Chat vanished

Started by n.W.o Rorschach, 2014 Nov 23, 16:16:38

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Quote from: wingedpineapple on 2014 Nov 24, 22:01:20
Quote from: Perry The Pony on 2014 Nov 24, 21:52:35
There is no need for a poll.  A poll does not properly convey the opinions of others.  I want to hear just and informed opinions of the community before a final decision is made.

Ok then, I guess I can just wait for the decision :v

Once that decision will be made I will be already far away, Ryo you were wrong that people will return, and I will proof you wrong.

It has been a good times here spending with friends and finding new ones, but 99% of the times there is always and ending to a good things and loss of friendships.

Delete my account, if you don't know how to find a way how to, because I'm not coming back.

Perry The Pony

Quote from: blackhawk on 2014 Nov 24, 22:20:39
Quote from: wingedpineapple on 2014 Nov 24, 22:01:20
Quote from: Perry The Pony on 2014 Nov 24, 21:52:35
There is no need for a poll.  A poll does not properly convey the opinions of others.  I want to hear just and informed opinions of the community before a final decision is made.

Ok then, I guess I can just wait for the decision :v

Once that decision will be made I will be already far away, Ryo you were wrong that people will return, and I will proof you wrong.

It has been a good times here spending with friends and finding new ones, but 99% of the times there is always and ending to a good things and loss of friendships.

Delete my account, if you don't know how to find a way how to, because I'm not coming back.

I am sorry you feel that way, we do not delete accounts.
I assure you all a final choice will be made by the end of business tomorrow evening.


Quote from: Perry The Pony on 2014 Nov 24, 22:26:27
Quote from: blackhawk on 2014 Nov 24, 22:20:39
Quote from: wingedpineapple on 2014 Nov 24, 22:01:20
Quote from: Perry The Pony on 2014 Nov 24, 21:52:35
There is no need for a poll.  A poll does not properly convey the opinions of others.  I want to hear just and informed opinions of the community before a final decision is made.

Ok then, I guess I can just wait for the decision :v

Once that decision will be made I will be already far away, Ryo you were wrong that people will return, and I will proof you wrong.

It has been a good times here spending with friends and finding new ones, but 99% of the times there is always and ending to a good things and loss of friendships.

Delete my account, if you don't know how to find a way how to, because I'm not coming back.

I am sorry you feel that way, we do not delete accounts.
I assure you all a final choice will be made by the end of business tomorrow evening.

I appreciate your concerns, but that wont get me back here, I wish you best luck to flow as the river goes further, I hope that you will succeed your project and launch it up, but it will have to go without me.


No chatbox is very disappointing. Its the only thing that kept me here. Without it this place is just another boring forum place I'll never visit. Very disappointing for a guy like me who almost never posts anything in forums. I find forums so outdated and boring.
I made some nice friends because of the chatbox too. Something that will never happen in a form thread for me.

I hope to see/hear that the chatbox will return at some point. I would hate to see this forum fallow the path of a different one that also took out its instant chat function.

Guess It's back to just looking at the main site for news updates. :-3<br />[url=

Perry The Pony

The chatbox is back for now.


This would explain why I logged in and saw the homepage start out with the chatbox. It was a great surprise.
From the depths of the Technological Economical and Political worlds I burst forth.


To be honest I think that the chat is not that essential to the forum as some make it to be, it's true that a few months back i used to be more in the chatpod that in the treads but now I barely use it and I'm still as active as before in the forum, I use to frequent another SMF and in the 3 years that i have been on there they never put the chatbox and it never changed the amount of users, but what happens here is that ppl got used to the chatpod here and now most see it essential.

My thoughts...

-As many ppl said in the chatbox is easier to meet New people randomly without having to bombard them with PM's
-It keeps the forum from flooding with the usual "when is the game gonna come out!!??"
-Real-time chatting is a pro on itself since you don't have to wait until a post reply to keep chatting and if that were made on a thread it will flood real fast.

-27/7 Moderating, this is time and human resources consuming at the same time, having to watch over the chatbox to avoid rule-breaking behavior is stressful and time-consuming, since the ppl behind this project are volunteers they have their own lives too and I seriously doubt that they want to spend all their time watching over the chat box.
-is usually attacked by spammers and trolls, some ppl that come to break the rules just for the fun of it, they come to harass other chatbox users, ask ages, email address, etc.
-having to watch over dangerous links to other pages, vids, imgs, songs, etc that can easily be removed on a thread.

But at the end that's just my opinion same as many others that may share or negate my point of view. But there's something I'm sure of, removing the chat will not mean the end of the forum activity, just of some of their members.


Got told by a friend that the chatbox is back, and I replied him honestly, that wont change my mind.

Only miracle can change my mind, but I doubt that it will happen.

Perry The Pony

The chatbox is only back temp.

If I am informed by any team member that the behavior of the chatbox is nothing less then excellent then it will be removed.


Well, lost another friend. Good going.  :l

Racquel SilverSpirit

Quote from: Invultrois on 2014 Nov 25, 08:56:44
Well, lost another friend. Good going.  :l

IF only there was a way to help and give every pony what they want
"A Proud Member Of The (EqU) Pony Rp Community"
"Your Only Limit Is The Limit One Places On Themselves"


Ok guys Listen up because serious Ryo moment

The chatbox is back on the front page for now

However do still voice your opinons on the matter, because all the info we can gather helps

So Good things, Bad things, experiances, Unbiasd reviews

What can be done to inprove, what should be left alone you get the gist


Just a quick update for everyone.
We moderators have had a discussion about this issue, and that the consensus is that while we continue to consider possible updates to the way the chatbox works, however, unless general behavior on the chatbox improves it will be removed permanently.


Quote from: Racquel SilverSpirit on 2014 Nov 25, 09:10:01
Quote from: Invultrois on 2014 Nov 25, 08:56:44
Well, lost another friend. Good going.  :l

IF only there was a way to help and give every pony what they want
Burnout is a sad thing, no?
Founding Member of Zero Fox Mercenary Corps
In-Game Name:  Wheel Trouble


It seems chat is becoming a bit more edgy then usual (at least the usual I'm used to). Even if chat gets approved to stay, the kind of behavior on chat would need to simmer down a bit for the staff not to take it off for a different reason.
From the depths of the Technological Economical and Political worlds I burst forth.


As Remedy stated above the chatbox's remaining on the forums is subject to the behavior of the users on it.


Code Select
however, unless general behavior on the chatbox improves it will be removed permanently.

I wasn't aware that it had been bad o.O As far as I know,  people have behaved

My OCs
Book Keeper - Sketch Art - Star Diver


The behavior problem I've detect is limited to just one or two individuals and has only popped up after the chatbox was added again. Now that I think about it, part of the reason the disappearance of the chatbox was such a problem for me was because it was sudden. It would be the same if you started an open server weekend and didn't tell anyone and people missed it. It was a shock and because it was a shock people didn't take it as well as they would have done if you had given advanced warning. Of course, I still don't want to have the chatbox go away, but atleast I'm a bit more calm about it now that I have a warning as to it's next disappearance.
From the depths of the Technological Economical and Political worlds I burst forth.

5th Shadow

Just a little addition to the numerous opinions and voices in wake of the recent knowledge that the chatbox could very likely be shut down.
When I began making friends in LoE, I eventually discovered the chatbox. I thought it was a very nice addition; a place where people could go to make new riends and discuss whatever they wanted (within reason of course). I could go there to talk with friends, and I know a certain someone who I know would more or less visit often to talk and socialize. I've witnessed some interesting topics, I've witnessed periods of dreadful inactivity. But when it's full it sparks with life. I've seen a large group of friends forged from the chatbox up, for which I was briefely a part of; People who could very well not be together if it weren't for the chatbox. However, I know it's dificult to do even the smallest of things on this site. A game, of such quality that is completely free and funded either out of pocket, by donations, or both, cannot be easy to maintain. Yes, the chatbox requires resources to keep up. time and money. And I know, for I have seen, that there are people who will not obey the rules, who will defy the peace, and must be taken care of, and that doing so requires more time and money I'm sure. I understand you are very hesitant to keep it up, and that it is both expensive and tedious to care for. But I know just how much this chat must mean to some people. Even for me, someone who rarely visits it nowadays, I am saddened to see it go. I can't stop you from removing it, it's the team's decision. I simply wish to be heard, to make any attempt I can to keep that which has done so much, even i it might not seem like it. From what I understand, you may keep it up if behavior in the chat is extremely... well, behaved. However I'm honestly not sure whether or not it can be accomplished. So, whatever you choose, know this above all: this chat means something to some people. So, if you disable it permanently anyway, I understand. Costs are high, and manpower isn't unlimited. But should you choose to keep it, then you will have my thanks, along with the thanks of the chatbox community. Thank you for your time, moderators...
~5th Shadow


I just wish to point out cost/money has nothing to do with the decisions we are making, but thank you for your input!   :D

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