[Tutorial] How to Use Our Bug & Suggestion Report System!

Started by Ellowee, 2017 Sep 07, 21:53:03

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2021 Mar 02, 12:26:54 #200 Last Edit: 2021 Mar 02, 13:44:06 by Moonlight_Scintilla
Quote from: Ellowee on 2017 Sep 07, 21:53:03Step 1) Create an account on http://phabricator.legendsofequestria.com/

*Clicks "Log In" to access registration form*


Google? No thanks. *Clicks "Register New Account"*


Not secure? Alright, I'll just Google* "https phabricator"


Click Login to make an account and...


Well then. Forced to use Google or insecure registration? Please advise.

*DuckDuckGo ;)


Excuse me, I would like the rules fixed, because toilet humor is not inappropriate.


Hello, this is about a bug... I can't enter the game because I keep getting items..error.
How i can fix it?


Quote from: RoseBlack on 2021 Apr 15, 17:20:11Hello, this is about a bug... I can't enter the game because I keep getting items..error.
How i can fix it?
Try This:

Close LoE. Then, press the Windows key + R on your keyboard, and it should open up a small search box.

Paste the following into that search box - %appdata%..\..\LocalLow\LoE\Legends of Equestria - and press enter.

(NOTE: If you're using Linux, you need to look for this folder instead - ~/.config/unity3d/LoE/Legends of Equestria

And on MacOS, it's this one: ~/Library/Application Support/LoE/Legends of Equestria)

This should open up the hidden LoE folder. Delete everything in there, and then close it.

Now, re-run the LoE program. It'll create new, 'default' files to replace the one you just deleted, which should resolve the issue!
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------


Quote from: Howitzer on 2021 Apr 15, 18:25:08Try This:

Close LoE. Then, press the Windows key + R on your keyboard, and it should open up a small search box.

Paste the following into that search box - %appdata%..\..\LocalLow\LoE\Legends of Equestria - and press enter.

(NOTE: If you're using Linux, you need to look for this folder instead - ~/.config/unity3d/LoE/Legends of Equestria

And on MacOS, it's this one: ~/Library/Application Support/LoE/Legends of Equestria)

This should open up the hidden LoE folder. Delete everything in there, and then close it.

Now, re-run the LoE program. It'll create new, 'default' files to replace the one you just deleted, which should resolve the issue!
Thank You!


http://phabricator.legendsofequestria.com/ NOT WORKED (Can Not Connect to MySQL)

I have problem with questmarker from quest "Straight and Narrow" https://legendsofequestria.fandom.com/wiki/Straight_and_Narrow
The quest marker for "Pumpkin Pie" still remain after completing the quest
"Old Quest Marker Fix" doesn't have the required dialogue with this quest
Game version 2021.03.01


the game freezing the says not responding then keeps logging me out all bye it self that needs to be fixed.


i adjusted the size of the application but no i cant fix it i cant see if im entering my password in correctly plz help ono  


Quote from: ShatteredDragon24 on 2021 Oct 15, 16:02:56i adjusted the size of the application but no i cant fix it i cant see if im entering my password in correctly plz help ono  
Try this:

For your resolution, you'll need to open windows explorer (or you operating system's equivalent) and follow your files down this path:
C:\Users\Name\AppData\LocalLow\LoE\Legends of Equestria

You'll find a file called "VideoSettings"
Open it up in notepad. Under "Resolution", change the height and width to a more appropriate size. Save you changes and restart the game.
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------


Hi there, I'm having trouble logging in. It keeps telling me to update to the latest version but... I already have it?  ono


The e-mail won't come (it is probably rejected as spam by the major e-mail provider), so...

Fire Game told me something like:

Code Select
Iqueststage? <PaperDestruction I have a notice for you

This forum has an "enter letters from the picture" captcha, and it's not Recaptcha, but if Recaptcha is blocked, it says I didn't enter the letters or entered wrong ones.


Everytime I log in, my stamina automatically drains, and I can't fly as a pegasus unless I spam the space bar at the start of spawning into the world; whenever I land, I cannot fly again.


  I want to give some suggestions and report some errors, but, as other users have pointed out, phabricator is unsecured. I'd rather not share my real name, especially across an unsecured connection.

  My suggestions mainly surround navigation:
1. Quest markers are too close to the mini map border so they get hidden behind it.
2. I wish there was a setting to make the arrow point the direction the camera is facing, which would make it easier to navigate as a teleporting unicorn.
2b. Alternatively, have an option to turn the pony to face the same way as the camera, like a certain other MMO has.
3. It would be nice to have a larger square map element, like a certain other MMO has.

  I had a lot of trouble navigating which made it really difficult for me to understand where to go and what to do. I got confused and accidentally skipped part of the game, I think. I was going to suggest that it be made more obvious, but I think fixing the markers and adding a square map would make it obvious enough.

  I have some more suggestions, but they're not as important/realistic as my others:
4. An option for teleportation to color the parts of the screen where you can and can't teleport. Not sure how easy this would be to implement.
5. Show number of players online in Americas and Europonia.
6. A button to switch region server without logging out.
7. Visually different quest markers for different quests.
8. Perhaps some direct overview of the characters progression in the game and a preview of the adult stage in the character creator. Acquiring talent marks seems like an important thing the teacher should tell you about instead of needing to ask about it.

    Generally I was, and still am a bit, confused about what to do, but I'm also not very good at video games.

    I apologize for posting suggestions here, but I saw others do it and get responses, so I thought maybe it's not so strict.


I've completed the Removing Cookies quest on two different ponies now and have not received the headphones on either. The quest fixer by the train station does nothing  :c


Quote from: KiteryCola on 2022 Jun 10, 21:39:42I've completed the Removing Cookies quest on two different ponies now and have not received the headphones on either. The quest fixer by the train station does nothing  :c
Quest mark fixer will have something for that. Go under the 'issue with quest item' category
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------


Quote from: Ellowee on 2017 Sep 07, 21:53:03Step 1) Create an account on http://phabricator.legendsofequestria.com/

site is not secure lol. besides game told me to update itself but i already have newest update. is this a joke?


Hi, I play LoE on iPad and everytime I try entering the Heartland it crashes. I managed to get in but everytime I log it I can't get out the area unless it crashes again.
Please help.


I Can't Connect To Servers When I Login Then Want To Connect To Servers But Get This Error .

Failed To Establish Connection - No Response From Remote Host

What To Do ?!

I New In This Game I Really Want To Play. >A<


2023 Jan 11, 07:59:04 #218 Last Edit: 2023 Jan 11, 08:01:37 by ShootingStar2004
Im at the quest of the party of Hullabaloo at where both it and vogue follows our pony, theres a question mark to show where to go but it just brought me at buildings with nothing else , even looking around or teleporting at the roofs theres nothing to do so I'm a bit confused if it is a bug  :o

(Edit: it didnt let me sign on the site link that's why I post here)


Hi, I tried to log into the game, but it gives me a Password Key to start playing or something, but I do not know what it is and how to enter it

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