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Messages - TheSlowly

Quote from: Glacieraces on 2024 Aug 11, 17:33:33

At this time of year? At this time of day? Localized entirely in this area of Equestria?

... Can I see it?

The update isn't on the play store yet for mobile but it'll be on soon, I'm sure.

We are indeed hoping to get mobile out as early as possible. Usually it only takes a couple of days, so stay tuned!
It was a mere bug that snug itself into one of the server updates between this update and the last, actually. Everything Farming related was always meant, and up until then - always had, a specific amount of time to be awaited for the plant to grow, which is usually specified in the item description. Said issue has been fixed again with the recent update.
Art / Re: ALL the art, ALL the horses
2023 Jun 11, 20:24:28
What a pretty horse and talented artist
Yes, the costumes will be available all the time.