Teal Turken's Livestream Discussion (Zelda)

Started by Teal Turken, 2012 Sep 10, 21:10:37

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Which Zelda game?

Wind Waker
1 (12.5%)
Twilight Princess
2 (25%)
Ocarina of Time
1 (12.5%)
Majora's Mask
4 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 8

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Teal Turken

2012 Sep 10, 21:10:37 Last Edit: 2012 Sep 10, 21:12:10 by Teal Turken
Okay. I figured out I can livestream my console games as long as I set up everything properly, however it's not in all that good quality. Voice might be too quiet, game might be too quiet, maybe you can't see anything, stuff like that. It's like taking a hand held camera and pointing it at a television. (only it's like a really good handheld camera)

Livestream channel

Enough of the explaination though, I wanna livestream a game. A Zelda game in specific.
If you wanted to watch, would you rather see me playing:
-The Wind Waker
-Twilight Princess
-Ocarina of Time
-Majora's Mask

I cannot guarantee you will be entertained. >.<

Nala Valor

I would watch... If my dad let me watch live streams... :l
If only I could... :c


I'd probably watch it not sure what game I'd vote for though as they all are good.  ovO

Teal Turken

I'll be honest, If it comes to a close vote between Ocarina of time and any other game (5 OOT and anything 4 or something) I may pick the other game cause Ocarina of Time isn't really my favorite zelda. :\


I'll probably vote Wind Waker or Majora's mask, most likely Majora's Mask.
(Since I want to replay wind waker at some point for fun and I love finding islands.)

Teal Turken

Majora's Mask is my favorite Zelda game, with Twilight Princess following just behind it and Wind Waker.

Book Smarts

Teal Turken

It looks like Majora's Mask has the majority votes so far. lol

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