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Topics - n.W.o Rorschach

Music Archive / Your favorite band.
2015 Feb 22, 09:07:21
What is your favorite artist/band/musician (you can write more than one favorite)
If you be so kind why not link one good song from that band

My favorite band is Ensiferum and Motorhead
One good song from Ensiferum: Burning Leaves
The Retirement Home / Problem with the game
2015 Jan 24, 14:10:56
It seems a lot of people had faced this issue including me, there is somekind of idk if its bug or what, but anyways: stuck on aerial view, it's like being stuck in the air and watching the place you are in at the moment. I wonder what is going on cause i cant do anything but listen the music and press f1 and try to ask someone to help in the in-game chat.  DD: ono
Resolved Issues / Another chat page
2014 Nov 24, 10:57:11
As you have seen the chat box has been disabled... so there is a chat page which is almost same as the LoE chat.  ^-^
Resolved Issues / Chat vanished
2014 Nov 23, 16:16:38
I cant see chat in the forums anymore, what happened?  o.O