Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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I'd like to buy official Undertale merch....BUT I CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO LOG INTO FANGAMER!  DD:

Birds don't just fly they fall down and get up
Nobody learns without getting it wrong


Tuesday and Wednesday, the best two days I've had in years, in the sense that hardly anything went wrong. One day later, today, and everything crashes, and I'm looking at a further downward slope. I knew that this would happen, it always does.

Why can't it be, just for more than 2 days, that I'm genuinely happy, and hardly anything goes wrong? Is it so much to ask to not have everything go wrong when things are finally somewhat looking up?

Sometimes I really wonder why I'm being put through all these trials, and all these problems. Why me, what did I do? Million Dollar Question.

Sweet Brew

I hate it when I have a serious problem yet no one takes it seriously...

IE: My insomnia is back.
"Oh, sorry to hear, Brew. Maybe you should try some warm milk?"
Warm milk...? Warm milk?!

This isn't "Oh, I can't fall asleep within the hour" it's "Help! I can't fall asleep within the day!"
I literally didn't fall asleep until 12PM yesterday, that's not midnight, that's noon...
You know, I had it going really well when I had pneumonia, funny as it is...I had less problems! lol
Ah well... I'll be begging for this energy 60 years from now so I'll just enjoy it while it lasts. :]

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Jan 15, 07:00:32
I hate it when I have a serious problem yet no one takes it seriously...

IE: My insomnia is back.
"Oh, sorry to hear, Brew. Maybe you should try some warm milk?"
Warm milk...? Warm milk?!

This isn't "Oh, I can't fall asleep within the hour" it's "Help! I can't fall asleep within the day!"
I literally didn't fall asleep until 12PM yesterday, that's not midnight, that's noon...
You know, I had it going really well when I had pneumonia, funny as it is...I had less problems! lol
Ah well... I'll be begging for this energy 60 years from now so I'll just enjoy it while it lasts. :]

Maybe try drinking some Neuro Sleep before bed? It contains melatonin, which your brain secretes to make you sleep.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Sweet Brew

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2016 Jan 15, 11:34:09
Maybe try drinking some Neuro Sleep before bed? It contains melatonin, which your brain secretes to make you sleep.
Eh, I don't want to rely on something to get me to sleep, especially 'cause I know if I ran out it'd take ages before we'd be able to get more, lol.

I'll just stick to all nighters. =P


Quote from: Lync Volan on 2016 Jan 11, 04:57:02
I'm sorta annoyed at myself for not being very active in the fandom lately, i mean i still talk to my friends i made in it on fb and stuff but i haven't talked much about it for at least somewhere around last year and when i'm on this website i only use 2 of the threads really

Don't be.  There are more productive ways to spend your time, my friend.

Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Jan 15, 07:00:32
I hate it when I have a serious problem yet no one takes it seriously...

IE: My insomnia is back.
"Oh, sorry to hear, Brew. Maybe you should try some warm milk?"
Warm milk...? Warm milk?!

This isn't "Oh, I can't fall asleep within the hour" it's "Help! I can't fall asleep within the day!"
I literally didn't fall asleep until 12PM yesterday, that's not midnight, that's noon...
You know, I had it going really well when I had pneumonia, funny as it is...I had less problems! lol
Ah well... I'll be begging for this energy 60 years from now so I'll just enjoy it while it lasts. :]

If I could suggest something, it would be the highly unpopular activity known only as exercise.
By exercising, you'll take up quite a lot more energy than you would normally.  Your body might force a nightly shut-down at that point, bud.

As a side bonus, you'd get totally ripped.
<br />

Midnight Breeze

2016 Jan 16, 17:08:31 #17906 Last Edit: 2016 Jan 16, 17:10:45 by Midnight Breeze
My employer owes me over $1000 in back pay between unpaid vacation time and retro pay after my raise. I just had to go to HR and fuss the payroll person again to give me the 3 days of vacation I was due on Christmas week. She claims she told the manager to give it to me and went to her office again to remind her to put it on this week's check. They also claim I'm going to get retro pay in 1-2 weeks since I'm getting the hang of machine operating and they feel safe I'm going to stick with the position.

Really, I'm getting pretty tired of having to beg for everything I'm owed.

Oh, and the USPS still hasn't sent me my W2. Can't file my taxes and get my welfare check tax return until I get that. Had income from 2 different employers this year.

Lync Volan

2016 Jan 16, 19:58:42 #17907 Last Edit: 2016 Jan 17, 07:52:26 by Lync Volan
Quote from: DawnsEmbrace on 2016 Jan 16, 10:16:44
Don't be.  There are more productive ways to spend your time, my friend.
Although that is very true, i haven't been doing anything "productive" none the less

Post Merge

I have ALL the time in the world but all i do is edit pics & play video games & watch movies, its not that i'm "ungrateful" (since i'm sure lots would want the kinda free time i have), its just when am i gonna do something that benefits someone else other then myself for a change?

i hear all these stories (given some of them are hard to believe) about others doing things for others and such but me? noting so far really :c


Companies like Dell sending you a product without warning you that doing certain things will horribly screw up said product. Especially when said things are things that are intended to be able to work from the get-go.

Midnight Breeze

Percentage-based systems in RPGs are dumb. They encourage save scumming. Why waste skill points in pickpocketing or something if you can just reload and try again with a 15% success chance until you get lucky?

I'd rather just have a flat skill requirement. Say picking a certain pocket requires 70 pickpocketing. If you have above 70 pickpocketing you pass. If you don't, you fail. No chance involved.


Being reminded about bits of my past I'd rather never have recollection of ever again(some of the greatest warmth and regret from my past, and one of the most terrible moments I've ever had in my life).

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2016 Jan 17, 20:25:45
Percentage-based systems in RPGs are dumb. They encourage save scumming. Why waste skill points in pickpocketing or something if you can just reload and try again with a 15% success chance until you get lucky?

I'd rather just have a flat skill requirement. Say picking a certain pocket requires 70 pickpocketing. If you have above 70 pickpocketing you pass. If you don't, you fail. No chance involved.

Ahhh yes, I save scum to pickpocket in Skyrim. ovO

I kinda stopped playing Skyrim, though. It's so... glitchy... >:/
The thing is, when I watch a Let's Player playing Skyrim, it seems like those people's copies work 99% of the time without glitching, but when my friend and I play my copy of Skyrim, it's like it's almost constantly glitching! Is my copy just more glitched than everyone else's, or what?!! It has also started freezing up during loading screens for my friend. :s

The only Skyrim glitches I've seen on Youtube have been
- That thing where a giant hits you, and you go flying really high into the air
- A rabbit ran into the air, then suddenly fell to the ground
Okay, so keep your distance from giants and... well, the flying rabbit is a harmless glitch.

But when you encounter a glitch where you can't progress in a quest because it won't recognize that you've done what it told you to, that's bad!

When your follower keeps vanishing for no good reason, and you have to stand around and wait real-time for them to come back to you, that's bad!

When your control scheme keeps setting your action button to where it does both action and shout, no matter how many times you set shout back to a different button, that's bad!! My friend has accidentally shouted at NPCs and ended up under attack for it! She has also accidentally shouted at a door while trying to be stealthy (which is hilarious, but frustrating)!!

Right now, despite having no one actually actively following her, my friend can't get any NPCs to be a follower!

The only harmless, funny glitch I've seen from my copy, that I can remember, is that you can push dragons around if you're riding a horse.

I'm really tired of video game companies releasing glitchy games just because they want to stick to a certain release date.
Seriously, kudos to Square Enix for taking their time to make absolutely sure that FF15 and KH3 are complete and perfect, rather than setting a hard deadline. I will be able to buy FF15, KH3, and the FF7 remake with full confidence that I'm getting quality video games.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2016 Jan 18, 02:14:00
I kinda stopped playing Skyrim, though. It's so... glitchy... >:/
The thing is, when I watch a Let's Player playing Skyrim, it seems like those people's copies work 99% of the time without glitching, but when my friend and I play my copy of Skyrim, it's like it's almost constantly glitching! Is my copy just more glitched than everyone else's, or what?!! It has also started freezing up during loading screens for my friend. :s

But when you encounter a glitch where you can't progress in a quest because it won't recognize that you've done what it told you to, that's bad!

I remember once, without cheats, I managed to defeat one of the primary characters in the first village, after a long period of trying, and then I could never start the main quest line(or, I suppose, "continue" it). Game-breaking for sure, but only an idiot like me would try to do that.

Other than that, never really played Skyrim much, but it was as definitely not the most polished game I've ever seen, not by a long shot.

By the way, speaking of Bethesda Games..
Spoiler: show

Morrowind is the best TES!

Sweet Brew

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2016 Jan 18, 02:14:00
Ahhh yes, I save scum to pickpocket in Skyrim. ovO

I kinda stopped playing Skyrim, though. It's so... glitchy... >:/

You're playing the PS3 version and I don't even have to ask if you are to know.
I don't play the game but a friend of mine does, the PS3 version was abandoned while the Xbox and PC version have gotten major patches restoring the game to the glory it has now adays.

All those let's plays are most likely the PC or Xbox version.

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Jan 18, 02:34:05
You're playing the PS3 version and I don't even have to ask if you are to know.
I don't play the game but a friend of mine does, the PS3 version was abandoned while the Xbox and PC version have gotten major patches restoring the game to the glory it has now adays.

All those let's plays are most likely the PC or Xbox version.

That makes remember I probably shouldn't have gotten Fallout 4 on Xbox one and made a character that wasn't a sniper. My character has a whopping 2 agility so I can only get like one burst off from my automatic plasma rifle in VATS before running out of action points. Which will probably miss, anyway.

I guess it's fitting that my build is entirely centered around nerd rage. The time slow affect makes things a lot easier in the heat of combat. My character is covered from the neck down in foot-thick heavy combat armor...with no helmet and a big set of nerd glasses on his face.

Sweet Brew

When someone's desktop is littered with icons.
People seem to trade their messy rooms as a kid for a messy desktop.

"Did you lay checkered flooring on your computer screen?" o.O
"No, those are all my icons."

Not a single icon on my screen thanks to my DellDock! B)

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Jan 18, 02:34:05
You're playing the PS3 version and I don't even have to ask if you are to know.
I don't play the game but a friend of mine does, the PS3 version was abandoned while the Xbox and PC version have gotten major patches restoring the game to the glory it has now adays.

All those let's plays are most likely the PC or Xbox version.

NOPE! I have it for Xbox 360.

Quote from: Jcfraven on 2016 Jan 18, 02:23:04
I remember once, without cheats, I managed to defeat one of the primary characters in the first village, after a long period of trying, and then I could never start the main quest line(or, I suppose, "continue" it). Game-breaking for sure, but only an idiot like me would try to do that.

Other than that, never really played Skyrim much, but it was as definitely not the most polished game I've ever seen, not by a long shot.

By the way, speaking of Bethesda Games..
Spoiler: show

Morrowind is the best TES!

Speaking of the first town... Why are NPCs so protective of their chickens? :I You can get attacked and be given a bounty for roasting a chicken!

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

I keep hearing more and more cases people reporting finding disgusting things growing in their natural/organic juice and they act so shocked and offended that the manufacturer could be 'so irresponsible to allow such a thing to happen'.

So you specifically avoid foods with additives and preservatives designed to prevent mold growth, and then act shocked when you find mold growing in your food. Yeah, sounds just like the logic of organic food fanatics. Food manufacturers actually have REASONS for putting preservatives in their food! (All of which were extensively researched long before being allowed in food, I might add.) They don't casually throw in unnecessary ingredients for the heck of it! And it looks like folks are learning the hard way what those reasons are.

I think I'll stick with the overwhelming scientific consensus and stay way clear of organic foods. I'd rather eat a well researched and harmless additive than have foreign fungus growing in everything I eat.


Trust me, Chish...Actually, everyone who'll listen.

For the love of Akatosh and all the Eight and One, play The Elder Scrolls on PC.
I don't care which one you play, play it on PC.  Fan patches, mods, developer support, additional features like Waiting, I cannot begin to tell you how much you want these.

Being able to use the Wait function to pass time so your Companion can catch up to you is just...Just beautiful.

Please.  Take it from me, the PC Gamer.  You want to play on PC.
<br />


Quote from: DawnsEmbrace on 2016 Jan 18, 23:22:20
Trust me, Chish...Actually, everyone who'll listen.

For the love of Akatosh and all the Eight and One, play The Elder Scrolls on PC.
I don't care which one you play, play it on PC.  Fan patches, mods, developer support, additional features like Waiting, I cannot begin to tell you how much you want these.

Being able to use the Wait function to pass time so your Companion can catch up to you is just...Just beautiful.

Please.  Take it from me, the PC Gamer.  You want to play on PC.

Wait, waiting wasn't on xbox? I definitely had it on PS3...
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

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