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Writing / Wouldn't Change a Thing
Last post by DawnsEmbrace - 2024 Jun 02, 23:29:07
3650 Days like sand through our hands,
521 Weeks like the breeze through our hair,
120 Months like the sun on our skin,
10 Year, like the clouds rolling in.

All that uncertain time, ten years of wanting more,
I couldn't close that door.
Now it's come and I couldn't want it less,
but I wouldn't change a thing.

All that hurt to stop regretting, or forgetting it was worth it.
And now it's dulling, healing finally,
And with it gone so goes the memory.
Still, I wouldn't change a thing.

It clung and scraped, that grief,
All just to survive ten years.
It died with hope just in reach,
but not so far as the beach.

10 Years, til the clouds rolled in.
10 Years, til the door slammed closed.
10 Years, and my tired on the road.
And I wouldn't change a thing.
I vote Luna and Cadence!

I like Luna for her character growth and the work she does behind the scenes in the dream world. We see her dreamwalk a few times in the show, and the amount of strength she shows doing it is really impressive.

Celestia is obviously loved by her people, but I don't like her as much because she never went dreamwalking, nor gave the job to anypony else (We see that she's never fought a nightmare in the cutie mark swap episode.) Equestria's citizens suffered nightmares while Luna was on the moon, and they probably blamed them on her, too; Celestia should have made Dreamwalker a station so that her ponies were safe in their own minds, and so that her sister wouldn't have to face yet another problem upon her return.

I really like Cadence for what she represents. Love is one of the most important feelings a person has, whether platonic or romantic or for a place or thing, and without it everything falls apart. The only thing I wish was that Shining got to become a Stallicorn - if there's two princesses of sisterhood, there should be two prince/sses of love!

McFlurry represents familial and platonic love rather than love in general. I like her, sort of, but I feel like they could have done a better job of portraying a baby who needs special considerations. IMO she's also the least adorable baby we really see on screen in the whole show, which is absolutely tragic.

Twilight is... uh... something? For being the main character, I really don't know how I feel about her as a princess. Her role is more like "the head of the bureau of national defense" than "princess of friendship" but she does her job really well and everypony/creature respects her for it, so I won't complain lol.
Fair Mail
Fawn Splash
Festive Colors
Flight OFancy
Lightning Blossom
Optic Rainfall
Marussia Kopytova
Shuffle Beat
Thunder Sky
Windy Camo


Introductions / Found out abt this from a yt v...
Last post by Hot_pink_rainbow - 2024 May 19, 22:55:43
This is pretty cool and I hope to get to know this game and its community! 
My fav pony is Rainbow dash and my favorite background character is Daring do  :P
Pony Off-Topic / Re: What pony race are you?
Last post by PopRockParty - 2024 May 18, 02:54:09
I can't imagine not having wings, and I for sure can't handle being an alicorn, so..... hehe ^-^  <3
Introductions / Hello, Everypony!
Last post by koboldskittens - 2024 May 17, 23:26:24
 <3  Hello! I go by Midday Spark in the game and I just started playing today. I wish I had known about this game many moons ago! I'm hoping to have a lot of fun with this new character and see what Legends of Equestria has to offer. If you see me about the game, please say hello; I am always looking for new friends. :)
i like princess luna for sure
So, newish to the game.  Downloaded the app on my tablet, made an account, and... can't get the game to start.  It won't go past the loading screen that tells me "Validating 0%" with a big blue "pinging" button.  Any suggestions to fix whatever my issue is?

EDIT: Managed to fix it by uninstalling and reinstalling.  See y'all in game!
Introductions / Special Delivery!
Last post by Paladin Light - 2024 May 15, 22:28:50
Howdy, everyone!

Yet another newcomer to this game (though not to the pony scene in general), so yet another introduction post.  Paladin Light's the name, and I'm looking forward to joining you on your quests - as soon as I get the game working.

Good luck to all of us, and always remember that Friendship is Magic, and to carry your light!
Introductions / It was about time I introduce ...
Last post by Speedy Storm - 2024 May 15, 12:49:38
Hey everyponies  :3

It's been about 2 months since I started playing at LoE and... *GASP* THE HORROR! O:  ...I forgot to introduce myself  0:)
Well, better late than never as they say :D

So, without further delay, Hello!!! I am Speedy Storm, an awesome pegesus  :3
I am 22 years old and I study programming(these incomprehensible lines that run your computer equipement, this forum and Legends of Equestria  X3 ).
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is my favorite show(like, i hope, a large part of this forum's members  o.O )!
My favorite pony between the Mane 6 is the most self-assured pegasus of the world.... Rainbow Dash  :3  :3  :3 (if my avatar was not already an indication  :P ).
My hobbies is reading, especially fanfictions (MLP, crossover...) , learning new thing and listening musics like MLP song or fanmade.
I'm a pony who, when in a group, prefer to listen and give my opinion from time to time.

Well, i hope my introduction is not too long, but i was a little excited  ^-^

Take care everyponies!!!  :]

P.S: Here an image of Scootaloo and her great sister Rainbow Dash :D

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