Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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You know what annoys me most? When I can't think of anything that annoys me. >.<
The ponies I will play as:
Schmooky Luke, Barney Calhoof, and Floofie Pillow
Steam: Schmookyluke
Skype: schmooky_luke


I'm annoyed that I couldn't get LoE to run at all during this stress test... but more disappointed than mad~ Oh well. ^^;
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]


I have a feeling that I have commented on this before, but oh well.

The most dumbest thing that annoys me is my brother. He's dumb, and he annoys me. He didn't even bring his grade up in school, which is the easiest thing in the book. :/

Thunderstrike the Pegasus.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Atheist on 2013 Jul 08, 03:06:21
I hate how those obsessive SkyDoesMinecraft fans constantly scream on the internet in full blown caps - "BUDDER!" ... "SQUIDS SUCK!" ... "SKY ARMY!"

These are exactly the reasons I don't go on multiplayer in Minecraft barely anymore. It just irritates me so much.

Bad fandoms.
I'm a bro (PewDiePie fan), but I don't talk to most other bros because most bros are immature and inconsiderate.
Post a neutral comment on one of his videos and you might get your Gmail inbox spammed with negative reply comments, some of which are people immediately jumping to being rude and cussing at you. And yet the people who comment things like "PewDie you [screwed] everything up! You're horrible at this! You always make the worst @&%*@ decisions! You're an idiot!" get absolutely no negative replies?
Quote from: Explolguy on 2013 Jul 08, 21:42:33
Getting to work and seeing giant messes that the previous shift could have cleaned up in the time they have when the clients go to sleep.

I know I'm a third shift worker, and it is our job to clean, but if you make a mess, clean it. It's so infuriating to see messes that could have been cleaned in just a few minutes dry up and become messes that take fifteen minutes to clean because it refuses to come up.

It's that mentality of "Someone else will do it, so I'm not going to."
That same mentality leads to worse things, too.
"Someone else will help that injured dog, so I'm not going to."
"Someone else will help this lost person, so I'm not going to."
"Someone else will stop the thief, so I'm not going to."
And the most infuriating one of all that actually once happened in my town: "Someone else will help that lady who just got hit by a drunk driver and is lying in the street, so I'm just gonna keep driving." Well, guess what. Nobody helped her. If you assume someone else is going to do something, chances are, you're wrong, because the next person is going to think that too, and the next person, and the next person. If you don't do something, nobody will. That's why this stupid mentality sucks.
Quote from: Anonymous621 on 2013 Jul 09, 04:17:43

  • The bugging fact that Doctor Whooves laughed at the idea of time travel in "It's about Time!"

It could've been an act, so he wouldn't be regarded as being insane like ponies probably thought Twilight was.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


I could probably go on and on,I'll try to keep it short:

Ponies who talk during the movies

Ponies who judge you for watching a tv show/reading a book/series/playing a game, even though they've never done any of the things

Ponies who do not have their money ready at the check out, ok if you're going to pay for something , I dunno, have money.

I mean how hard.

Not being able to draw the same thing a 2nd time

Ponies who bug you over and over again when you already asked them to stop and you have to go far enough as to block/mute them (just recently happened to me DX)

When ponies say "No offense" after something obliviously to offend another ponie

Ponies who hold up the line just to talk to another pony

Chain mail...

Ponies who boom out music on the pub trans

Ponies shouting on their cells in public

Ponies who stare at you >.>

oh wow.. quiet allot of things, e.e and I know I said I'd try to keep it short but yeah ^

Sea Foam

Some people are still not getting the idea that the LoE servers have shut down.

Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes;
they call me on and on across the universe.
Thank you, Durpy, for the banner!

Herbert Hoover

When you open a door but it closes a little bit.

Chain mail/posts.

When you lend someone your deodorant and they spray a metric ton of it on themselves.

When my pillow is hot in summer.

When a game crashes but it doesn't show it and you're just sitting at the screen for like 10 http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=2470.0">Read the forum rules. minutes and it just does nothing and you finally get impatient and start pressing things like alt+f4 and ctrl+alt+del and the game starts working again but you've already exited out of it and it didn't save (Happened quite recently)


When the word "hundred" is neglected


The fact that I can't watch little kid shows without feeling embarrassed anymore. Of course, the existence of bronies at least lets me watch MLP, but there are others that I'm embarrassed to watch, even though I wanna.

First person shooters
I'm back


When people insist that I 'suck at the game' just because I hate PvP. Meanwhile in co-op, including team based pvp (which I RARELY partake in), these very same people always lag behind me in terms of teamwork, ability, and just plain having fun.

Titanium Mushrooms
Are you happy yet?!


having stomach problems can't seem to get it away  :c


Quote from: super_chris85 on 2013 Jul 09, 20:52:53
having stomach problems can't seem to get it away  :c


The Wandering Magus

(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


In online games when the other person leaves because you're winning. Please make it so you can't do this in LoE!
I'm back

The Wandering Magus

(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


posting in this thread  :l


2013 Jul 10, 00:40:34 #10055 Last Edit: 2013 Jul 10, 00:42:41 by Pipkin
Quote from: super_chris85 on 2013 Jul 09, 23:57:38
posting in this thread  :l


As some people may notice photobucket is randomly taking down my pictures(some of my LoE screenshots disappeared on me a few minutes ago...).  I hit my maximum bandwidth and it wont reset until the 24th....

Mr. Gency

Quote from: Yellowpikmin476 on 2013 Jul 09, 22:43:17
In online games when the other person leaves because you're winning. Please make it so you can't do this in LoE!
I take that as a complement. I like when I'm doing so well that the person I'm playing with can't even stand it.
Quote from: Pipkin on 2013 Jul 10, 00:40:34
Quote from: super_chris85 on 2013 Jul 09, 23:57:38
posting in this thread  :l


As some people may notice photobucket is randomly taking down my pictures(some of my LoE screenshots disappeared on me a few minutes ago...).  I hit my maximum bandwidth and it wont reset until the 24th....
Use another image host.

I use Imgur and the only issues I have are when the image I'm trying to upload is too big.
The best part of a stealth game is sitting in a dark corner, listening to some guards talk about mundane things.


Having to work 12 hours Monday thru Saturday and only being payed $99.00 a week. That is beyond annoyance.


Quote from: Mr. Gency on 2013 Jul 10, 00:48:09
I use Imgur and the only issues I have are when the image I'm trying to upload is too big.


I hate imgur with a passion


Quote from: Yellowpikmin476 on 2013 Jul 09, 22:43:17
In online games when the other person leaves because you're winning. Please make it so you can't do this in LoE!

When I'm not allowed to leave whenever I want.
I honestly don't care what the other people think, the reason I quit is because stress. If I'm denied being able to do that or get punished for it, I'll hate the game very, very soon. After all, which is better: Somebody leaving for a while, or them needing to buy a new computer because they threw it across the room?

Titanium Mushrooms
Are you happy yet?!

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