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Topics - NightFlame22


Banner by EmergedDragon7

Do you like to explore Equestria? Do you enjoy taking pictures of interesting scenery? Do you want to do both of these while hanging out with a group of goofy ponies? Then this is the group for you!

~ <3 ~ <3 ~ <3 ~

Welcome to the PAP! This guild is dedicated to capturing the lovely places in Equestria while hanging out with lots of fun ponies! We explore anywhere and everywhere, from the busy city of Cantermore to the furthest reaches of the Evershade forest, and we take lots of screenshots while doing so. Of course, picture taking is more fun with friends, so the more ponies on an expedition, the merrier! Have you found a pretty area to relax in? Or did you discover a super fun place to hang out? Oh! Your friend just did something super silly! Get a picture of it, and we'll feature it right here for everypony to see~


  • All forum rules apply!

  • Just be nice, please. We are here to make good memories, remember!

  • Anyone who does not check in a week before an OSW will be removed for inactivity.

  • While individual pictures are nice, group pictures are much preferred. After all, that's a big part of being in the PAP!

Application Form
Code Select
Preferred name (if different than above):
In-game pony names:
Why would you like to join?:

Spoiler: Members List • show
Glitter (Glittering Glass, Bluebelle, Stella Sprocket)
Thorne Busch (Thorne Busch)
Candle (Candle)
Dee Jay (Dee Jay)
Rush (Rush Tinder, Pineapple Breeze)
Frosty (Frosty Heights)
Cadance (Fancy Frosting)

Here's a list of all our members. If you would like me to change your name, please comment and let me know!

Spoiler: Latest Photos • show
Taken by: Glitter

We were following a guard we had dubbed "Random Guard" when all of a sudden, derp eyes!

The last sunrise of this OSW...

Taken by: LoneZ

Welp I was in the first party when it hit the 150 or 250 limit xD

And hey it's Seth from EQD.

Taken by: Frosty

And then we decided to make a trek to the spa.

...and give a random stallion an uncomfortably large amount of intimate attention.

Here will be the photos from the last OSW~ We will only display two per member, so pick carefully~!