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Quote from: LostSanity on 2016 May 08, 17:55:07
S6E7 thoughts below:Spoiler: show
In the end apparently the Wonderbolts give everyone slightly mean nicknames because of stuff that happens to them on their first day? I'm a little unsure about what the 'moral' of this episode is supposed to be honestly.
Quote from: Icy Shield on 2016 Apr 02, 08:01:16Spoiler: showWell of course you couldn't hold blizzard forever even if you're alicorn thats why crystal heart artifact was for. But Cadance on her own held a barrier against blizzard (evil shadow blizzard?) that brought king Sombra for full 1 day or more.
I thought writters intentionaly were making royal sister missing or disarmed for sake of moving story plot otherwise it would have been a short episode of royal sisters defeating evil with 1 or 2 powerfull spells. I was waiting for moment where they could shine and save the day (especially for Celestia). Yeaaahhh...Gods they are not. Not even demi-gods if they keep that way.
Quote from: Icy Shield on 2016 Apr 01, 08:40:40Spoiler: showyeah, that is 1 of 3 reasons why this start of S6 I really hate and considering Starlight Glimmer gonna be 7th main character?Oh, god NO....
The other 2 reasons would be: Flurry Heart beaing an alicorns. I have nothing against her, but she complete destroyed headcanon that only natural alicorns are immortal. I thought Celestia and Luna were special, I thought they were naturally born alicorns! Even Luna said was suprised and said they they never seen this happening before... I'm literally destroyed inside... And speaking of royal sisters. Celestia and Luna dissapointed me. Even together they could barealy hold and failed in the end to hold snow storm. Are they really that weak? How did Twilight even beat Tirek in S4 if even combine power of 2 alicorns is not enough to stop blizzard?
Quote from: wingedpineapple on 2016 Mar 27, 10:12:01Spoiler: About EqG show
Just like with the comics they try to not make direct references in the show, the closer you are gonna find is Flash cameo (EqG) and Babs cutiemark ("Foreshadowed" in the Comics)Spoiler: About the Alicorn role show
Celestia says "The birth of an Alicorn is something Equestria has never seen!"
There is an official book that says they both come from an alicorn land and not Equestria.
But then again the writers can not use that, be just inconsistent or let this the last reference we are gonna get of the alicorn lore, I guess we can just wait and see.
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Nov 30, 16:27:31Spoiler: Alternate Timelines showRemember what Nightmare Moon said, though? No pony was allowed to have more powerful magic than her. The reason she was so successful and didn't have a resistance against her is because she stamped out any possibility of anypony rebelling against her by making it to where nopony had enough power to defeat her.Spoiler: Another Thought showWell, in real life, in times of large wars, technology makes huge leaps to meet the needs of the warring sides. Not just technology for tools of combat, but also for medicine and medical procedures, as well as ways of more efficiently producing what the people need.
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Nov 29, 14:09:13Spoiler: showYou know what's neat? Every time Dash was wearing a helmet, I recognized her from her eyes before I saw her tail.