Pascalo Beach [SIGN-UP]

Started by alexandas, 2014 Jun 02, 01:06:11

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Rush of MLP

"Don't worry about it." Spook said, brushing off any negativity. "If you don't want to go to the inn, and you're not really safe out in the open, I'm sure either I, or my brother, can find you a place to stay where you won't have to worry about the ponies that are coming to take you."

Spook felt odd being kind, but he didn't necessarily dislike it.


"Alright..thank you.." He says quietly, rubbing his eyes with his hooves.

Rush of MLP

"Don't mention it." Spook smiled.

"If you need a place to rest right now, though, you can use my little hovel for a bit." He offered.


"That'd be nice," Raven states, smiling again.

Rush of MLP

Spook nodded. "Alright. Follow me then."

He got up and looked back at Raven.


"well that's a nice question isn't it how about I give you a nice taste of my sweet magic " with a loud zap a beam of magic shot out of the darkness hitting joy. of course the spell hadn't worked right only causing his voice to be very femenin


"Okay," He replies, following Spook.

Rush of MLP

After a short walk, they came upon a building made of sandstone. The outside was plain; it looked like a big box.

"Here we are." Spook said, entering before anything could be said.


Raven follows suit behind Spook, and looks around upon entering the building. "Nice place," He says.

Rush of MLP

On the inside there were several pillars in an interesting pattern spanning from the door to the back of the building. Each pillar had a drawing on it, and each drawing produced a white glow. Towards the back there were a few make-shift beds, which were just some cloth-covered hay with blankets laid out on top.

"Meh." Spook said, shrugging and leading Raven to the beds. "Here are the beds. You can sleep here as long as you like."


Sparing little time, Raven hops onto one of the beds, laying down. "Thank you again Spook.. I can't thank you enough for being so nice," He states, yawning and closing his eyes.


"Well I- oh sweet Luna." Joystick did a double take. "It was one question, come on. Think I'll stop asking those soon."
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.

Rush of MLP

"Don't worry about it." Spook said, turning and walking outside.

He sighed quietly as he looked around. He glanced up at the roof of the building, then frowned. "So much for having a good lookout."

Spook groaned, then turned back to face the rest of the beach. He was starting to realize that coming to terms with his lack of magic was going to be difficult.

After staring out at the sand and semi-distant diner and inn, he was hit by a familiar thought.

"Oh no. I still need to speak with Sottises." He said, facehoofing so hard that he nearly hurt himself. "I guess I'm gonna need to keep an eye out for her until I'm able to talk to her again. Oh well."


Maple burst into laughter "oh man your voice is so gone" he began to roll around holding his side's. Rand appears again a huge smile on his face "you know what you two are so good that I'm going to let the rest of the world see you so have fun back on the beach" as if on cue maple and joy find themselves back on the beach unfortunately they are still affected by the spell


2015 Nov 23, 01:38:28 #36194 Last Edit: 2015 Nov 23, 01:47:55 by Jcfraven
Raven swiftly falls asleep, lightly snoring, never pulling the cover on before falling asleep, causing him to start shivering.


"Well, that's disastrous! So we're stuck like this now? I guess we should stick together, then. What do you want to do?" Joy was pretty miffed, but tried to save that for later.

"If I see that guy again, I'm throwing you at him." Well, most of it.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


Maple looked up at him "wish you'd never throw a colt at a scary dark wizard would you"


"...Having received your blessing, I return you to the earth with my gratitude as payment..."
Unseen by anyone, the map that had formed on the waters surface disappeared at the stallions words.
Keeping his eyes closed, he uncupped his hooves and reached toward the saucer.
Gently, it tilted up until the water inside drained out completely.  He then placed it back inside his saddlebag.

Sitting for just a few more moments near the ocean, his thoughts wandered to his compatriot who was hiding somewhere near.
It would take a while to find him, but that's what made it fun.  He grinned slightly and got up to leave.
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With the last stroke of her pen, the mare finished list. Looked over the list a few times before closing the notepad for good. The mare let out a happy sigh, she couldn't wait to get the keys to this place. But that won't happened till her next trip down here. She slipped the notepad back into her bag before she slowly got up. The are glanced back at the building; she really didn't want to leave, the beach already felt like home. . . . It wouldn't hurt to check out the town. She is going to do business here, so she might as well get to know it better. The pier was pretty close to her shop, so she decided to take a walk down it. The best way to get the full effect of the beach was to take a walk on the sand. She happily made her way down to the sandy dunes and started her mini journey to the pier.

The feeling of sand under her hoofs brought back a lot of memories. Some good vacation memories. Some bad high school memories. Mostly good memories though. Her eyes were as bright as her smile as she took her own sweet time down the beach. Along the way she past a strange stallion. At first she didn't pay much attention to him, but her interest perked when she saw his eyes. Not wanting to seem rude, she tried her best not to stare. She took one glance at the stallion as she walked and nothing more! Her eyes were on the pier, not some random stallion.

A short walk later, the mare made it to her destination. The mare's eyes lit up with joy as she took her first step. It has been a while since she been to a beach. She was never a good swimmer, but she enjoyed the waves from a distance. The mare took a seat on the ledge of the pier. Looking down at the sea, she smiled warmly at the waves. As she watched the foam form on the shore, she couldn't help but think about the strange eye stallion. She didn't have much room to judge other pony's eyes, but his seemed a bit. . . odd. The mare dismissed any further thoughts about the stallion; she came to enjoy the beach, not to worry about a stranger.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


The stallion thought he'd heard something against the waves, but the natural quiet of the sand made it difficult to tell.
His steps took him opposite the ocean, where he couldn't hear the waves.
He was moving back up the beach toward town when his hoof hit a stone that had managed to survive on the beachfront.
It hit hard, leaving his front right hoof aching even more than before.  Clutching it for a moment in pain, he could tell this was going to be a problem.  He put some weight on it, but it hurt too much to be used.
Sighing, he resigned himself to the fact that he'd be hobbled for the rest of the day.
"And today was going so well already."  He rolled his dysfunctional eyes sarcastically, even though it was nearly impossible to tell he had.
Slower now, he kept moving.

It was then that he caught scent of something. 
It smelled...Soapy.  Like hair products.  For just a moment, he stopped, considering following the smell to its source.
It would be even more time off his day...But he still had time.
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