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Topics - Psykai


Welcome to my Adventures Thread! Here I'll be posting all of the events and experiences found within the wonderful world of LoE, but first, you should get to know my ponies!

I currently have two 'mane' OCs within LoE (plus a Derpy running around somewhere >.>). Gloomy Feathers, who most of the time I use as a vessel to channel through (i.e: I'm usually out of character whilst playing him) and Raincloud Whisper, the first OC I designed that I haven't touched in a long time and wish to breathe some life into.

The first thing you'll probably notice is how similar the characters are (though I tried my best to edit their stories a little) because both are technically inspired by me as a pone. They're also very early WIP I guess, but that said, enjoy the edge.


Race: Pegasus
Birthplace: Cloudopolis
Home: House in Ponydale
Occupation: None
  • Rain
  • Flying
  • Daydreaming
  • Games
  • (Needs Updating)
  • Bullies
  • (Needs Updating)
Gloomy Feathers was born to Fairy Feathers and Coldwing (placeholder names?) in Cloudopolis, although Coldwing left when Gloomy was barely out of the womb due to unknown reasons that his mother refused to discuss. Gloomy himself was an oddball of a foal, with a high IQ and emotional intelligence, but not very book-smart, and he lacked the social skills that his peers seemed to have in abundance. Gloomy did not fit in well with the other foals, who teased and tormented him mercilessly, eventually driving him into deep depression that bordered on suicidal.
Gloomy was the last of his class to get his cutie mark. While the other colts and fillies were figuring out who they wanted to be, Gloomy had no idea who he even was. All he wanted to be was gone, for away from everything that was wrong in the world. He began to harm himself, ever ready for the day he went too far and simply ceased to be...
One such day came... The storm rain poured hard and Gloomy was ready to be washed away with it, however as he lay, waiting for the end to come, it didn't... He was discovered before it was too late, and soon he was back in the land of the living, and upon his flank sat a dark, stormy cloud with a single white feather adorning it. Whilst someponies may have seen this as a sign and been given a new lease of life, Gloomy Feathers was distraught, feeling that he was so useless that he couldn't even end his suffering properly, and now his flank was mocking him for it, saying "look, your talent is being the most miserable pony in existence!"
By the time Gloomy had reached adulthood, he had calmed somewhat, at least externally. He continued to feel the anguish, the desire to die, but they were subdued, as though he was so used to their presence that he was almost numb to them, and yet, not numb at all. He masked his feelings externally with a fake smile and a witty sense of humor that he had developed as a coping mechanism, often making jokes at his own expense before anypony else could.
Gloomy's mother, Fairy Feathers, suggested that now he was of age, he should move out and be independent, do whatever it is he wanted to do. The problem was, there was nothing he wanted, or at least, nothing he hadn't already tried...
Gloomy never did like Cloudopolis. He loved to fly, this was true, but he also loved the beauty of nature, trees, wildlife, the feeling of grass against his fur, and so Fairy Feathers suggested he move to Ponydale and get a completely fresh start. Gloomy was unsure if he wanted to move so far away from his mother, who had been the only pony to show him any kind of love and understanding, but she insisted it was for his own good and that he could visit anytime.
Gloomy thought long and hard, but eventually he decided to do it, and so he left Cloudopolis behind and found a small house in Ponydale, though he spent most of his time outside, enjoying the beautiful scenery, and he began to visit Sugarcane Corner, the local hotspot for parties and special occasions. Though for a while he found he could barely speak, he eventually began to settle in and even made some friends. He thought that would be enough to fix him, to make him a whole pony again, but yet the scars remain, and continue to breed, and Gloomy realizes that no matter how hard he tries, he will always be the same pony, the pony who always weathers the storm, except the storm never ends...


Race: Pegasus
Birthplace: Cloudopolis
Home: Cloud House on Outskirts of Ponydale
Occupation: Weather Team (part-time)
  • Rain
  • Flying
  • Quiet
(Needs Updating)
  • Loud
  • Bullies
  • (Needs Updating)
Raincloud Whisper was always a timid young filly and quite far behind in many areas of growth, yet far ahead in others. She became a quick and easy target for bullying and this was the driving force in the crippling anxiety and fear of other ponies that she has today, and as such she is easily offended and does not take 'harmless jokes' well at all. Raincloud felt as though she wasn't built for this world and was quickly broken. She became mute and would often take herself off somewhere solitude where she could wallow in the grief of her own existence. It was during one such time, that something miraculous happened. Dark clouds began to form in a small cluster above Raincloud's little head, and a gentle rain began to fall upon her. Raincloud was strangely comforted by this, and relaxed, her pain easing slightly. Over time, she discovered that whenever her emotions ran high, these clouds would appear, and in some instances, separate from her body, and eventually she was able to conjure rainclouds at will. Soon after this discovery, her cutie mark appeared; a gentle raincloud, which was fast becoming her greatest comfort. She began to carry a raincloud above her head everywhere she went, a constant soothing presence in her life, and has never removed it since.
Raincloud was raised by her mother, as her father abandoned them when she was too young to remember him, though Raincloud has never missed having a father figure due to the strong bond she has with her mother, who was like a best friend to her in those troubling times as a foal.
As soon as she was old enough to leave home, however, Raincloud left Cloudopolis and her experiences there behind and moved to the little town of Ponydale where she could begin her life afresh. Whilst this lifted her spirits slightly, she was irreperably damaged and struggled to settle. She tried desperately to find a purpose in Ponydale, such as a job, but everything she tried wound up another failure and she soon gave up and resigned herself to reclusiveness in her little stormcloud house on the outskirts of the main town, where she wouldn't bother anypony and nopony could bother her. Determined not to isolate herself entirely, Raincloud Whisper made her best effort to attend special occasions and parties, though she seldom spoke to anypony there. She also unofficially joined the Weather Team as a 'part timer' when they discovered her unique talents and requested her help when large batches of rainclouds were needed, which she gladly accepted as she knew it was something she could do alone.
Raincloud Whisper is truly a background pony, one who is often there, but seldom acknowledged except by those who wish to judge or jeer at her for being different. She is searching for a way to give her life more meaning in Ponydale...


This doesn't look like the right place for a topic like this but I couldn't see any better ones, so please redirect me if this isn't the right place! :o

I want to try harder to share things here so thought I'd make a topic where I can post screencaps and stuff ^_^

Had a fun time in SCC last night with everypony. With both Holiday Cheer AND Cheese Sandwich, it was a super duper party for sure!

We formed a dance line!

Even my daughter showed up!
Introductions / Greetings!
2018 Jan 04, 00:49:19
Hello! To be honest I've been a member for at least a month now so you may have seen me in-game already.

I'm ridiculously shy around people I don't know so being a part of something like this is hard for me, harder than it should be anyway (for a 25 year old guy...) I find it hard to roleplay without feeling embarrassed and I find it hard to just be me without feeling embarrassed, so I just say nothing most of the time...

I'm trying (and mostly failing) to build my confidence around people (it's kinda my New Years Resolution) and honestly the only reason I'm able to write this is because I'm drunk and don't care, and I'm trying to force myself to do something I'm scared of.

Probably the weirdest introduction you've had here but oh well...

If you see any of my characters around and all they do is sit and watch everyone else have fun, you know why, lol... If I ever blatantly ignore you then believe me, it's not because I don't want to talk, it's because I have no idea what to say.

I hope one day I can become a proper presence in the community and have fun with everyone.