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Messages - Dragonfilms And OCs

Off-Topic Archive / Other fandoms?
2014 Jul 20, 20:41:00
basiclly here you post what other fandoms your in you can also post
-news about the fandom
-games on it
-mods for games for that fandom
-pictures on it
basiclly general stuff
here ill start off:
My other fandom(s) are homestuck otaku and AOT maybe more but to lazy to think!
Music Archive / Re: Post your theme song!
2014 Jul 19, 21:02:39
Starswirl the beared by evening star
hello and welcome your said five people is a lie! Tea?

professional roleplayer OC maker terrible artist decent writer dragonfilms nice to meet ya *sips tea*
Quote from: Weatherboy1 on 2014 Jul 12, 15:49:59
Quote from: ThePonyGuy1998 on 2014 Jul 12, 05:02:33
Well, we just need to wait 28 days. ^-^

My third time playing Legends of Equestria, I feel happy because I was able to make a few changes to enhance gaming performance. :D

Despite having an Intel HD Graphics 3000... :c

Heh, I have a Lenovo laptop and it can barely run Minecraft but it ran this game at a decent 30 FPS. I'm amaze that LoE can run on that thing. But this time, I will have a 1GB Nvidia Geforce Graphics card.

i have a windows computer it runs decently with little lag so i have a good end here xD usually my ping's are 100-130- 90 so it'll run smoothly i think! :D
well time to set the calender  :D
Introductions Archive / hey everypony
2014 Jul 07, 20:11:37
well since ive only been here a few days i think i should just say hello :P
sadly cant goto and cons or conventions cant afford the way there  ono if there near my area maybe... have fun at the cons! can't wait for the server open weekend!  X3
 :l dang it if only the cons would come to my area xD can't wait to check it out! hopefully its as cool as it sounds stay awesome LoE staff and people!  :3