Pascalo Beach [SIGN-UP]

Started by alexandas, 2014 Jun 02, 01:06:11

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Game sniffed the bag carefully before sticking his nose in it and picking out the nice tasting berries, leaving behind most of the herbs.

Game much preferring to have something baked or cooked, pies and meats and almost drooling at the thought of them all, though restraining himself as his mouth was currently buried in a bag of food.

Leaving the bag, the wolf once again stared at the pony this time laying down and staring up at the pony, hoping for something more filling and tasty as his tail wagged making a little groove in the sand.

Rush of MLP

Spook stared at the wolf.

"I'm sorry if you want more, but, like I said, all I've got is berries and herbs, and judging from what's left, you don't like herbs very much." He said. "If you want more berries, I can go get some, but other than that I can't really help you."


Game whined lightly and started to sniff the air again, looking around the beach for some food vendors. Struggling a little to stand back up on the sand, he slowly circled the berry pony before going to look for some ponies with real food.


With a sigh maple walked on towards the lower end of the beach "fine but it still sounds like a bad idea "

Rush of MLP

Spook watched the wolf leave.

"Ok. Bye then." He said as he closed the bag and placed it next to the entrance behind him.


((Darn, missed an opportunity for a moment of fawning over a creature xD))

Finding nothing of interest after a bit, and noticing some movement, Raven hears outside to find Spook looking outwards towards the ocean, slightly unnerved.

"You seem a bit off, why's that?" He asks, seeing the nearby food bag. "Hungry, it seems," He continues, chuckling a bit.

Rush of MLP

"Oh. Hello." Spook said as he glanced back at Raven. "Not really. I was just feeding some strange wildlife."


"Well, what's your plan then? Because I would actually like a better one." Joy kept walking, looking at Maple while doing so.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


"Ooo, what kind of wildlife?" He inquires, a bit excited.


Quote from: Rush of MLP on 2015 Nov 22, 02:26:56
"Are you ok?" Rush asked, sounding a bit concerned.

The little blue filly took a breath and calmed down. "I think so. The big bad pony scared me and i covered my eyes and then i was here." she tried to explain.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Game waddled slowly through the sand, finding it more difficult than before. Trying to find another pony to hopefully get some food from.

Rush of MLP

"A chubby blue wolf." Spook said.

Rush tilted his head, but didn't think asking the filly any more questions would be a good idea. He figured she had been through enough.

"Ok." He said, turning halfway around. "Let's get out of this bathroom."


"Sounds adorable, wish I could've seen him," Raven says, a bit sad.


Game, having exhausted himself from the sand waddling tiredly fell over making a little sand wave as he impacted. Not used to the clear skies and dry ground, coming from a grassy area.

Thinking he could get something better later, the overweight wolf lay on the sand and dug his paws into the sand.

Rush of MLP

"If you want to see wolf, it went that way." Spook said, pointing.


"Okay! Thank you again for a place to sleep, I'll see you later, I want to make sure I get to see him," He says, before trotting in that direction towards the wolf.


Common Cents sat on a barstool, nursing a good mug of cider. 
He looked around at the inside of the establishment, impressed by the wooden furnishings and felt cushions.
It must cost a small fortune to keep this place going.
He found he hadn't been able to sleep lately...Not since meeting the Card-mare.

He heard the front door open with a soft chime.  Hoofsteps echoed quietly toward him.
"Took you long enough."  Common lifted the mug to his lips, taking another long swig.
Just as he put it down, a hoof swung and smacked the back of his head.  The blow stung, but it was hardly a real punch.
"Imbecile!  Why did you let her leave town!?"  Common turned to look at his assailant, milky white eyes staring into his soul.
"Woah there, Plea, relax.  I couldn't follow her somewhere I didn't know, she'd spot me for sure."
Common Cents stared back into them, not shying away.  Soon enough, Pleasant Dreams averted his gaze.
Making a tsk of annoyance, Plea sat down on the bench next to Common.
"One slip up and we get arrested, along with Betty and anyone else they suspect.
Don't make another mistake.
Pleasant's ears swiveled, listening for any occupants of the bar that may have heard them.
It was fortunate that the bar was having a slow night. 

"...So where is she now?"  Common hesitantly asked.
Pleasant scoffed.  "Not in this bar, that's for sure."
He shot Common a quick glare, made only more unsettling by his eyes.
"She's somewhere north.  And she isn't stopping, either.  She's wandering from town to town."
Common groaned.  "She's not making this very easy."
"Yeah, no thanks to you..."  Plea ordered a cider for himself, dropping five bits onto the counter.
The bartender had been giving them weird looks, but that was expected.  Pleasant wasn't worried...The bartender was sure to have heard worse conversations in his time.

Soon enough, his cider arrived.  They weren't too keen on speaking after that.
They stayed quiet...Not knowing what to do other than drink.
<br />


The mare took her final eyeful of the ocean. As much as she would like to stay, she couldn't waste anymore time dilly dallying at the pier. Sheer Luck stood up from the edge and stretch her bones. How her bones ache, she felt like she been sitting there for hours. Once she got the kinks out of her bones, the mare started to make her way out of the town. Along the way, Sheer Luck passed a bar. At first, she wanted to get a quick drink. . . But something about the place gave her some bad vibes. If anyone were to trust their gut, it was this mare. The mare gave the bar another thought before deciding it was best to be on her way. The mare had better things to do than get a quick drink. She had a dream to turn into a reality.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻

Rush of MLP

"Alright. Bye then." Spook said as he waved.

Wondering Lightning

(If you don't mind I would like to sign up for this rp so tell me how or if it is okay to sign up)
Well, if you want a signature...... ask me to draw...... you'll find it somewhere in the drawing............ I make sense lol!

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