Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Stardust Dragon on 2016 Apr 24, 21:15:54
Server error knocks a game offline:

My/I hope the rational response: Huh, that's unfortunate.  Wonder what happened.

Forums: -insert 600 independent forum posts screaming that they can't access game and "admins fix it now"-

Especially when those forum posts are all on the same page and have titles like "Can't access game??" "Game says I can't access server?!" "I can't log into game!"

That's when you know people are panicking too much to slow down for a moment and think straight. o_O

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Lync Volan

2016 Apr 26, 00:30:47 #18181 Last Edit: 2016 Apr 26, 00:36:00 by Lync Volan
Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Apr 24, 21:18:29
Guitar strings are like little knives waiting to slit your hooves open.
That's like the main problem of ever playing Guitar >.<

Post Merge

Why does the Ps3 data have to be so hard to back up or transfer... i gotta try this data transfer thing soon and i'm like SUPER WORRIED!

besides that what kinda DLC do you spend actual money for and then they send it into the in game shop for a bunch of in game money :l?! there was also a free DLC but i got those things automatically after download...

Midnight Breeze

I don't understand why people can't grasp the concept of changing ones stance on a given subject in response to new information and evidence.

I try to base all my beliefs and opinions on facts and evidence, rather than feelings or tradition. However, sometimes I make the mistake of forming an opinion before having all the facts - either because there's not enough evidence at the time, or I simply failed to do my research - so after realizing I was wrong I will change my opinion accordingly.

For some bizarre reason, a disturbing number of people don't understand that. They call that 'flip-flopping' among other nonsense, I call it intellectual honesty. Why would I want to blindly hang on to a belief after realizing it was wrong? That'd be living a straight-up blue-pill state of denial. There's no shame in admitting you were wrong, at least not to me. I've been wrong about so many things, no doubt I still am, but one thing I will never be is willfully ignorant.

Mom: Son, just last year you were advocating X, why are you advocating Y now?

Spoiler: show

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2016 Apr 26, 06:49:54
I don't understand why people can't grasp the concept of changing ones stance on a given subject in response to new information and evidence.

I try to base all my beliefs and opinions on facts and evidence, rather than feelings or tradition. However, sometimes I make the mistake of forming an opinion before having all the facts - either because there's not enough evidence at the time, or I simply failed to do my research - so after realizing I was wrong I will change my opinion accordingly.

For some bizarre reason, a disturbing number of people don't understand that. They call that 'flip-flopping' among other nonsense, I call it intellectual honesty. Why would I want to blindly hang on to a belief after realizing it was wrong? That'd be living a straight-up blue-pill state of denial. There's no shame in admitting you were wrong, at least not to me. I've been wrong about so many things, no doubt I still am, but one thing I will never be is willfully ignorant.

Mom: Son, just last year you were advocating X, why are you advocating Y now?

Spoiler: show

Yes! Exactly this!

And also, when someone proves me wrong and then proceeds to gloat about it and shove it in my face.

If you just prove me wrong, then I'll go "Oh. I was wrong, then. You're right. *Shrug*"
But if you prove me wrong and then start rubbing it in my face, that makes me angry. You don't have to be so rude about it. Yes, I was wrong and you were right, and I'm willing to accept that I was wrong, as long as you don't act so smug about it! >:/

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Lync Volan

2016 Apr 26, 23:35:14 #18184 Last Edit: 2016 Apr 28, 23:26:02 by Lync Volan
Someone stole my cookies and now his avoiding coming back to my house to feel my wrath!

Post Merge

I was only in a rush to get this game cause my cousin said he was an expert at it when he plays it at his friends place, if i knew he wouldn't show up once i got it i would have gotten a totally different game, i mean i like Dragon Ball Xenoverse but its no where near as heart racing and challenging as DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2 or 3, i would have either gotten DBZ Raging Blast or Cartoon Network racing instead but naaaah DD:



Canterlot.com is officially my new Equestrian Dreamers.



Whatever. Like them, I'll stay until I get kicked out.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Midnight Breeze

It slays me the way people bash wikipedia as being unreliable or biased.

First of all, for an encyclopedia that anyone can edit, wikipedia is incredibly accurate and well moderated. In my 9 years of using wikipedia do you know how many instances of blatant vandalism I've witnessed? ONE! Yes, one instance in 9 years. Obviously there are a lot more than that that I didn't personally witness, but if a regular user can come across vandalism that incredibly rarely it's not a serious problem. Furthermore, people can't just jot down whatever the heck they want and not leave a credible citation. All factual claims have to be backed up, any that aren't have a big blue 'citation needed' next to them warning users not to accept the claim without evidence. If the claim isn't cited in a timely fashion then it gets removed. They are quite strict about people posting opinions without backing them up.

Then there's the allegation of bias. I'll be blunt here: the only people who think wikipedia is biased are those who are on the wrong side of the facts. Wikipedia is not an opinion blog, they deal in cold, hard facts, which are always cited and backed up with credible evidence. Just because you don't like what wikipedia says doesn't mean it's wrong.

Then there are teachers...boy do they hate wikipedia. Wikipedia became popular when I was in about the 10th grade. I remember having multiple teachers that said "anyone who cites wikipedia as a source gets an automatic F", calling wikipedia "lazy research". Honestly I think teachers just don't like that students can write a paper in 2 or 3 hours by reading wikipedia. They want students to have to spend an entire Saturday at the library doing researched the hard way like they had to...just a hunch.

I still used wikipedia for several papers without my teachers knowing. Since wikipedia cites all of its facts, all I had to do was cite THEIR citation. My teachers never suspected a thing, muhahaha. *twirls mustache*


Today I'm accident prone.. >.<

And hiccups...  >:/ I don't have them right now, but when I do they hurt my chest and I feel like I'm gonna hurl.. :x

Birds don't just fly they fall down and get up
Nobody learns without getting it wrong

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2016 Apr 30, 08:16:38
Spoiler: show
It slays me the way people bash wikipedia as being unreliable or biased.

First of all, for an encyclopedia that anyone can edit, wikipedia is incredibly accurate and well moderated. In my 9 years of using wikipedia do you know how many instances of blatant vandalism I've witnessed? ONE! Yes, one instance in 9 years. Obviously there are a lot more than that that I didn't personally witness, but if a regular user can come across vandalism that incredibly rarely it's not a serious problem. Furthermore, people can't just jot down whatever the heck they want and not leave a credible citation. All factual claims have to be backed up, any that aren't have a big blue 'citation needed' next to them warning users not to accept the claim without evidence. If the claim isn't cited in a timely fashion then it gets removed. They are quite strict about people posting opinions without backing them up.

Then there's the allegation of bias. I'll be blunt here: the only people who think wikipedia is biased are those who are on the wrong side of the facts. Wikipedia is not an opinion blog, they deal in cold, hard facts, which are always cited and backed up with credible evidence. Just because you don't like what wikipedia says doesn't mean it's wrong.

Then there are teachers...boy do they hate wikipedia. Wikipedia became popular when I was in about the 10th grade. I remember having multiple teachers that said "anyone who cites wikipedia as a source gets an automatic F", calling wikipedia "lazy research". Honestly I think teachers just don't like that students can write a paper in 2 or 3 hours by reading wikipedia. They want students to have to spend an entire Saturday at the library doing researched the hard way like they had to...just a hunch.

I still used wikipedia for several papers without my teachers knowing. Since wikipedia cites all of its facts, all I had to do was cite THEIR citation. My teachers never suspected a thing, muhahaha. *twirls mustache*

When I was in middle school, my classmates and I marveled at how quickly Wikipedia undid vandalism. I watched classmates edit articles to put in something stupid, and then they'd refresh the page, and it'd almost immediately be gone. O:

Also, yeah, that's a pretty good sneaky way to get around teachers who don't want you using Wikipedia. Just cite the article's citations. :P

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


If any of you know who this guy is, then you know why I hate his guts... >:(
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0



I'm serious. This isn't a joke.

I'll be doing some serious contemplation but will continue to post. What will come out of this? Well... I wish I knew the answer to that myself.
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Midnight Breeze

I'm getting so sick of clearly telling Wingstop I want BONELESS wings, then getting all the way home and realizing they gave me bone in. Rawrawughaughua!

Lync Volan

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2016 May 01, 20:47:38
Spoiler: show
I'm getting so sick of clearly telling Wingstop I want BONELESS wings, then getting all the way home and realizing they gave me bone in. Rawrawughaughua!

Least now i know i'm not the only one bothered by this, my family makes me sound super obnoxious and picky because of the simple fact that i don't eat anything with bones if i'm eating with rice or bread or something...

I'm getting sick and tired of all these peeps just being so rude and using there so called "opinion" as an excuse, i mean its not "sugar coating" its called being not rude and if i'm having a conversation with someone about how much we both love something you don't just walk in and start dissing it and expect a welcome mate, especially since we usually heard that same opinion from you countless times that its obvious we already know, not to mention that there are things i like that are considered to be "crud" by the majority for OBVIOUS reasons but i still like it cause i'm able to overlook a bunch of things i guess but on rare moments i find others who like it too but then suddenly someone pops up asking if you know what you like is crud or "does anyone else hate this" when its OBVIOUS that they do since its the majority that dislikes it

on a side note, what do they expect me to do? i mean i like what i like how do i just dislike it cause most of y'all don't like it? its like telling me a new rule where "This Band Is Now Your Favorite Band" or "This Cartoon Is Now Your Favorite Cartoon" or else to the dungeon with you >:O!

Midnight Breeze

I'm buying a new Razer Blackwidow keyboard and currently there's a promo offer for a free Nabu X with the purchase. Problem is the scumbag Razer website automatically puts the GREEN Nabu in my cart and won't let me select a different color. I want a black one, dang it! I hate green!

Yes, I'm complaining about the color of something I'm getting for free, that's how entitled I am!

Chishio Kunrin

I saw a post that made me mad. :l
A dad said that his 7-year-old talked back to him, so while she's at school, he'll log into her Minecraft and destroy her village.
Okay??? That is a HUGE OVERREACTION!!!! >:O You are a mean father! All he had to do is say "Since you're so keen on talking back to me, no Minecraft when you get home from school today." That's all he had to do! But no, "I'm gonna destroy her village. I'm gonna destroy her hard work that she put hours, even days, of effort into!!" For a 7-year-old talking back to you?? That makes you seem like a huge brat!! She's a child!

It really sucks that there are so many parents out there who don't understand a single thing about gaming. There are parents who say "You can only play a video game for one hour a day." That's not enough time, at all! I can honestly say, as someone who plays video games, that is absolutely not enough time! You barely get anything done in an hour! You can barely have any fun in an hour!

It's like those parents who say "You can only watch an hour of TV a day." That's only two episodes (maybe one, for some shows)!! What, do you expect your kid to only be interested in two shows, and that's it??

Stop limiting your children's fun to one hour a day!!!
Stop underestimating how much that progress in a video game means to someone!! You know why it means something?! You know why we actually feel hurt and upset when you destroy our progress?! Because we put time and effort into that, and we're proud of the progress we've made!!

Him destroying her Minecraft village, to me, is equivalent of if she had been spending days building physical arts-and-crafts things, he brought her home from school, sat her down, and then smashed all of it with a baseball bat right in front of her!! She put time and effort into that, she was proud of it, and it made her happy, and you just irreparably destroyed it!!! For talking back!!!


"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2016 May 08, 15:57:29
I saw a post that made me mad. :l
A dad said that his 7-year-old talked back to him, so while she's at school, he'll log into her Minecraft and destroy her village.
Okay??? That is a HUGE OVERREACTION!!!! >:O You are a mean father! All he had to do is say "Since you're so keen on talking back to me, no Minecraft when you get home from school today." That's all he had to do! But no, "I'm gonna destroy her village. I'm gonna destroy her hard work that she put hours, even days, of effort into!!" For a 7-year-old talking back to you?? That makes you seem like a huge brat!! She's a child!

It really sucks that there are so many parents out there who don't understand a single thing about gaming. There are parents who say "You can only play a video game for one hour a day." That's not enough time, at all! I can honestly say, as someone who plays video games, that is absolutely not enough time! You barely get anything done in an hour! You can barely have any fun in an hour!

It's like those parents who say "You can only watch an hour of TV a day." That's only two episodes (maybe one, for some shows)!! What, do you expect your kid to only be interested in two shows, and that's it??

Stop limiting your children's fun to one hour a day!!!
Stop underestimating how much that progress in a video game means to someone!! You know why it means something?! You know why we actually feel hurt and upset when you destroy our progress?! Because we put time and effort into that, and we're proud of the progress we've made!!

Him destroying her Minecraft village, to me, is equivalent of if she had been spending days building physical arts-and-crafts things, he brought her home from school, sat her down, and then smashed all of it with a baseball bat right in front of her!! She put time and effort into that, she was proud of it, and it made her happy, and you just irreparably destroyed it!!! For talking back!!!

That's cruel. D; I hope it was a joke...

I had a client who told me a story about when he was younger his dad smashed his computer in front of him because his dad was upset that he'd been spending so much time on it or something. DX
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]


Trying to figure out an old DOS RPG. I am not used to rolling stats and knowing where to put my stat points. I'm amazed I got through the starting dungeon with no armor.

Midnight Breeze

Like I didn't see this coming...people are complaining that some of the heroes from Overwatch are offensive because they're so stereotypical. Like how the Russian heroine is a stereotypical butch strongwoman. Or how the Japanese heroes are a general ninja and Dragonball Z-esque archer. Or how the South Korean heroine is a no-life gamer geek.

Folks, news flash ALL of the heroes are stereotypical! Have you not noticed how the two Australian heroes are practically ripped from Mad Max? Or how the two American heroes are a generic G.I. Joe and a stereotypical wild west gunslinger? That's how the game is designed - it's supposed to be cartoony and exaggerated. People just only get uptight about the non-western heroes. I'll bet if the non-western heroes WEREN'T stereotypical the very same people would be complaining that they're "too westernized" and "not authentic".


My ear cleared up.
...my other one is now blocked.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2016 May 11, 03:08:09
Like I didn't see this coming...people are complaining that some of the heroes from Overwatch are offensive because they're so stereotypical. Like how the Russian heroine is a stereotypical butch strongwoman. Or how the Japanese heroes are a general ninja and Dragonball Z-esque archer. Or how the South Korean heroine is a no-life gamer geek.

Folks, news flash ALL of the heroes are stereotypical! Have you not noticed how the two Australian heroes are practically ripped from Mad Max? Or how the two American heroes are a generic G.I. Joe and a stereotypical wild west gunslinger? That's how the game is designed - it's supposed to be cartoony and exaggerated. People just only get uptight about the non-western heroes. I'll bet if the non-western heroes WEREN'T stereotypical the very same people would be complaining that they're "too westernized" and "not authentic".

It's no use. It doesn't matter how hard anyone tries, in this day and age, people will find ANY way to find something offensive. We already have people protesting Battlefield 1 because it's supposed to take place in a REAL WAR.
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------

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