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Topics - blackhawk

Pony Off-Topic Archive / Returning back
2017 Sep 10, 20:24:43
Hello fellow ponies, I have made my return, after sorting all my busy life here in UK, and yes for those who did not know, I have moved from Latvia to UK and on November 26th will be 2 years, I have missed this forum for a very long time, tho I am not promising to be very active here, but I will try to find a time to talk and participate on OSWs.

Biggest thing that I can see is a change in design, I like it, who ever made it, yes you who made it, thumbs up for you!

Best Regards

Original Characters / My OC
2014 Jun 18, 16:02:03
Name: Black Hawk
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Personality: Black Hawk mostly is nice, sweet, kind and sometimes romantic lover, he never leaves anypony left behind, he always is right there and the right place and the right time, B.Hawk comes from Cloudsdale where he was born and started his school time, and of course like everywhere else he was bullied at school like everypony else, his reason to be bullied was his rare disease of abnormal big wing span, but he never was sad neither mad he always smiled.
Likes: Night flights, high speed flight, helping other ponies, pushing himself over limits, ice cream, making all kinds of meals and experimenting while cooking and being careful.
Occupation: Retired from EAF "Equestria Air Force".
Dislikes: Rumors, insults, rude ponies, hot temperature, ponies that judges and talks behind back and sunlight.
Fear: Breaking wings, being abandoned.
Race: Pegasus.
Skin color: Dark Grey
Eye color: Dark Red
Mane/Tail color: Silk White
Property: Two floor house in Canterlot
Skills: Dexterity during high over speed, accuracy.
Long term goal: Helping other ponies
Biography: Black Hawk started his journey a long time ago in Cloudsdale the place where he was born,
but something was different about Hawk, his wings being young born, doctors noticed that
Hawk has rare phenomenon of abnormal big wing span for body size itself, as time passed and
Hawk grew bigger and got older his wing feathers started growing and grew slightly longer
that normal size, for other ponies at the school it was just a thing to bully Hawk having
abnormal size wings, it was going on and on until one day when Hawk felt depression of all
other pegasus bullying him, his grandfather taught him how to fly at young age, so Hawk's
flying skills for young colt was slightly advanced, the day when Hawk's patience exploded
he just shoot up in skies like a bolt vanishing in clouds, that day was a day when all
bully makers was all left with dropped jaws Hawk has made first thunder boom passing
school area heading home.
After that day Hawk was getting more attention in school not being bullied, but having
fans, because he showed and did what was impossible for young aged colt, even teachers
were Hawk's fans, because Hawk was only one so far who shook entire school with loud
thunder boom as he approached sound barrier.
Time passed and Hawk grew more bigger, and he had finally found his dream to be
wonderbolt, at earlier time Hawk's first sound barrier approach had even reached
wonderbolt academy so he was taken into team without any questions, at academy Hawk started
his carrier as just flyer, three weeks later Hawk was promoted as "Side Wing" holding
silver wing medal in all training, until first race where Hawk arrived to finish line 5.3 seconds earlier, since that race Hawk was picked as academy's
best flyer, at that time Hawk earned "Lead Wing" golden medal.
Time passed and Hawk continued his journey in wonderbolts academy until he reached full
grown stallion age and decided to leave academy and work out on personal life, he was
literally living in academy, and as soon as Hawk announced his decision to leave academy,
that was a time, when he earned "Legendary Wonderbolt" status and medal, so as academy
staff worked out and made for Hawk a tattoo, and as all papers was finally ready Hawk head
home with all his 48 golden trophies and 60 golden medals, as memory of academy and his
journey beginning pictures of Hawk and his wonderbolt friends.
Family Status: Single
I would like to know what is causing this disconnection lately, I got used to be disconnected by inactivity, but now this is getting seriously, I was disconnected from my account eight times in 30-35 minutes, can someone help me to get in touch what is doing this, I have went through google chrome settings and checked everything, even re-installed my chrome and it doesn't help....
Please someone help me, I'm not expert with programs, only hardware.