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Messages - lightspeed_flash

Canterlot Archives / Re: slice of life
2016 Jul 15, 06:48:18
Evening Rush turns her attention to the event.
Evening Rush: " Oh alright that is great, I wonder what event will be first."
Canterlot Archives / Re: slice of life
2016 Jul 14, 18:16:07
Evening Rush: "Pass me some of that Cider would you kindly?"
General News / Re: Announcing Release!
2016 Jul 14, 18:04:36
Quote from: Colourful_Era on 2016 Jul 14, 15:34:23
Don't understand the limited access part. I understand you have to apply to get into the server in december, but then will it be open to the public for good? So people that apply get into the servers sooner? Can anyone help me with this please?  :s

The limited access will be like a closed beta where at first people who get chosen from the sign-up they will do. Let's say 100 people sign up and the want maybe 50 or so they take the 50 from the people who signed up and allow them to play before everyone else. Then after some time they might (not sure about this part though) do a new sign-up and allow 50 more in or maybe even open it up to the public for everyone to play. I hope I was of some help.
General News / Re: Announcing Release!
2016 Jul 14, 08:55:50
Quote from: pfiutek1 on 2016 Jul 14, 04:21:41
I was being sarcastic :I

My apologies you made it look like an actual question. x3 sorry for the confusion.
Canterlot Archives / Re: slice of life
2016 Jul 13, 22:04:07
Evening Rush: "Well Wheatni I am Evening Rush I think it's great you help your parents." She said with a smile.
General News / Re: Announcing Release!
2016 Jul 13, 08:31:13
Quote from: Dashieisbestpony on 2016 Jul 12, 19:16:54
WOOOO I can't wait! Quick question, though: do you have to be over 18 to sign up for the truely open servers? (I'm talking about once they permanently open in December)
No I do not think it matters about your age. I would have to think they anyone could sign up if they have an account.

Quote from: pfiutek1 on 2016 Jul 13, 05:03:02
of course you must be over 18 to play this game. these ponies are naked D:
Don't be silly :P They are cartoon horses. lol
Canterlot Archives / Re: slice of life
2016 Jul 12, 17:16:51
Evening rush: "Great job Deep Sense you got the good snacks."
Banned for not eating the sammich while you had the chance...  ovO
General News / Re: Announcing Release!
2016 Jul 11, 10:05:17
I would love to sign up for the closed beta this is really a great milestone for LoE!! :D
General News / Re: Announcing Release!
2016 Jul 11, 06:38:30

I'm so excited! woo! Just so EXCITED!!
Canterlot Archives / Re: slice of life
2016 Jul 11, 06:13:31
Evening Rush: "Oh no worries we can all sit together and enjoy the games" She said with a smile.
Canterlot Archives / Re: slice of life
2016 Jul 11, 04:52:16
Evening Rush: "Of course you can come dear."
Canterlot Archives / Re: slice of life
2016 Jul 09, 13:05:58
Evening Rush: "Sure you can pay, but you absolutely must accompany us it will be fun."
Canterlot Archives / Re: slice of life
2016 Jul 09, 09:40:51
Evening Rush: "I guess it would be archery I suppose."
Introductions Archive / Re: Hey y'all!
2016 Jul 07, 23:56:25
Hello new person!  ^-^ Don't worry it's never too late for this game full of silliness and fun. :P Welcome to LoE don't forget to check out all the parts of the forum and come say hi in the chatbox, but most of all don't forget to read the rules if you have not already. More than anything HAVE FUN  :D
Canterlot Archives / Re: slice of life
2016 Jul 07, 05:03:53
Evening and Deep Sense make their way out of the shop.
Evening Rush: "So.. what event are you most excited about?" Evening says to have small talk.
Canterlot Archives / Re: slice of life
2016 Jul 06, 19:28:57
Evening Rush returns from informing Ms Couture about the outing.
Evening Rush: "Alright everything is in order..Ms Cream I suppose that means you will be in charge of.. yourself. This is your chance to really prove yourself so take this opportunity seriously." She tells Lucid Cream then nods to Deep Sense. " Alright then shall we be off you seem to really want to go and if we are to make it we shall make haste for the event at once."
Hello new person! O: Welcome to LoE Forum. There is also a Chatbox you can join and come talk to other pones and non-pones hehehe... ovO But don't forget to read DA rules And also HAVE FUN! :D
Canterlot Archives / Re: slice of life
2016 Jul 05, 20:42:30
Evening Rush: "Alright then lets go if you want. Little miss so sure of herself can take over and I will make sure Ms. Couture knows so she can take over the rest. ....Just one second."
Canterlot Archives / Re: slice of life
2016 Jul 05, 06:50:09
Evening Rush: "Well yes of course who hasn't? Unfortunately I don't have interest in such activities, besides I need to stay here and do my job taking care of the Boutique."
Evening Rush walks over to Deep Sense after noticing she looked down or annoyed.
"What was it you wanted to speak to me about dear? Are you doing alright?"