Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Mr. Gency

Steam Summer Sale is here and I'm broke.
The best part of a stealth game is sitting in a dark corner, listening to some guards talk about mundane things.


Guild Wars 2 new map. Or better, how you have to wander there.
I loved the place, like everything else in that game. It's wonderfully done, incredibly beautiful. But to reach certain places, you need to use some sort of elemental movement skills, skills based on precision and timing. But try being precise and having a good time with 200+ ms ping plus additional lag that makes your character go crazy. I am the one who ends up going crazy with this...


People who overuse the smilies.
Seriously, ya' don't need them all the time. You're just making yourself look like a flibbin' idiot when you use them inappropriately.

Titanium Mushrooms
Are you happy yet?!


Quote from: Jack_Daft on 2013 Jul 11, 17:28:06
Spoiler: show
Incoming bitter/burned out pony rant here.


I really have an unreasonable amount hate towards small talk.  Like a good number of careers, I'm around a lot of strangers in my job.  Even as a paramedic, I suppose people think I'm approachable and they have to talk to me about the most inane topics of conversation.  I'm mainly speaking of the "how are yous" and the "How's the weather" type conversations.

I understand it's a polite gesture to ask "how are you?" in almost every society, but it's to the point where it's a script with everyone I meet.  Honestly, most people don't care about your life.  So, I'm stuck in this constant spiral.

:P : Hi!  How are you?!
:l : Hey there, I'm alright. yourself?
:P : I'm good, thank you!

And if you're break that script with strangers usually it makes the situation awkward.  A complete stranger never wants to deal with:

:P : Hi!  How are you?!
:l : Well buddy, let me tell you... *long list of problems OR honest opinions about your mood/well being*
:o : Uh...

Also, I hate talk about the weather.  Living in the age of smartphones where we have access to the local forecast and the Weather Channel with a few taps of a fingerhoof, and you can get all the information you need.  And heaven forbid, you find out the weather by existing outside, let alone being next to a window if you just can't be outdoors.  This is redundant and I'm not gaining anything from this conversation.

In my job, I wish I could...

:P : Hi!  How are you?!
:l : I really don't care, ma'am.  This is the second time this week I had to pick up your boyfriend, stabilize him, and take him to the hospital for another narcotic overdose.  Skip the pleasantries, because none of us actually care about each other's well being. 
:o : You're a(n) #@&*!
:l : Yeah, probably.

I'm not saying this as intention to turn away friendly ponies here.  I'm here because I want to be here, so thus I'm going to care and genuinely be interested with other ponies here.

I'm in retail....no, i'm a MANAGER in retail, i've been there.  I know how you feel  X3

I hate having to take meds to help me sleep  :l

Chishio Kunrin

me: *Logs into Skype*
Skype: I wanna update.
me: Not now.
Next day
Skype: I wanna update!
me: Not now.
Skype: *Waits a while* ... I wanna update!
me: Not now!
Skype: I wanna update! D:
me: Fine.
Skype: Do you want to make Bing your default search engine and MSN your home page? :D
me: NO!
Skype: Ok. *Starts updating* ........ I wanna update!
me: You're already updating!
Skype: Oh yeah. *"I wanna update" alert window disappears*
me: :l

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


when windows decides to do an HOUR long update when I shutdown my NOISY computer at the end of the day.   I need my sleep yo!
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines


Quote from: Ründo on 2013 Jul 12, 14:19:19
when windows decides to do an HOUR long update when I shutdown my NOISY computer at the end of the day.   I need my sleep yo!

If my computer was in the same room I sleep in it would drive me nuts!  Thank goodness I have an office  X3

I hate being rushed at work because I need help in the afternoon but my budget doesn't allow me the hours to schedule anyone in...


My ears won't stop itching..  :o
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]

Nala Valor

Finding a venomous spider outside where you need to work. Especially if that spider looks exactly like a black widow  :I
My parents say its impossible to be one since they don't live in QC but they always say to check my fruits when they come from the states to see if a black widow is there... I'm scared to death right now.


With the help of my sleep aids....i slept for a whole 2 hours.....


Itty Bit

Stressing out over literally nothing.

Dark Hooves

having an older bro that can't mind his own business :P
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs. http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=6860.0

Randam Saiko

when my pokemon's hp is low (red zone). All I think is "STOP F@#$ beeping already!"

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


From 11pm Thursday night till now I had 2 1/2 hours of sleep, and I work at 7am.....today is gonna suck.....


Quote from: Pipkin on 2013 Jul 13, 03:29:29
From 11pm Thursday night till now I had 2 1/2 hours of sleep, and I work at 7am.....today is gonna suck.....

You just reminded me of every time I start thinking about random stuff while I'm trying to fall asleep.
"Deeply philosophical comment to make people think I'm classy and intelligent." -Trout

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Pipkin on 2013 Jul 12, 20:02:16
With the help of my sleep aids....i slept for a whole 2 hours.....


I had insomnia last night. :\ I felt soooo tiiiiired, but I didn't fall asleep. I just laid there for hours.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

I really don't like the fact that my sister moved in right next door to me. I moved out to get AWAY from my family, not to have them knocking on my door three times a day.

Chishio Kunrin

My cat likes beef. She tries to rip holes in any bag of beef jerky she's left alone with, and she just now tried to steal my Slim Jim right in front of me.
I saw her eying it. :/ I knew she might try to make a move. I was quick. I said "No!" and gave her a very light thwack. Just enough to make her go away.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."



Titanium Mushrooms
Are you happy yet?!


Ogres.... Just Ogres. This is what is left of our Power Plant for Tekkit.

Spoiler: show

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