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Messages - Crystal_Bay

Presenting the Summer Equestria Games 2019 Trailer made by Black Orichalcos! Let's get this party started  :)  ^-^

Name: Crystal Bay

Level at time of application: Lvl 50

Race: Pegasus

Gender: Female

DoB: July 7, 2000


Levels in given skills

  Combat: Lvl 50

  Flying: Lvl 48

Why should the Lunar Air Corps. enlist you?
I believe the Lunar Air Corps should enlist me because I have always wanted to dedicate myself to helping people (especially new players) and engaging in planning events. Playing LoE for awhile has led me to enjoy flying, and understand my way around the Evershade Forest and Heartlands. I am planning to help out in any way that I can, and be an active member. It will be more than my pleasure to aid with events and participate as actively as I can.

By signing below, I ensure that I have, to the best of my knowledge/ability, have answered each of the above honestly and to the fullest extent of the truth.

Applicant's Name (type your applying pony's name, and be sure to supply a screenshot of the pony (close and facing camera) from in-game.)
X- Crystal Bay