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Topics - Noodle Script

Audio / My interpretation of Starbust Nova
2019 Mar 24, 16:33:08
This is my interpretation of Starbust Nova:

She is the liaison teacher and has made it her job to make sure that every student feels comfortable and welcome at the University.

She shows the new students the campus every year and always has an open ear for the students, old and new. She believes that students can't properly learn if there are problems that burden their hearts, so she makes an effort to listen to every student to make sure that nopony is stopped from doing their best. (Though when you think it through, I wonder if it isn't stressful to burden oneself with the problems of every student.)

With this piece of music, I intend to convey the above interpretation of her personality.
Off-Topic / Christmas traditions
2018 Dec 20, 18:50:04
Hello, everypony!

I hope that this is not too religion specific. So if this is wrong, I'm sorry.

I hope you had a wonderful December so far, both ponies who celebrate Christmas and ponies who don't. For those, who do, I would like to know: How do you celebrate Christmas and the days before and after it? For those who don't, please do not feel excluded. At least this is not the intention of this thread.

I shall start:

On the Advent days, our family gathers around the Advent wreath, Daddy gets out his guitar and we sing Christmas songs.

We usually buy our Christmas tree late before Christmas Eve. In the morning of Christmas Eve, we decorate the tree. When we were little, we used to watch TV until the late afternoon after that, but nowadays we usually go about doing our stuff. In the evening, we go to church. Mum used to stay at home. When we were children, we were told, she had to let in Santa Claus. Well, she turns on the right music in the evening, so we feel all festive when we arrive back home. Now that I think of it, it is kind of unfair that we never gave her the chance to go to church, too.

Then we would give presents to each other, the youngest beginning and going through to the oldest. When everyone gave someone a present, we start over with the youngest again and continue to do so, until there are no more presents left. If we don't have any presents to give anymore, but there are still presents, we give presents of others. If anypony is wondering: In Germany, many families celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve, not in the Christmas days. The Christmas days are spent visiting relatives.

After all the gift giving, we eat. While many families have turkey or goose on Christmas, we don't. We have potato salad.

On New Year's Eve, we eat raclette. After that, we watch "Dinner for One". It is a short grayscale film traditionally watched by German people on New Year's Eve. It's about Miss Sophie, an elderly whealthy lady who wants to celebrate her 90th birthday with her four best friends. Unfortunately, all of them have already died, so she orders her butler James to play all of them. Drinking for four, he gets increasingly drunk and that's basically the whole story. At midnight, we greet the new year with fireworks.

How do you celebrate December?
Introductions / Hello, I'm Noodle Script
2018 Sep 22, 09:48:40
Hello, I'm Noodle Script and I just signed up yesterday. I'm from Germany and I study computer science.

I have watched seasons 1 to 6 on Netflix, but I probably wouldn't know every detail, if you asked me. I haven't watched season 7 at all, because it is not available on German Netflix.

Fanmade things I have looked into are Turnabout Storm, My Little Investigations and MLP RPG: The Elements of Harmony by Nurse Dashie, though I haven't played through the latter completely (as it is an RPG, I think there will be lots to come).

In the MMORPG, I play Scatty Clockwork. I'm still getting used to the controls. I haven't planned where I want things to go for Scatty Clockwork yet, and I think that I'll just see how things develop.