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Quote from: Moon princess on 2015 Feb 21, 01:33:16
Awww I can't get in anymore. How many ponies showed up to flood both servers?
Quote from: shotgiy12 on 2015 Feb 20, 05:56:37
eyup it is the patch they may have to work on it cause it not working and it makes loads of lag (well maybe for me I guess)
Quote from: ocbaker on 2015 Feb 19, 23:28:56
@LPatamon Hey dude, dude to me having an issue creating a patch for the latest version you'll find that you will be unable to connect using the launcher version.
Hopefully at some point we'll have it fixed but it seems unlikely that it will be before the servers open. Was a shame too since the patch would have only been 20MB. Hopefully @Cerebrate will be able to fix the awesome launcher. For now enjoy the full downloads!
Quote from: BeebarbX on 2015 Jan 24, 06:06:12
I could get in, pick my character, but for some reason it tries to load the I-don't-know-it's-name-yet Crystal Empire parallel map. Only it doesn't, it freezes before it actually starts loading, and forces me to exit.
Upon launching the game and trying to login, I am presented with "That user is already playing."
What is going on?