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Topics - Lord of Madness

[ Invalid YouTube link ]

It seems youtube is having problems that if you [Time URL] something it might completely change to another popular video.
Off-Topic Archive / Feel Good Videos
2013 Apr 25, 22:27:01
Videos that just make you feel good ^ -^

The contestant, Christine, is blind, and Gordon lets her know exactly what he thinks of her dish.
Off-Topic Archive / Mind-trick Image Thread
2013 Apr 17, 01:14:31

I feel it appropriate I make this thread.
Off-Topic Archive / Glorious Images
2013 Feb 26, 03:27:53

Behold all the Beautiful images this thread shall hold!
Spoiler: Bob Ross: Happy Little Clouds • show
Spoiler: Symphony of Science: the Quantum World • show
Spoiler: Mr. Rogers: Garden of your Mind • show

If you have any suggestions of things for me to add just message me!  ^-^
Music Archive / Amazing Instrument
2013 Jan 25, 19:39:44
This is a Video of me defeating Christopher Robin.

The video shows examples. Robins DRAMATIC defeat is at 5:40
How to easily Beat him:
1: stand as far behind the base as you can. It gives you better reaction time.
2. think of his invisible balls as sonic balls. the second they go invisible. SWING!
3. stand near the right edge of the plate. it is the best spot for wildly swinging and getting hits.
4. If be throws a ZigZag Ball RUSH the plate! get as close as possible and swing. the less distance it travels. the less time it has to widen its field of zigs and zags.
Video Games Archive / Games that annoy you.
2013 Jan 17, 01:34:22

Number 1 most annoying game ever right there.
Off-Topic Archive / Not SweBow's Bacon
2013 Jan 11, 20:05:25

would it be weird if whales dident need to live in the ocean and they just dragged themselves along the ground and we just had to deal with them meandering around everywhere?

^ my friend told me that maybe I need to get some sleep after I told him this.
This is how I play the drums (watch the drummer for a bit this video is hilarious.)

at around one minute the drummer is just hilarious.

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Off-Topic Archive / This is how I art
2012 Dec 13, 15:15:40
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Off-Topic Archive / Mind Blowing Images
2012 Nov 28, 03:15:11
Off-Topic Archive / Odd cooking mistakes
2012 Nov 24, 17:37:39

Even though I did not take this image it happened to me... while boiling spaghetti i managed to set it on fire...
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This Video is truly one of the most beautiful I have ever found in all my life.

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post what you think are annoying things that happen in video games :O
Off-Topic Archive / Motivational Images!
2012 Sep 15, 16:17:05
Post them here everyone!

The Retirement Home / Did you Know...
2012 Sep 01, 00:06:29
THIS is a thread for fun facts you believe little to no people at all know!
This one is for Swebow

All images posted in this thread I will add to the first page  ^-^

Video Games Archive / Mabinogi
2012 Jul 26, 23:28:36
My new name on Mabinogi is Vicnan!!! does anyone else have or play Mabinogi?
Video Games Archive / Dragon's Dogma
2012 Jul 25, 05:59:57
WHO here has Dragons Dogma? Also if you have it add Lord 0f Madness (that an Zero in the 0f) So you can use my lvl 120 pawn for free!

I'd also love to know what you all think about the game.


A show from the past that caught me by surprise.

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this is one of the best songs ever... and its hilarious.

Spoiler: Members • show

Spoiler: Unicorn • show

Spoiler: (Leader)
Lord of Madness •

OC Name: Zinrax/Lord of Madness
Forum Name: Lord of Madness
Your Race: Unicorn
Your Purpose: Being the Lord of Madness

Spoiler: White Prism • show

OC Name: White Prism
Forum Name: White Prism
Your Race: Unicorn
Your Purpose in the Guild/Herd: Blacksmith/Miner/Warlock (Mage)

Spoiler: Mystique Mage • show

OC Name: Mystique Mage
Forum Name: Chishio Kunrin
Your Race: Unicorn
Your Purpose in the Guild/Herd: I don't know

Spoiler: Slicy • show

OC Name: Slicy Bread
Forum Name: Slicy
Your Race: unicorn
Your Purpose in the Guild/Herd: of course shaman. Like Slicy   And if it's possible to combine - alchemist   

Spoiler: Dr. Krest • show

OC Name: Gila Nightshade
Forum Name: Dr. Krest
Your Race: Unicorn
Your Purpose in the Guild/Herd: Strategy/Research/Crowd Control and DoT

Spoiler: Equestrian • show

OC Name: Vaeinceurth (or Setrid)
Forum Name: Equestrian
Your Race: Unicorn
Your Purpose in the Guild/Herd: The Right Hoof - Get done what can't be done (within reason) [I'm going to think about this some more]

Spoiler: GrayByte • show

Basic Information-
Name: Grey Scarrlet Byte
Forum Name: GreyByte
Age: 556
Gender: Male
Race: Zebra/Unicorn
Mane: Blood Red/Navy Blue
Coat: Dark Gray
Eyes: Inky Black
Accessories: Round Light Gray Glasses
Apparel: White Strap-And-Buckle Boots

Other Information-
Deformaties: Robot
Mental Disablities: MPD
Disabilities: N/A
Blood Type: Petroleum Ether
Body Contruction Materials: Obsidian, Iron, Bronze, Leather, Steel, Various Technology Pieces
Purpose In Herd: Mechanic, Battle Strategist, Medic

Magic Power: 8.5/10
Stealth: 10/10*
Agility/Stamina: 6.7/10
Combat Specialty: CQC (Close Quarter Combat)

*Grey, being a highly advanced machine, can manipulate his coat using nearly no magic, rendering him pretty much invisible.

Normally, Grey is a very happy, spirited stallion.  He can take a heck of a beating and keep on going, through broken bones or a broken spirit.  He enjoys helping others and creating battle-plans in his spare time, then initiating them when he is going solo on a field or just playing a friendly game of Capture The Flag with friends.  His biggest fear/rage-mode-activator is his own eyes being hurt/made fun of strongly.  Rage mode is kiiinda like this, but on a slightly lesser scale.  It tires him out quickly though and only lasts about a minute.  Never has he skipped the horrible  guilt and shame that followed it, but he still manages to keep a smile and calm demeanor.

Grey, at age 26, aquired his steam powered heart.  He had built it to save himself from a death ensuring disease he had gotten a year earlier.  Over the next three to four years, he managed to build the rest of his own body around the heart.  This is how he became a robot.  Over time, he updated and advanced his own parts, learning the anatomy and history of himself and many other ponies and places.

Grey, at age 375, built a homemade gun entitled the ?????????? (Greek for Obituary [neh-kro-la-gee-ka]).  He has never used it, and does not plan to, but to him it is the ultimate fighting tool.  In it's main form, it takes the shape of an extended barrel, three round burst, light machine gun.  The gun itself, in this form, is about the length of half of Celestia's wingspan.  There is a small switch on the side that, when flipped, causes the barrel to disconnect and eject all ammunition for the gun in a large blast.  The barrel can then be reconnected lower down on the body of the gun by rotating it on a small hinge a full 180° downwards, giving it the appearance and functionability of a vertical double barrel (sawed off) shotgun.  During the use of this, there is a flip-switch on the opposite side that will release the second barrel that was flipped down back into its original position so that it may become a three round burst again.  When in this position, an attachment can be strapped to the bottom of the guns base and barrel to give it a Bayonne kind of feel.  This attachment is usually carried on his side or folded inside a pouch which also carries extra ammunition.  To keep himself or nearly anypony else from discovering or using it, he locked it within a safe deep below Shattered Sounds FM a year after its creation and has not removed it since.

Spoiler: FlameandIce • show

OC Name:Flame
Forum Name:FlameandIce
Your Race:Unicorn
Your Purpose in the Guild/Herd:Um  quest planner ((1f that's 0k Highb100d Mandness))

Spoiler: Eternal Inferno • show

OC Name: Eternal Inferno
Forum name: Eternal Inferno (i know they're the same ovO )
Race: Unicorn with the 2 extra horns
Purpose in Guild/herd: Assassin (Slayer) and Blacksmith (Smithy)

Spoiler: Silver Light • show

Little Bio:I have studied the codes of chaos and insanity, I have gone to Tartarus and back. I have seen one of the forms of the Lord. HAIL MADNESS!

Spoiler: KoalaLover99 • show

OC Name: Felicity
Forum Name: KoalaLover99
Your Race: Unicorn
Your Purpose in the Guild/Herd: To be a spy of sorts

Spoiler: Pegasus • show

Spoiler: xmasskills • show

OC Name: Fennel
Forum Name:xmasskills
Your Race: Pegasus
Your Purpose in the Guild/Herd: my purpose is to have fun and eat spicy food

Spoiler: Morgan Sententia • show

OC Name: Morgan Sententia
Forum Name: Morgan Sententia
Your Race: Pegasus
Your Purpose in the Guild/Herd: Lone Wolf, Protector, Redemption.

Spoiler: Fluffy Cloud • show

OC Name: Fluffy Cloud
Forum Name: Fluffy Cloud
Your Race: Pegasus
Your Purpose in the Guild/Herd: Inventor (?)

Spoiler: Shadow Mare • show

OC Name: Jo The Shadow Mare
Forum Name: Shadow Mare
Race: Pegasus
Purpose: Combat

Spoiler: Vick McBread • show

OC Name: Vick
Forum Name: Vick Mcbread
Your Race: Pegasus
Your Purpose in the Guild/Herd: Our job in this Guild is to hunt and capture Changelings. We do after all own the only Changeling finding/captureing companys (C.H.Angelings Inc.) We have cameras all over Equestia and owns a small army of highly trained stallions. We'd be a great help to the Herd.

Spoiler: GlidingZephyr • show

OC Name: Zephyr Gale
Forum Name: GlidingZephyr
Your Race: Pegasus
Your Purpose in the Guild/Herd: I'll be an Assassin, probably. If not either a Diplomat, Alchemist with Potions, or Blacksmith.

Spoiler: Earth Pony • show

Earth Pony
Spoiler: Bon Bon • show

OC Name:Bon Bon.
Forum Name: Bon Bon
Your Race: Earth pony
Your Purpose in the Guild/Herd: supplier

Spoiler: Crystal Chaos • show

OC Name: Skyler
Forum Name: Crystal Chaos
Your Race: Pegasus.  8) Like a boss.
Your Purpose in the Guild/Herd: Soldier

Spoiler: Rumor • show

OC Name:Rumor
Forum Name:Rumor
Your Race:Earth pony
Your Purpose in the Guild/Herd:Asylum Stealthmaster(?)

Spoiler: Ninkon • show

OC Name: Cedar Wood
Forum Name: Ninkon
Race: Earth
Purpose: Awkward Social Pariah (It's niche thing)

Spoiler: The Sign Up Form • show

OC Name:
Forum Name:
Your Race:
Your Purpose in the Guild/Herd:

Spoiler: Ranks/Banners • show

Guild Master
Warlord ((Warrior))
Warlock ((Mage))
Shadower ((Assassin/scout))
[center]Head Strangest

[Battle and Recon]
Scout ----------------------------------------------------------- Vanguard
Assassin ------------------------------------------------------- Slayer
Mage (Offense) ----------------------------------------------- Sorcerer
Mage (defense/boost/Restoration) ----------------------- Shaman
Warrior (offense) --------------------------------------------- Soldier (Trooper/GI)
          Warrior (Weaponless) ------------------------------- Pugilist
Warrior (tank) ------------------------------------------------- Tank (Brawler/Belligerent/Barbarian... lots of B's)

[General guild duties]
Head of Guild relations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ambassador
Guild Armor/Weapon Crafter ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Blacksmith (Smithy)
Guild Alchemist (Makes potions)
Guild Money Management (in game currency manager for guild supplies) ------------------- Accountant
Guild Rookie Trainer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mentor
Guild Activity planner (works with me to help plan guild activities) ---------------------------- Event Director
Guild Bard

Warrior Leader

Mage Leader

Stealth and Scout Leader




Shaman=Healer/Stat Buff/ Mage

Soldier=Offensive Warrior

Tank=Defensive warrior (The Damage sponge)

Head of Guild Relations

Zinrax's Elite Body Guard/Gateway Protector

Head of Supply


Spoiler: Rules • show

1.) Don't ever argue with mods or other guild members. If at ANY point I find it excessive I will ban you from the guild and all guild sites without any chance of rejoining.

Spoiler: Mascot
Bob the Table •


(Under construction)

((IRC currently under construction))
Off-Topic / FUNNY image Thread!!!
2012 Mar 19, 22:33:50
Original Characters / Lord of Madness
2012 Mar 19, 21:11:02

Name/Alias: Zinrax, The Lord of Madness, Madness, Lord
Sex: Stallion
Age: 25
Species: Unicorn
Voice: Very raspy at times
Pelt Color: Red and Black
Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Black and white. very clean
Eye Color:Amber
Cutie Mark: A duel colored butterfly that represents his passion for magic.
Physique:His body appears weak in fact he is actually too physically weak to walk. He usually shows his power through his minds magical ability rather his body
Personality: Delightfully Twisted
Origin: A Noble family he does not quite remember in precise detail.
Home/Residence: He lives in an previously abandoned house. He has done slight work on it making it into a house and tea shop, but it appears very old. As if antique. Giving it an antique tea shop feeling.
Occupation: Tea shop owner.
Likes: His friends in the darkness. Magic of any kind, tea and cheese. Pegasus wings because they remind him of his mother. New friends, Bob the Table.
Family: Rich parents. He has no clue where they are, but still believes they will return for him.
Affiliations/friends:His friends in the darkness, He also blindly believes everyone he meets is his friend no matter what.
Enemies/Rivals: Ponies that look like him, things or ponies that try to shine light directly into his eyes, ponies that run towards  him too quickly. Anyone that insults his Friends in the Darkness.
Clothing and Accessories: A very tattered blindfold. pots and pans he sometimes likes to wear as a hat. A Hiding bucket.
Talent and Cutiemark Meaning: - He obtained it through a dream about an Archarcane butterfly. It shows his passion for the magical arts.
True Weakness: His friends in the darkness, He believes they are his friends in every single way that anyone could be. Usually hurting them or insulting or even contradicting that belief can leave him disoriented and lost in thought about them. He could become enraged and drop all strategy in his reasoning.

Though most of the time he acts spastic and occasionally without sense, the self-proclaimed Lord of Madness is very outgoing, and has a fun-loving personality.  His training as a child causes him to act somewhat stiffly or aristocratic from time to time, but he usually can barely contain himself around most people, and treats even strangers as if they were best of friends without consideration of personal space.

Aside from these eccentricities, Madness also has a habit of occasionally talking to his "Friends" in public, especially when near shaded or darkened areas.  He also finds it the very concept of change comforting, and will move objects into odd locations.

As a final quirk, and one which seems to disturb others most, the pony is known for entering rage-filled rants over the smallest slight and apologizing for kind gestures on occasion.  He himself is often surprised by these events, but perhaps one day he might be healed of the shadows of his past.

Born into a wealthy family, it was apparent from birth that something was different about him.  Despite his incredible intelligence, there always seemed to be something holding him back.  Perhaps a factor which contributed to this were his extremely sensitive eyes, which forced him to wear a blindfold for the most of his childhood and isolated him from the world of light.

As was tradition in the house he was born into, he was not given a name until he passed the one-year mark.  Until that time, he was simply called "Little Lord".  Alone and unable to live normally, he took to spending most of his time wandering the mansion and talking to his "Friends in the Darkness".  After a few months of this, the maids and servants began realizing how serious his condition was, and feared him.  Some even called him Zinrax, an ancient word which in their tongue meant Insanity and Madness.  Though certainly the little lord was intelligent enough to know the insulting intent of the name, he found great pleasure in the sound, and decided to add it to his title.

His parents, of course, despised this new development, but as he would answer to nothing else besides Lord of Madness or Lord Zinrax, they never gave him a proper name.  To compensate, they taught him, by force if necessary, to act as a pony of his status was expected to, though his condition was debilitating and he was much slower than most of his peers in learning his place.  No matter how much they pressed, he would ramble about how his "Friends" very much disliked it, and wished him to learn all there was to know of magic.

Upon hearing this, his parents became afraid, for they feared what somepony such as he might do with such knowledge.  They forbade him from learning magic, but it seemed this only drove him to learn more.  It began to seem that his "Friends" were much more than simple imaginings of a foal, for though his condition usually kept him from learning easily, the young lord attained his understanding of magic with marvelous rapidity.

As he grew in knowledge and power as well as his eponymous Madness, his parents became increasingly afraid, especially of his leaving the house.  They were proud of where they stood among their peers; their family had always done whatever was necessary to maintain its position and get what it wanted, and now they felt that such a foal as Madness, with such a mental condition, was a disgrace to their bloodline.

Eventually, the young lord could not be contained.  He refused to stay in his room, sending the entire house into chaos from time to time when his "Friends" told him to do so.  In the end, his parents decided he was too much, and had him secretly removed in his sleep to an abandoned building in Ponyville.

What became of those two may never be known.  Zinrax awoke to find himself in the rundown house, but did not seem to mind at all: his "Friends" in the darkness seemed to prefer it here, especially when he discovered the collection of tomes and texts in the building's basement.  He began spending his days reading every single book he could find on magic, Most of the time shut off from the outside world.

One day, he encountered a legend about a very magical species of butterflies with red and blue wings; it was said that the entire life of each member of this species revolved around magic: the more one understood of magic, the longer one lived.  Now as the story goes, one particular butterfly grew in its knowledge of magic, and continued growing, until the ages passed it by untouched, and it continued living on and on, for over a thousand years.

The young Madness found this mythical creature an inspiration for his insatiable thirst for and love of magic, and he made it a goal to satisfy his "Friends" in the darkness by attaining the very knowledge the Butterfly gained.  It was during a particularly passionate time of his life that he saw that very butterfly in his dreams, and when he awoke, he found to his surprise and joy that he had gained an image of it as his cutie mark.

Now, he did not truly confine himself entirely to the darkness; in fact, quite contrary to the will of his "Friends" he would often venture out of his house when not reading.  Still, he never was able to socialize with strangers well, being after all only a few years old at the time of his abandonment.

Most who glimpsed his young form in his colthood assumed that his parents lived in the house with him, and politely asked every now and then why said parents had never introduced themselves.  To this, and the question of why none have ever seen them, the young Madness would always smile widely and reply, "I'll ask them when I see them again."  Of course, those that did not make such assumptions took pity on the blindfolded orphan, and commonly gave him gifts such as cheeses and teas.  Eventually, the young Madness came to favor such items, and associated them with a deeply intimate friendship.  Interestingly, his growing love of tea was what inevitably prompted him to learn how to grow and prepare it himself, in his own unique manner.

His "Friends", it seems, did not approve of this turn of events at all, and the tasks they demanded of him increased in length and difficulty.  The colt, however, only ventured out more and more often, sometimes to spy on popular ponies with strong relationships and learn how to make friends, sometimes simply to try out the lessons learned.  Slowly but surely, the young Madness gained true, physical friends among the ponies of the town, and to the dismay of his old "Friends" in the Darkness he fixed up the living room of the house into a makeshift tea shop.

As the years passed, his shop grew in popularity among his new friends.  As always, the Lord of Madness continues to study magic diligently, but he always finds time to run the shop and study tea from time to time.

Though his past is tragic and some of his secrets dark, this eccentric pony is always ready greet somepony new with a smile on his face.

Theme song

Spoiler: show