An Introduction to my OCs

Started by DawnsEmbrace, 2014 Feb 05, 00:23:52

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2014 Feb 05, 00:23:52 Last Edit: 2014 Dec 04, 16:00:26 by DawnsEmbrace
Series One:  The First Tries


Spoiler: show
Name:  Dawns Embrace

Earth Pony, Colt  (Male)
Friendly if he already knows you,
indifferent if he doesn't particularly enjoy your company.

Age:  17

Eye Color:  Deep, and I mean DEEP dark brown.

Mane Color:  Dark brown.

Coat Color:  The color of a stormy day's sky.

Cutie Mark:  The sun's rise, clearing right through the storm.

Talent:  He doesn't quite know yet, but he's getting there.

Quiet, somber, and largely unnoticeable.  If he's in a group, he's most likely to stick to the back.
Paranoia plays a part in all of his actions, as does consideration for the well-being of others.

His favorite things to do are,
Playing video games.
Listening to the conversations of people around him.
Grin, when people think he's not listening.
Vocaloid.  'Nuff said.
Watching a camp-fire burn.
Or candles.
Actually, watching fire in general.
Talking to friends about nothing in particular.

Oh!  And Anime.  Lots.  And lots.  Of Anime.

Life Long Aspiration:  Live life quietly, away from people who would normally cause problems.  Perhaps in a small cottage.  Or apartment.

The List:  Time for what I call, "The List".  You'll understand The List in just a moment.
Earth Pony,
Son of Hermes,
Thieves Guild,
SOS Brigade: Esper,
Garrison,  (I know I know, I'm a coward for not choosing Survey Corps)

Blissful Ignorance:

Spoiler: show
Name:  Blissful Ignorance, (Nick:  Bliss)
"The Dawn Cometh,
Spoiler: Theme • show

Unicorn, Colt.  (Male)
An homage to my earlier days of sailing the internet, Bliss is not unlikely to burst out in 010000100110100101101110011000010111001001111001 at a moments notice.
Once upon a time, he would have been my ponysona.  However, events have changed me into the person I am now.
He carries around a metal armlet engraved with "Vessel", and wears a mask shaped like a butterfly.
Only for Dusk to drown it.
Age:  15.
She Comes To Help,
Eye Color:  Grey.
He seeks to maim.
Mane Color:  Neon purple and bluish-grey, in a messy style.
She, Dawn, Promises Warmth And Sight,
Coat Color:  A mess of black and purple.
He, Dusk, promises safety in the dark.
Cutie Mark:  A spray-painted hourglass symbol.
Dawn Will Rise Against Him, Over And Over,
Magic Glow Color:  Neon purple.
But Dusk will kill her, over and over.
Talent:  He doesn't know.  A rough Hourglass shape isn't much to go on.
Dawn Hides The Moon, And It's Warriors.
Personality:  Quiet, reclusive, and overall unassuming.
Dusk ignores the moon, and it's warriors.
Favorite things,
Watch creepy YouTube videos.
Creep other people out.
Speak in binary.
Get sad.
Get more sad.
Talk to his metal armlet for no reason.
The moon will continue to wait, in peace.
Will often repeat lines from something.
Until it decides to shine brightest, in Dusk's dark."
Life-Long Aspiration:  To find the girl who abandoned him, the Butterfly of Rebirth.
I know you aren't there, but I wish you'd come back to me.  I miss you, Maya.[/spoiler]

Fantaisie Casquette:

Spoiler: show
Name:  Whitewash Malady (Alias: Fantaisie Casquette)

Spoiler: Theme • show

Unicorn, Colt.  (Male)
Prides himself on his extensive hat collection.
Makes a living selling (Cursed) hats to ponies who aren't in the know.
Makes a living baking cakes, at a local bakery.  (Family Recipe)

Spoiler: Fake Appearance • show

Age:  24

Eye Color:  Deep green.

Mane Color:  Grey, with bright green highlights.

Coat Color:  A very pale, almost white, red.

Cutiemark:  A fancy Top-Hat with a faint skull imprint, skull flares with green light when exposed to said green light.

Magic Glow Color:  A sickly green.  He has to be careful how, when, and where he uses magic, as it will reveal the skull on his Cutiemark.

Talent:  Unabashed lies, trickery and malicious intent.  Though this time, aimed at enemies.

Personality:  Not quite as charming as he used to be, White actively tries to be a better pony for his friends.  Refraining from his normal behavior for their sake.
Spoiler: His Fake Persona • show
Outwardly fancy and charming, he has a tendency toward theatrics and grand design. 
Inside though, he wishes for nothing more than to ruin your day theatrically with one of his fantastical hats.

His favorite things to do are,
Spend time with his Special Somepony,
Try not to laugh while watching you trip into mud.

Life-Long Aspiration:  To make reparations for his mistakes, and become a trust-worthy stallion.
Spoiler: Old Aspiration • show
To create a disaster so Epic, so Magnificent, its effects will be felt throughout all of Equestria.

This Character was created with the help of a few close acquaintances and friends, without their help Fantaisie would be nothing like he is today.

A super duper GIANT thank you to Ramisha for drawing the amazing picture up there.

And another thank you, for helping make Fantaisie to:
(And a small part) MrEmu.


Lunar Composer:

Spoiler: show
Here is an Out-of-Character biography of Lunar Composer.
You know, if you want to be boring about it.

Name: Lunar Composer.

Pegasus, Colt.  (Male)
He has a bad hind hoof, though it's not necessarily a problem, due to having wings.
Has a small interest in alchemy, though all he can really do is crush up Poison Joke flowers to make Powdered Joke vials.

Age: 16 (Play what you know, and all that)

Eye Color: Grey-Blue mix.

Mane Color: Black, with a small moon-silver streak.

Tail Color: Moon-silver, with a small amount of black approaching from the edges.

Coat Color: A dark-blue coat, which tapers off into black at the knees.

Cutiemark: A crescent moon with a star on its north, south, east, and west.

Talent: Starcharting, with a general knowledge and love of mapping in general.  (He's just not as good at mapping, rather than Starcharting)

Lunar has patience in all things, save for a few topics.
He'll help you out with almost anything, so long as he genuinely thinks you need it.
He's shy, but not like a certain other pegasus we all know, he just lacks the motivation to interact.

His favorite things to do are,
Reading, (Usually by candlelight)
Taking walks through Ponyville or the Everfree.  (Preferably at night)

Life-long Aspiration: Fully mapping out the Everfree forest, and nights sky.  (An impossible task, but he has the patience for it)

That about covers it.
However, if you still want to read my first, In-Character Auto-Biography, you can due so, by clicking that treasure box down there.
If you don't want to though, I guess that's okay...  :(
I did put quite a bit of work into it though, so if you want to read it, I welcome the comments or criticisms you can throw at me.

[spoiler]Is uh, is this on?  I should hope so, I've been trying to figure out this computer since Thursday.
Anyway, my name would be Lunar Lens, if my parents had not been overcome by a bout of insanity when naming me.  My actual name is Lunar Composer, they assumed I'd be in the family business, music, that is.  They couldn't have been farther from the truth.
I've considered changing it, but it is what my parents named me, and I don't want to make them think I'm ungrateful.

Well, I suppose I should tell you about myself first.
I am a Pegasus Colt formerly from Canterlot.
Though I'll get to my history some other time, so as not to bore you.

I'll start at my faults.

My saintly patience reaches everywhere except for three topics.
Unless you are a close friend, I don't care how curious you are, do not ask me about my bad hind hoof.  I'll get back to that later however.
I don't like ponies pointing out the fact that my name does not have to do with my talent.  I've heard it enough times from everypony else, and I don't need to hear it from you.  Again, I'll get back to the topic of my talent later.
Lastly, and this I cannot abide even if you are Celestia herself.  DO NOT point out how feminine my tail is or SO HELP ME I'LL RI-[Static]
[Static Clears]

[Clears Throat] Anyway.  Back to my faults.

Ponies say I'm not social, and I incline to agree with them that I don't search out companionship.  It is not from a lack of caring, but rather a lack of social skills.  Around even the politest and most amiable ponies I tend to seize up, and my first instinct is to run away.  This behavior has plagued me since a certain childhood event, though I do consider myself a good listener, if I happen to enjoy your company.
If you get on my bad side, however, expect not to see me.  Ever.  If you do happen to find me, I would suggest running, I'm known to throw one of my many harmful vials of Poison Joke, or Powdered Joke as I like to call it, at ponies who don't know when to quit.

I have yet to meet a pony in Ponyville who shares my interest in stargazing.  Though, now that I think about it, that's probably because I don't talk to very many ponies.

Well that about covers my faults.  At least, the ones I'm aware of...

Continuing the topic of my Special Talent, it is Starcharting.

I learned from an early age that I could easily spot, and remember, changes in the placement of the stars.
My near obsession with Stargazing was considered by my Father to be a distraction from my lessons on composing musical scores.  He said I wasn't focusing on learning, and just daydreamed about the night sky.  Those lessons were dreadfully boring and tedious...I hated them.
My only respite from that was my love of the sky.  I didn't know that would soon be taken from me.
My father took my telescope.  He thought he was being clever, hiding it in the rafters of the attic, but I was no fool.  He raised me better than that.
Every night I would get up at 3:00 AM, fly up to the rafters to steal back my telescope, stargaze to my hearts content, then put the telescope back at roughly 6:00 AM.  This was my life for 3 months.
Thinking back, I wonder if either Mother or Father knew how much it meant to me.

Eventually, my father found the Starcharts and observances I had been writing every night.
He surprised me that day.
He told me he was impressed by them, and that he was going to give me my telescope back.

I love that old colt...

They questioned my decision to go into the art of starcharting, almost as much as my decision to move to Ponyville.
That is to say,
they threatened to take away my inheritance.  At first.

Oh they didn't actually do it of course, they are good parents after all, they just had their expectations.
I simply had to prove to them that I could do it, and that I was going to do it.
They didn't put up much more resistance when they woke up to me sporting a brand new Cutiemark.

I moved to Ponyville and began making new Starcharts to donate to the library in town.
I have a pretty good setup, I keep an eye on the heavens for the town, and I get a modest sum of bits from the mayor at the end of every month.

I can't believe I just went rambling about my history after stating I wasn't going to do that...[Sigh]...
I apologize,
I haven't even given you a description of myself yet.
Again, I deeply apologize.

I have a dark blue coat that I'm rather proud of, which darkens into black above my hooves.  As for my hair, black mane with a moon colored streak, and a moon colored tail, with black encroaching on the edges.
My cutiemark is of course, a drawing of the night sky.
And lastly, my eyes are a grey-blue mesh of colors.

Maybe I should talk about my interests other than stargazing...
I enjoy taking walks through the Everfree from time to time, usually when I need time to think.  Not deep into it or anything, always on the path, or always in sight of the treeline.
That is also when I collect a fresh batch of Poison Joke for my improvised...Self-defenses.
It's either the Everfree, or just a stroll through town which is equally beautiful.  The night really brings out the best in Equestria...

I enjoy reading by candlelight, though I prefer to read by moonlight, if it's bright enough.

Alright, I loathe talking about it, but I suppose you have been patient enough to go through all of this just to get to the end, so I might as well reward you.

I was born with a withered hind hoof.
It isn't an impairment, not really.  I have three healthy hooves, and a pair of wings for balance.
I was judged as needing help from the moment I was old enough to walk, even though I don't need it.
I hated being singled out, almost as much as I hated my music lessons.
This led to an unfortunate incident at the Canterlot Summer Sun Celebration when I was seven or so.
I can't remember the exact year, but I was young and foolish in this regard.
I witnessed our Princess raise the sun, and was immediately certain that she could 'fix' me.
I ran up to her, and begged her to fix my leg.  In front of the entirety of Canterlot no less.
She calmly explained to me that she could not.  There was nothing to fix, my leg was not heal-able because there was no previous state of healthiness.
I vaguely remember her trying to talk to me about how I shouldn't let something like this affect my opinion of myself, but I wasn't listening.
All I heard at that moment was that my only hope, our great Princess of the Sun, the ruler I had been raised to view as perfect and beautiful in every way, could not, or more accurately to me at the time, would not help me.

I was distraught.
I suddenly realized that I was about to break down into tears in front of everypony in the amphitheater.
Unfortunately that only served to break me quicker.  My parents herded my out of there with all the speed they could muster.

This public humiliation served as a factor in my decision to move to Ponyville.  Nopony knew me there, and I don't plan on letting them know me.
That was especially difficult when some pink...[Shudder]...Horror...Decided to throw me a party.

But I think that covers everything.
I'll be going soon, I have more charts to make and revise.
I would wish you a good day, but it's not daytime, is it?...

Eh.  I know he's pretty un-original, but I like him.

A big ol' "Thank you" to Greyscaleisme for the picture.


Rhyme Scheme:

Spoiler: show
Name:  Rhyme Scheme

Changeling, Colt  (Male)

Age:  26

Eye Color:  Pale gold.

Mane/Wings Color:  Dark yellow with pale gold threads.

Coat Color:  Changeling grey.

Cutie Mark:  Changelings...Don't get to have Cutie Marks.

Talent:  While he has no defined talent drawn on his flank, he loves to write.  Poetry in particular.

He's cheerful and friendly, though it's mostly an act.  He dreams of being a traveling bard, but knows it won't make him happy.
Once he gets a poem idea, few things can stop him from writing it down immediately.
Every now and then, a diabolical thought or two form in his mind.

His favorite things to do are as follows,
Write poetry by moonlight or candle-fire.
Having talks with his peers, about nothing in particular.
Having his poetry critiqued.

Life Long Aspiration:  To become so skilled at poetry that he can come up with the rhymes on the spot.


Spoiler: show

Name: Hearth

Age: 27

Warm to friends and scalding to foes, Hearth takes to the skies with Lance in claw.

With deep blue-purple scales, Hearth blends into the nights sky very well.
His small bit of mane is green, with a grey streak.  He likes to drum the streak up as stress from the job.
His eyes are a grey, much like the streak in his hair.
<br />


I like this guy! A lot! He seems realistic, and well maintained. He isn't overpowered, matter of fact, he almost seems underwhelming, something I enjoy. I do have to wonder what exactly he did to earn his cutiemark. Regardless, you handled the name situation with good grace, explained his natural affinity to avoiding speaking to multitudes, and gave his parents a actual role in developing how he came to be himself.

All in all, a wonderful character.
I believe the shape of happiness resembles glass. Even though, we don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there, we merely need to change our point of view slightly, and that glass will sparkle whenever it reflects the light. I doubt that anything else can argue its own existence so perfectly


Wow, I wasn't expecting such a positive response!  Thanks so much, Lum!
<br />


My pleasure! I have always preferred "real" ponies. Well Equestria real anyway...
I believe the shape of happiness resembles glass. Even though, we don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there, we merely need to change our point of view slightly, and that glass will sparkle whenever it reflects the light. I doubt that anything else can argue its own existence so perfectly


2014 Feb 07, 15:32:58 #4 Last Edit: 2014 Feb 07, 15:37:29 by DawnsEmbrace
Quote from: Luminescence on 2014 Feb 06, 21:50:41I do have to wonder what exactly he did to earn his cutiemark.

"Legend has it, that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal."

Can you guess which Charted stars got Lunar his Cutiemark now?

[Devilish Grin]   

PS: I like your new picture.
<br />


lol Fantaisie Casquette sounds like a rotten person...But not the bad way, actually in a GOOD way!

We love King Sombra! but HE'S a jerk...but we love him as a villain!
I'd say same goes to Fantaisie Casquette.

All in all sounds like a great character! I like him a are the reasons why...

1: He's not OP...
2: He stands out yet is entirely possible in Equestia, After all we'v seen Canterlot has some rather up tight ponies.
3: His personalty seems Unique and fresh!

All in All...I like him!...well...if I knew him I probably wouldn't...but you know what I mean! lol

By the said I helped you make him... ( in small part ) What did I do to help?


Do you need a drawing? Character info isn't as interesting without pictures of the ponies to me. :'(


Quote from: MrEmu on 2014 Feb 21, 03:36:03
All in All...I like him!...well...if I knew him I probably wouldn't...but you know what I mean!

Thank you, a lot. 
I keep being surprised that people like my characters, though I can't take too much credit for Fantaisie.
The whole Hats idea wasn't mine, and that's what spawned the characters whole personality.

Quote from: MrEmu on 2014 Feb 21, 03:36:03
By the said I helped you make him... ( in small part ) What did I do to help?

You were there silly!  :D

Listening and simply being there is more than enough to get a mention in my opinion.

Quote from: Ramisha on 2014 Feb 21, 08:40:26
Do you need a drawing? Character info isn't as interesting without pictures of the ponies to me.

Are you offering? Because, if you are,
You guys...Ohmygosh... You're the best...:'(
You can respond here if you're offering.
<br />


Yes yes yes I am! :D just, umm, please, could you describe your ponies' manes and tails and stuff? It would be magnificent if you had a picture.


Quote from: Ramisha on 2014 Feb 21, 15:11:41
It would be magnificent if you had a picture.

I'm sure you know, but do you know about GeneralZoi's Pony Creator?
I always design my characters in that, then write down their descriptions on whichever post.

I could give you the Pony Codes, if you're familiar with the Pony Creator.
<br />


Yep, sure. Oh, also, I can make them in a reallistic style or in a more cartoonish style.
Spoiler: show

Spoiler: show


Awesome!  Hmm...I like both styles...It's only for a description, so I'll choose cartoon style.

I didn't know which character you were offering for, so here's both I guess.  Just choose whichever one you meant.

Spoiler: show
Lunar Composer:

Fantaisie Casquette:

I am, by no means, a master designer.  Any input on these designs is not only welcome, it's encouraged.

I'd like to thank you again for this, you didn't have to, and I really appreciate it.   ^-^
<br />


okay, umm, I managed to draw a concept, I have to go sleep now  ono

I changed the manestyle, I think it fits for a classy pony, but if  you don't like it I can easily use the old one or make up something new  :D


2014 Feb 21, 17:11:39 #13 Last Edit: 2014 Feb 21, 17:13:31 by DawnsEmbrace
Oooh, I like it the more I look at it. 

The Mane-Style change is quite nice, I'm glad his smile carried over, and I like the realistic horse look more than I thought I would.  In fact, if you hadn't said this was just a concept, I would have used this.
I don't know why, but the green colors I used look so much better in your drawing than they do in the Pony Creator.

If you plan on making it more than a concept, tell me, because I will gladly use this anyway.

Have a good sleep Ramisha.
<br />


I'm happy you like it :)  I prefer the reallistic style too, it's  just easier for me to draw in that style. I'll draw it again when I'm  on the computer ( I'm on my ps3 right now ) 0:)


Don't forget to take your time, there's no rush.
<br />



if I made the cutie mark wrong tell me



I...I need to restrain myse





Curse words can't convey the amount of I LOVE IT that I'm feeling right now.

Thank you.

No really.

I can't express it enough.
<br />


I'm really really happy you like it  X3 I'll draw the other one too, but I'm a bit short on time now, I have to study- I have 2 competitions this week! :P


2014 Dec 03, 22:34:01 #19 Last Edit: 2014 Dec 21, 02:33:23 by DawnsEmbrace
Series Two:  The Shop Ponies  *More to Come Later

Spoiler: Cormag • show
Name: Cormag  (Nick: Cory)

Dragon, Male
Smiles, but seems lonelier than expected.
He doesn't really mind though.

Age:  15

Eye Color:  Grey

Spike Color:  Dark-Orange

Scale Color:  Yellow

Personality:  Lonely, but he doesn't seem to mind much. 
He'll treat strangers well enough, but might not bother to make friends with any of them.
When alone, he feels most truly himself.
Acquires his books from P.S. Books.
Employee of White's Wares.

His favorite things to do are:
Help out,
Resolve problems,
Not get in trouble,
Run away when he does.

Life Long Aspiration:  To grow big enough to fly away from everyone, and settle down somewhere he can be alone.

Spoiler: Capricious Bouquet • show
Name:  Capricious Bouquet (Nick: Capri)

Earth Pony, Mare
A simple pony who loves others, and flowers.
Not much else on her mind, really.

Age:  24

Eye Color:  Pink

Mane Color:  Daisy Yellow

Coat Color:  White

Cutiemark:  A Daisy

Talent:  Growing plants in any weather, particular favorite being flowers.

Personality:  Happy, and loves to meet new people.
Suffers from frequent mood swings dependent entirely on what flower she's obsessing over at that particular moment.
She's the focal point of the Commerce Council, having formed it herself.
Often tries to make friends with Cory, but to no avail.
Owner of Capri's Bouquets.

Her favorite things to do are:
Smell flowers,
Sell flowers,
Arrange flowers,
Hug flowers,
Water flowers,
Tell flowers how beautiful they are.

Life Long Aspiration:  To form the ultimate flower arrangement, so beautiful that NOPONY wouldn't stop to smell it!

Spoiler: Post Script • show
Name:  Post Script (Nick: P.S./P./Post)

Earth Pony, Stallion
Indifferent to most people, but he does care for his friends.

Age:  27

Eye Color:  Yellow

Mane Color:  Brown

Coat Color:  Beige

Cutiemark:  A brown book, with a bookmark in it.

Talent:  Understanding literary writing to its deepest meanings, and thus being able to write reviews and recommendations with ease.

Personality:  Not overly smile-y, but still an amiable sort.
Happy to give recommendations for whatever books you decide to check out of his store.
Has a more physical sense about him, rather than emotional.
Owns and runs P.S. Books, his book store.
A founding member of the Commerce Council.

His favorite things to do are:
Find the perfect book for a customer,
Smell Capri's flowers,
Try on White's hats,
Play a game of cards with Betty,
Watch the group of performers who frequently play in the store center, though strangely only when Betty's on stage...

Life Long Aspiration:  To live a quiet life, happily spreading books to everyone he meets.

Spoiler: Bets'n Betters • show
Name:  Bets'n Betters (Nick: Betty)

Pegasus, Mare
A...Happy mare, Betty's not afraid to openly show her rather thinly veiled gambling establishment to new customers.
She's nice to everypony, but might be a little more nice if you play her at cards first.

Age:  29

Eye Color:  Grey

Mane Color:  Grey, Dyed Red in Streaks

Coat Color:  Pale Red

Cutiemark:  An Ace of Hearts.

Talent:  Gambling in general, but traditional card games in particular.

Personality:  Unafraid of company, no matter the sort.
She's likely to challenge anypony to a game of chance, regardless of the stakes involved or the opponent.
Seems to push away those who get too close emotionally.
Owns and runs Le Mystere.
Says she won Le Mystere in a card game, as well as the two bronze bangles on her left forehoof.
A member of the Commerce Council.

Her favorite things to do are:
Play cards with herself,
Play cards with others,
Having fun,
Occasionally performing with the group of performers, who all say she has a lovely singing voice,
Spending quiet time with Post in his book store.

Life Long Aspiration:  To remain a part of the Commerce Council, if only to spend time with Post...She'd never admit to it though.

Spoiler: Pleasant Dreams • show
Name:  Pleasant Dreams   (Nick: Plea)

Earth Pony, Stallion
Plea is an odd one.  He'll greet you happily at one time, and treat you with subtle derision the next.
But if you need something - Or someone - to be found, then he's your stallion.

Age:  31

Eye Color:  Filmed Over

Mane Color:  Green

Coat Color:  Viridian

Cutiemark:  A mirror, split down the middle in pieces.

Talent:  Finding things, so long as he's properly paid.

Personality:  Oddly two-sided, fractured.  At one point saying one thing, and at another saying something entirely different.
He'll give you a room at his inn, but won't be hospitable.  He'll be hospitable, but deny you a room for no reason.
Owns and runs The Drowsy Awakening, an inn-like establishment.
A...Begrudging member of the Commerce Council.

His favorite things to do are:
Sit at the front desk.  Unmoving.  For hours.
Confusing ponies to no end with his duality,
Amaze Betty with his incredible poker face,
Amuse himself by having ponies guess whether he is truly blind or not.

Life Long Aspiration:  Finding something so important, that nopony would be able to deny his talent.

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