Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek Anniversary

Started by Optic Rainfall, 2018 Sep 29, 02:07:59

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Optic Rainfall

2018 Sep 29, 02:07:59 Last Edit: 2025 Feb 07, 04:21:16 by Optic Rainfall
Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek™, developed by DeceptiveCadance a.k.a Fancy Frosting, is proud to celebrate it's first Anniversary for its successful long running weekly event, by bringing along many friends old and new to play this exciting game. From this point on, we are continuing to make Hide and Seek a more interesting event, creating new game modes, giving credit to those who have participated, making new memories, etc. Everyone's invited to play, so join in and bring your friends along!

This thread has extended information, now featuring specific gameplay and rules explanations and game modes! Want to check out the old thread? Go right here: https://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=17220.0

Upcoming event Information
Follow this thread carefully since it'll be updated every week to see when and where I'll be hosting next.

The next Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek session:

Date: February 8th, 2025
Time: Saturday @ 5:00 PM EST / 10:00 PM UTC (*)
Server: Amareicas
Location: Ponydale
Starting Area: Outside Sugarcane Corner
Game Mode: Bounty
Host: Optic Rainfall
Co-host: Wind Spray


  • There is only one seeker for each round and the rest are hiders. The number of seekers will vary due to the number of players. For 18-29 players there will be 2 seekers, and for 30+ players there will be 3.
  • For each round, everyone starts off by rolling a 20-sided dice. Type in the following command: !roll 1d20 to roll. Whoever gets the highest roll will become the seeker for the round.
  • While everyone is at the starting area, the host will commence a countdown in around 30 seconds after the seeker has been chosen for the round to begin.
  • Once the round starts, all hiders will have 2 minutes to find their hiding spots, while the seeker remains at the starting area.
  • When 2 minutes are up, all hiders must not move anywhere else and they must be sitting/laying/sleeping in their hiding spot so that the seekers can confirm that you're playing the game.
  • The seeker will then have 10 minutes to find all the hiders until time runs out.
  • When a seeker has spotted one of the hiders, they must call out the player's name and they too shall become a seeker.
  • When 3 minutes are remaining, every hider must give a useful hint to the seekers on their whereabouts. Don't make it too obvious.
  • The round will be over after 10 minutes are up or when every hider has been found, and everyone will head back to the starting area to begin a new round.
  • After finishing the first 3 rounds, we'll vote for a different game mode. At random there will only be 3 to choose from and we must vote for one (There's also a possible vote where we can stay in the game mode that's currently been played), and they can't be the ones that have been played on last week's Hide and Seek. We'll then vote to change locations or stay on the map we're currently playing.
  • After playing 6 rounds of Hide and Seek, I'll pick an area for where we can all take a group screenshot to finish off for the week.

Note: When the server is suddenly counting down to restart, change servers quickly. Don't go anywhere! The timer will pause until everyone is back in the game, then we can all continue playing the round.


  • No flying or teleporting.
  • No double jumping, diving, charge jumping or dashing as Earth Ponies.
  • All hiding spots must be accessible without the use of unique abilities regarding of different races.
  • No using Jumping Boots, Climbing Boots or Ice Skates in-game.
  • No going into instances interiors, like the portals that shows a loading screen when entering and sends you into a seperate room. These include: Carousel Boutique, Canterlot Academy, Sugarcane Corner, The Mines, Evershade Forest, etc.
  • No changing servers.
  • No performing any glitches.
  • No using the cinematic camera command.
  • No tagging ponies (Clicking your cursor on the players).
  • No backwards bunny hopping, but regular bunny hopping is allowed.
  • There are hiding boundaries on some maps that you must stay within, and you are not allowed to have your hiding spots anywhere outside the boundary lines where it is out-of-bounds. For the maps that don't have out-of-bounds areas, you are free to hide anywhere. See below of where the boundary lines are for these locations:

Spoiler: Cantermore Town/Castle, Crystal Kingdom and Cloudopolis Town Boundaries • show

Game modes:

A standard game where the gameplay and all the rules above are applied.

Earth Pony:
An Earth Pony only game where abilities such as double jumping, diving, charge jumping and dashing are allowed.

A Pegasus only game where flying is enabled, so make sure you have one. The first three rounds will take place in Cloudopolis.
All hiders must be sitting/laying/sleeping in their hiding spot, still. You are not allowed to fly while hiding.

A Unicorn only game where teleportation is enabled, so make sure you have one. The first three rounds will take place in The Crystal Kingdom.

Snuggle Pile:
There is only one hider for each round, no matter how many players there are, and the rest are seekers.
The objective is for the seeker to find the spot of where the hider is and they must sit/lay/sleep in that exact spot, and not near it. The hider won't become a seeker when found and they shouldn't move anywhere for the whole 10 minutes.

Flying, Teleporting, and all Earth Pony abilities like dashing, double jumping, etc. are allowed as well as equipping jumping boots or climbing boots. It wouldn't matter what pony race you bring.

Each round can vary from how the game is played, by rolling the dice 2 times to change the rules and gameplay. Specifically the following:

1 - Enable Flying
2 - Enable Teleporting
3 - Enable Earth Pony Abilities
4 - Add 30 seconds of hiding
5 - Subtract 30 seconds of hiding
6 - Add 1 minute of seeking
7 - Subtract 1 minute of seeking
8 - No hints
9 - Hints at 5 minutes remaining
10 - Snuggle Pile

If you rolled the same number in the next one/two rounds in the same location, add 1 to the roll.

As you know, at the start of each round the player with the highest roll will become a seeker. Now in this mode, those who have very low rolls will receive bounties. When a seeker finds a hider with a bounty on them all seekers will be awarded with something in each round. The number the hiders have rolled determines what bounties they have, other than rolling a 9 or higher. The following are:

8 - 30 seconds added for seeking
7 - The Host becomes a Seeker
6 - Instant hints
5 - 60 seconds added for seeking
4 - Enable Teleporting
3 - Enable Flying
2 - 90 seconds added for seeking
1 - Enable Earth Pony Abilities

Note that, if two or more players tied for seeker their next roll won't be counted for a bounty.

It's just like normal mode but on each two locations the game goes for 42 minutes! The game starts off with 2 minutes of hiding and 40 minutes will continue on afterwards when the first seeking time starts. All hiders must give out a hint 5 minutes after every seeking time starts, and another hint 5 minutes after. If everyone has been found, the last one hiding will become the seeker and everyone around the map will become hiders again. The seeker must stay in the spot where he/she was hiding and the game continues giving 1 minute for everyone to quickly hide in their spots (so don't go back to the starting area). Once 40 minutes are up or if every hider has been found under 5 minutes remaining, we come back to the starting area and choose a new location.

Instead of hiding in a spot for the rest of the round, hiders are now free to go wherever they want anytime during seeking time. This is the only mode that is compatible for White Tail Park.
At the start of the round, hiders will only have 1 minute to spread out around the map, but they won't have to sit/lay down/sleep in a spot once time is up, however, it is optional. Two seekers will be picked at each round. They need to tag the hiders by throwing a pillow at them so that they will become seekers. Just remember who's seeking with you since the hiders will be running around the place as well, or wear something on your head whenever you're a seeker.

Everyone will be given 3 types of fireworks on this mode, which are normal fireworks, firework rises and firework trails. While you are hiding you will need to release 1 normal firework/firework rise each on the 7th, 5th, 3rd and 2nd minute, then on the last minute launch a firework trail. These fireworks are meant to give away your location depending on whether the seeker is close by or where you're hiding, and because of that no hints will be given to the seekers during each round.

Much like Wild Mode but instead there's only 1 one hider and everyone else are seekers. The hider will have to wear a ghost costume before the round can begin, and when it starts, they'll only have 1 minute to go anywhere on the map, and during seeking time they are still allowed to run around, avoiding the seekers as much as possible. Every 2 minutes starting at 9 minutes remaining of seeking time, the hider will need to release a candy shower over them, which would give the seekers a clue to where you were last. For the seekers, they will need to find and tag the hider with a pillow, and if successful, they can come back to the starting area but the hider will still be running around the map avoiding the other seekers who haven't tagged them yet.

Combined Modes:
In progress...

We will be posting screenshots down below every week along with everyone's names who has played with us in our Hide and Seek event. We'd appreciate everypony's comments and suggestions and hope that Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek™ may enhance your Legends of Equestria experience.

Cogsworth Wingthrop

Wow, has it been a year already! What an i doing with my life, I mean that is great.

Seriously, I have had a lot of fun with this and meeting new people. I am glad that others have enjoyed it.
Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more. Nikola Tesla

My other alt. Knight Ranger, aspiring Lunar Guard  Bat Pony

Optic Rainfall

A very special thanks to those who participated this week!

Apprentice Woven
Cinos Akihiro
Cogsworth Wingthrop
Crystal Bay
Fruity Fruit
Jet Burn
Lemon Cloud
Marshmallow Cactus
Night Blitz
Quiet Day
Shadowy Melody
Snowflake Wings
Wind Spray
Winter Cactus

Spoiler: Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek Screenshots - September 29th, 2018 • show

Optic Rainfall

Participants of the week:

Cherry Blossom
Cogsworth Wingthrop
Cotton Wave
Frosty Heights
Grape Bloom
Jet Burn
Marshmallow Cactus
Melody Sweetheart
Pink Horse
Quiet Day
Snowflake Wings
Snowy Skies
Wind Spray

Spoiler: Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek Screenshots - October 6th 2018 • show

Optic Rainfall

Our participants from this week:

Amethyst Feather
Cogsworth Wingthrop
Cotton Wave
Countress Coloratura
Gray Haze
Ice Vindo
Lemon Cloud
Luna Eclipsa
Midnight Hush
Pink Horse
Snowflake Wings
Tiz Arrior
Wind Spray

Spoiler: Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek Screenshots - October 13th 2018 • show

Optic Rainfall

These magical participants who played this week:

Ambrosia Panettone
Cotton Wave
Creative Joy
Cupcake Goods
Fleur Crisp
Lemon Burst
Lil Meep
Pawne Check
Pony Jack
Safeguarded Gold
Silent Shadow
Sketching Mist
Solar Light
Sun Bubbles
Sweet Sky
Wingless Flier

Spoiler: Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek Screenshots - October 20th 2018 • show

Optic Rainfall

Big thanks to our participants who've played this week:

Apprentice Woven
Cogsworth Wingthrop
Cotton Wave
Hat Mare
Jet Star
Lemon Cloud
Snowflake Wings
Spoopy Marshmallow
Wind Spray

Spoiler: Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek Screenshots - November 3rd 2018 • show

Optic Rainfall

21 participants who've joined the Snuggle Pile:

Cogsworth Wingthrop
Cotton Wave
Female Woven
Flight Fire
Flutter Shys
Hat Mare
Ivory Nightfall
Jet Star
Lemon Cloud
Lens Flare
Melody Sweetheart
Nurse Fruit
Pink Horse
SG INTEL Coreanna
Snowflake Wings
Starry Heart
Wind Spray

Spoiler: Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek Screenshots - November 10th 2018 • show

Optic Rainfall

The ponies who've participated this week:

Cherry Tune
Fleet Streak
Fruity Fruit
Lemon Cloud
Lil Ellowee
Sdrow Land
Show Star
Spring Strudel
Sweet Wing
Twilight Sparkles
Wind Spray
Yew Geneolgia

Spoiler: Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek Screenshots - November 17th 2018 • show

Optic Rainfall

The Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek participants of World Wide LOE Day:

Cogsworth Wingthrop
Cotton Wave
Marshmallow Cactus
Metal Wing
Nurse Fruit
Princess Luna
Snowflake Wings
Spring Strudel
Starry Heart
Wind Spray

Spoiler: Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek Screenshots - November 24th 2018 • show

Optic Rainfall

These participants who showed up for Jumble Mode:

Acrobatic Feather
Cherry Cat
Cotton Wave
Fruity Fruit
Marshmallow Cactus
Midnight Star
Pilgrim Road
Pink Horse
Rosie Sunshine
Snowflake Wings
Snow Angel
Spring Strudel
Wind Spray

Spoiler: Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek Screenshots - December 1st 2018 • show

Optic Rainfall

To these lovely participants, thank you for showing up:

Baked Goods
Flying Meep
Fruity Fruit
Fuzzy Streak
Invisible Gust
Knight Ranger
Lemon Cloud
Snowflake Wings
Spring Strudel
Sweet Wing
Wind Spray
Wizard Bee Bun Jr

Spoiler: Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek Screenshots - December 8th 2018 • show

Optic Rainfall

9 participants, the shortest number thus far:

Azure Stain
Cogsworth Wingthrop
Cotton Wave
Jet Star
Lemon burst
Nurse Fruit
Pacific Shores
Snowflake Wings
Sun Bubbles

Spoiler: Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek Screenshots - December 22nd 2018 • show


To be fair, there was a party starting, and quite a number of players were concentrated there. That is why Jet Star kinda vanished three rounds in.

Optic Rainfall

Happy Holidays to all these participants:

Apprentice Woven
Blue Diamond
Cogsworth Wingthrop
Cotton Wave
Crystal Bay
Discorded Supercell
Lemon Burst
Len Flare
Midnight Star
Scatty Clockwork
Snowflake Wings
Spring Strudel
Starry Heart
Wind Spray

Spoiler: Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek Screenshots - December 29th 2018 • show

Wind Spray

2018 Dec 29, 21:26:05 #15 Last Edit: 2018 Dec 29, 21:42:32 by Wind Spray
This is long overdue but better late than never... huge thanks to everyone who participated in December 15th Hide and Seek:

Apples Jack
Jet Black
Lemon Cloud
Midnight Star
Snowflake Wings
Spring Struddle
Wingless Flier


Optic Rainfall

The first participants of Hide and Seek in 2019:

Aurora Skies
Cogsworth Wingthrop
Cotton Wave
Fairy Feathers
Gray Haze
Ivory Nightfall
Izuku Midoriya
Lemon Cloud
Safeguarded Gold
Snowflake Wings
Starry Heart
Wind Spray
Wingless Flier
Wizard Bee Bun Jr
Yin Yang

Spoiler: Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek Screenshots - January 5th 2019 • show

Optic Rainfall

A shout out to all the participants who came this week:

Aurora Skies
Cotton Wave
Crystal Bay
Invisible Gust
Izuku Midoriya
Lemon Cloud
Luna Eclipsa
Pink Horse
Safeguarded Gold
Snowflake Wings
Starry Heart
Wind Spray
Wingless Flier

Spoiler: Sweet and Elite Hide and Seek Screenshots - January 12th 2019 • show

Wind Spray

These awesome ponies who showed up last Saturday:

Bubblegum Slash
Cogsworth Wingthrop
Lemon Cloud
Pink Horse
Safeguarded Gold
Sky Storm
Snowflake Wings
Snowy Skies
Sole Eclipsa
Sweet Wing
Wingless Flier


Wind Spray

Our thanks to these participants:

Gray Haze
Lemon Cloud
Pink Horse
Safeguarded Gold
Sky Storm
Snowflake Wings


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