through just ask...
i was actually involved in mostly a one man show of compiling a quake pack, with all expansions and maps, combining various packages created by others into a single WORKING and already setup package for quake.

I even did a MASSIVE chunk of the textures myself...

I kept frequent builds and backups of the progress. Used Darkplaces engine for it. Had a good number of the new sounds implemented... and they weren't just copies from newer games, they kept the unique style/effect that make quake, quake, just not limited to a really poor raw 8bit mono sound with little to no depth.

Somehow over the years i managed to lose it, i poured literally hundreds of hours into the project.

I played a handful of Doom multiplayer... but the real fun really began with quake. Even playing co-op is a riot still provided you set the difficulty lever to max.... getting slaughtered repeatedly it quite hilarious.
I tried to keep the main thread post relatively concise.... i can elaborate.... but that'd be pages.

My first multiplayer experience came with Quake, and boy was it a riot. Granted on the dialup 9600bps connection, it was basically a free kill from me... .but boy when things settled, sometimes it's all about the BASIC mechanics of that game that required serious skill and precision the made the old games among the BEST games even today... I swear if they took Quake 1, and completely upgraded the graphics and visuals, a little better netcode to prevent lag and improve efficiency, while keeping the mechanics of the game and it's gameplay, it would be phenominal.

But overall, in a fps or shoot em up style game, i don't dwell on close quarters combat, only very specific games will i get into that kind of setup. Otherwise i tend to favor my sniper rifle, and find sweet spots. Sadly with all the haters of "camping" out there, more modern games implemented camp prevention systems, it's rather sad. "CAMPER!!!".... or worse, getting called a cheater for picking people off without using the scope. "no scope" i beleive they call it, and i can't tell if it's insult or compliment. I've been booted from Counter Strike Source games repeatedly for managing to out fire a machine gun prior to them coding the dual elites to have a delayed fire, even those that tried to code a script to fire them rapidly couldn't touch me.

But i'm not an avid FPSer, like i said.. do it for fun, and playing against entirely ULTRA random people that i have no hope of holding a conversation with ever anywhere, simply doesn't interest me, i'd rather play bots on various difficulties.

I like my diablo 3, that's a fun game to roast through in co-op, would love to experience a 2/3/4 co-op run.

Some strategy games, some side scrollers. Risk of Rain is a good example of what looks like it'd be tough yet quite fun to play multiplayer.

I'm sure there are hundreds of games i'd enjoy. But like i've said, playing single player just doesn't do it.

I know borderlands i've a lvl 39 character whom has basically just finished one roll through on the game and started over at the next rung up for difficulty.

My diablo III character is lvl 46, and has also only done ONE run of game and is i think on act 3 of the next difficulty up.

Those 2 games i think are the only games that actually use xp/levels. The rest i think you can view for what games i have in the steam profile. I do have Mass effect, sadly that isn't co-op (but boy that would be great if it was).
I figured i'd post this here... why not, gotta give a newbie registrant something to do beyond poking at the devs/moderators.

I'll give you a bit of a boring breakdown of things. First off, I've played video games long enough single player for so long, i'm just sick of it. I grew up without anyone to play with, firstly with the initial consoles that arrived, the fact that I lived on a farm which made even a few friend I did have totally unavailable. And when internet became a thing, being restricted to ultra low speed dialup that was so unreliable, that even attempting to play a multiplayer game over it was rather pointless. Wasn't until 2003 that I got my first taste of online capabilities for games. So playing single player really doesn't interest me, at all, one bit. Additionally I honestly don't know anyone in person that plays any of the games. "Where are all your school buddies or whatnot.... people you've met along the way", sadly, I would be considered to be "that one dude" out of an entire school that was into the technology and electronics and stuff, "the weird nerdy/geeky" one. In fact it was at such a level that makes a b rated movie about such a case look rather mild, in terms of an entire school being all about sports and physical activities... I was basically the only one who that played pc games and NES/SNES (at the time). So you can kinda figure out where i'm coming from... oh the country rural life of a technofreak. (I was born 10-20 years too soon perhaps)

I'm already aware of the steam id thread, in fact posted my info there already. But a good of people that add "friends" to a steam list I find rarely ever seem to communicate or rather even play any games together. I know I've got an extremely short list of friends, and it's been well over a year since I managed to work getting in a game.

I find that a large chunk of people WHIP through a game as fast as they can and total disregard for either the other player or looking around, rush ahead and leave the others behind. Like they're just playing single player, and the others are just there to watch it all happen and get tugged around. This however isn't my play style, so I can completely comprehend the issues of those that I may view as impatient as them viewing me as slow. (then again I rarely die vs them getting slaughtered repeatedly .... experience has shown me that.... Sometimes a good offense is the best defense, but if you're dying that much, it's not a good offense....).

I'm searcher, I like to cover everything before moving on, make sure I've collected everything I can and i'm extremely patient. I prefer to work together, provide cover fire in the event of a fps or shoot em up game. I'm also one that prefers let another take the lead and i'll follow so long as you don't just CHARGE full on into an ambush or outright clear suicide.

I'm there to have fun, not to win, sometimes messing up badly and falling to ones death or getting caught up in some unexpected circumstances are among the most interesting and fun things to do. While others tend to get mad and frustrated, I usually enjoy it unless it's a clear and obvious game bug that's occurring.

I like to grind a bit on things, i'll replay zones I've already been for no other purpose than to have fun doing it, no mission or objective to complete.

Most of this is all reference to playing borderlands 2 (I've got one which I haven't finished yet unfortunately as well), but my typical play style mostly goes throughout the various genres.

Strategy games for example is heavy defense and build, the few games I've played with others (rarely have), I've always been the resource/bank and defender of my allies, where my allies usually take point and build their armies while I keep their areas safe.

I'm also one that doesn't mind at all creating a new character to play with someone else. I even save that character for later in the event they wish to play, just so that I don't out level them or what have you.

So i'm not sure how many people out there might have a similar play style or at least a use/respect for this kind. But i'm always looking for someone to have a game with. All my gaming is PC, so unfortunately can't "hang out" with anyone on a console. And i'm not exactly swimming in games either... but I've always got an eye out for a game to try.

Anywho.. enough of the boring stuff.

If you happen to be interested in a game, and I happen to have it.... i'm usually able to play during weekends and evenings CST ( 6pm to 1am GMT -6 no DST)