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Messages - Marimase

Hooray! The fun has been :luna: doubled!
                                          :luna: doubled!
Wish i could go to galacon, but it will be so exciting to play LoE again!  :D
It opens every month or two when the programmers add some stuff and they need people to test it. The servers will be open again in a while, you can check the forums every once in a while to see if there will be a new OSW anytime soon.
Video Games Archive / Chrono Trigger
2015 Apr 13, 11:42:12
I'm not the only Chrono Trigger fan here right?
News Archive / Re: Servers Now Closed!
2015 Apr 13, 11:38:03
It was a lot of fun! This OSW was so awesome! :3 There were a couple bugs but they were mostly tolerable. Hopefully i can get Hullabaloo's Headphones next OSW. of all of the OSWs so far this one was my favorite. <3 I love this game and i never thought i could get so much fun out of a pre-alpha game! I'll see y'all next time!
Video Games Archive / Re: Legend of Zelda
2015 Apr 09, 21:46:42
I've played a lot of zelda, (Minish cap was the first), and i have to say that my favorite one is by far Majora's Mask. I like to complete most games, but i never could 100 percent any zelda games without a guide except for majoras mask, which makes it my favorite. My other favorites are minish cap and skyward sword. i was never really a fan of ocarina of time, but i did beat it.
I love it! Ive only played new leaf, but it is a blast! My favorite villagers are felicity and poncho.
I just found out that i can't play this weekend!  D: Oh well. Y'all better have fun!
Introductions Archive / Hi!
2015 Apr 07, 21:10:07
Well, i've been here for a while but i haven't really made a formal introduction yet, so i might as well now! I'm marimase, and i love video games more than anything. I hope to be better acquainted with everyone on the forums. See you guys at the next OSW!
Too bad i won't be able to get to BABScon.  D: at least i can play again soon!
I had a lot of fun! :D This was the best OSW i've experienced! It's also the only one. I had a lot of fun exploring the evershade, and hanging out in sugar cane corner with friends. A lot of people had trouble with the room servers, maybe teleporting to friends could fix the issues. Or being able to create parties, so that A group of friends will all be teleported to a room with room for all of them. Again, I had an amazing experience during my first OSW, and i soo can't wait for the next one!  lol
Quote from: Trappy Tickles on 2015 Feb 21, 13:26:56
can't connect anymore. equus says "room failed to connect" at the pony selection and griffonia doesn't even work at all

EDIT: now equus says there's no room available and doesn't even try

EDIT 2: now equus doesn't reply at all. Why it always change when I post here??

The servers aren't replying for me either.

EDIT: they seem to be back on now!

EDIT 2: They seem to be down again.   

EDIT 3: They seem to be on again! (last time i'm going back and forth.)
This has been a lot of fun, so far!

Post Merge

Quote from: Dark Silvergun on 2015 Feb 20, 13:35:57
Under Server listing it says:

Cutiemarks .. Downloading
Items .. Downloading
Abilities .. Downloading
Skills .. Downloading
Recipes .. Downloading
Item Atlas .. Done

Anyone else getting this?

I got that for a while. The problem was bad internet connection, i'm pretty sure. refreshing my internet fixed it.
you guys are super-extreme-awesomeazing!  :D I can't wait!
Video Games Archive / Minecraft Ponyville
2015 Jan 30, 14:06:18
The other day, i decided to build some pony stuff in minecraft. It was for an adventure map I'm making called My little pixels. I started with Twilight's castle, and now i'm working on the entire of ponyville! I decided to show off the complete castle here on the forums. I might record a tour of ponyville when I finish it, but for now, enjoy these pictures of twilight's castle!

Post Merge

Uh oh it didn't work. anyone know how to add pictures?
EDIT: hey, it worked! thanks!
I had so much fun! :D I got to play for a few hours before i had to go to bed. The crystal empire was my favorite addition, it was so beautiful, and the stadium was plain awesome. One problem that i had was sugar cane corner.  O: It crashed my game every time i went in to buy a cupcake or something. I ended up getting two ponies stuck in there. Just a nitpick though. This OSW amazed me and i can't wait for the next one!
What's with all of the discouraging posts? This game is awesome! you can't expect a pre-alpha game to be perfect, you know.
my game is crashing non stop. :I I'm trying every server.