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Quote from: -Woona- on 2018 Oct 12, 07:02:29It is revealed that the original changelings were born from a carnivorous plant that grew from a rotten acorn that fell into a magic pond under a cemetery. They were inadvertently released by Star Swirl the Bearded, who nailed a warning sign to the plant to keep others away, only to create a crack from which the changelings emerged. At the end , the changelings escape from imprisonment together with Chrysalis.All of which happened in the IDW comic. It's not canon until it appears in an episode.
Quote from: Nightshade Star on 2018 Oct 08, 14:54:40BUT imagine if Chrysalis was able to turn her head 360 degrees...If she can look directly backward, she probably can turn her head 360° -- 180° to the left and then another 180° to the right. (That's how owls do it.)
Just thinking about that makes me creeped out
Quote from: Anniethebest193 on 2018 Sep 04, 16:15:00How do I get verified?I mean you should look at the small text across the bottom of your Launcher. What's the launcher version and platform? Mine is version 0.4 for Windows x64.
Quote from: Desert Tortoise 20 on 2018 May 21, 20:25:09"Must Verify Email" to log into Phabricator, but it's Not Sending Me An Email!Have you checked your spam folder?
Quote from: Ferro_the_King on 2018 Jan 01, 07:03:01Well, I always thought Trixie is one of those unicorns, whose talent is magic. She just wasn't properly trained yet...Personally, I'd list Trixie's talent as "showponyship", i.e. putting on an enjoyable performance. She'd have learned lots of little magics to support that, but nothing actually potent. "Most magical" would then be a reference to her versatility, not her power -- and Twilight outshines her in that, too.
Quote from: Cerothus on 2017 Dec 31, 15:40:17You might be in different rooms. Check to make sure you're both in the same room, it can be found directly under your minimap.Cerothus is specifically referring to the number/letter code. If you click on the code, it shows a list of other "rooms" on that server. For two players to see each other, they need to be in the same room on the server, as well as within sight of each other on the map.
Quote from: Ferro_the_King on 2017 Dec 31, 12:47:57And as far as wiki goes (I don't own the 5th issue of FIENDship is magic, so I can't confirm that):That's from the IDW comics, so it's not going to automatically be canon.
"It is also revealed that the original changelings were born from a carnivorous plant that grew from a rotten acorn that fell into a magic pond under a cemetery. They were inadvertently released by Star Swirl the Bearded, who nailed a warning sign to the plant to keep others away, only to create a crack from which the changelings emerged."
Quote from: MikoHikari7 on 2017 Dec 26, 21:15:13My pony accidentally fell out of the map of Heartlands when teleporting and is now endlessly falling outside of the map and I can't do anything about it.Have you tried the "/stuck" command?
I haven't been able to play for months due to a hurricane. I didn't get a Christmas vacation but I got this week free, and when I'm finally able to play LoE this happensI gotta be careful when teleporting
Quote from: dmDash on 2017 Dec 18, 12:59:36The arrow keys are used to pan the camera. This can't be changed. LoE seems to be a keyboard-and-mouse game, so most probably use AWSD for movement. (I'm don't think anyone actually uses those camera keys, though.)This, and the camera keys use the arrows on the number pad. While the movement keys can be reassigned, the camera keys can't.
You can check your controls in the menu (Settings > Controls).
Quote from: SapphCres on 2017 Nov 23, 02:23:49"Costume of the Night"Not deleted -- just disabled until the proper season next year. (But if you'd already started it, you can still finish it.)
Quest has been deleted, due to end of Halloween/Nightmarenight event.
Not accessible anymore.
Quote from: mr100dragon100 on 2017 Oct 31, 14:07:39if your talking to mr100dragon100 yes i have the dye and the materials but the diamond next to the branches part of the quest wont go purple i don't know what to doAnd you've talked to Ensemble again, I assume, with no additional instructions forthcoming. Hmm. I heard a claim somewhere that it also took 1,000 bits, but I haven't completed the quest so I can't confirm that.