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Quote from: Colourful_Era on 2016 Jul 14, 15:34:23
Don't understand the limited access part. I understand you have to apply to get into the server in december, but then will it be open to the public for good? So people that apply get into the servers sooner? Can anyone help me with this please?
Quote from: pfiutek1 on 2016 Jul 14, 04:21:41
I was being sarcastic
Quote from: Dashieisbestpony on 2016 Jul 12, 19:16:54@Dashieisbestpony
WOOOO I can't wait! Quick question, though: do you have to be over 18 to sign up for the truely open servers? (I'm talking about once they permanently open in December)
Quote from: pfiutek1 on 2016 Jul 13, 05:03:02@pfiutek1
of course you must be over 18 to play this game. these ponies are naked