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Pony Off-Topic / Re: My pony is still small aft...
Last post by Howitzer - 2024 Oct 17, 20:01:15
So the pony in the character creation is an adult, but when you start the game with that character for the first time, you begin as a child. In order to get your character to be an adult, you'll need to complete story quests where you eventually graduate and grow up into an adult.
Pony Off-Topic / My pony is still small after I...
Last post by SolarEclipse12 - 2024 Oct 15, 20:41:54
i dont know how to fix this and im not sure if it is suppoosted to be this way. >A<
Introductions / Re: Hi Everypony!!
Last post by Rox - 2024 Oct 13, 16:42:22
Hi everypony! I just want to say...

I am russian, and I can not speak english enouth to express all I want to in Inglish, so I will write in russian and I hope you can translate it....

Думаю, вы понимаете, какое значение ваша игра имеет для нашего фандома и переоценить это сложно - она легендарна. В своём брони окружении я не знаю никого, кто бы хоть раз не заходил на ваши сервера - кто-то чаще, кто-то реже - но абсолютно все знают про неё и отзываются о ней с благодарностью, теплом и ностальгией. Много видел стримов - крайне забавных и греющих душу, в некоторых участвовал. С вашей стороны проделана гигантская работа - ваш мир на самом деле грандиозен, изучать его и проводить в нём время - одни из лучших воспоминаний (наряду с самим G4 сериалом). Лично у меня не всегда получалось заходить на ваши серверы из-за сложности связи, где я нахожусь, но я всегда пытался искать возможность присоединиться и, с переменным успехом, это удавалось. Последние разы, когда я заходил, замечал, что активность падает и не понимал причины этого. Мне кажется, что это связано с общей тенденцией на спад онлайн игр, возможно людям нужно что-то другое... В любом случае хочу выразить огромную благодарность за возможность окунуться в ваш, без сомнения, невероятный мир дружбы и магии, прогуляться по знакомым местам, пообщаться с друзьями и устроить совместные авантюры. Лично для меня это был невероятный опыт, я даже представить себе такого не мог. И, как бы не развивалась судьба вашего проекта в дальнейшем (а я надеюсь, что он будет развиваться), я хочу выразить всей вашей команде огромную благодарность за этот опыт, за то, что создали такой огромный мир по вселенной MLP:FIM, где можно отдохнуть душой, уйти от повседневных проблем. Ваш проект для нашего фандома очень значим. Спасибо вам большое.

I translate it in google
I think you understand how important your game is for our fandom and it is hard to overestimate it - it is legendary. In my bronies, I do not know anyone who has not visited your servers at least once - some more often, some less often - but absolutely everyone knows about it and speaks of it with gratitude, warmth and nostalgia. I have seen many streams - extremely funny and heartwarming, I participated in some. On your part, a huge job has been done - your world is truly grandiose, exploring it and spending time in it are some of the best memories (along with the G4 series itself). Personally, I was not always able to enter your servers due to the complexity of the connection where I am, but I always tried to find an opportunity to join and, with varying success, I succeeded. The last times I went in, I noticed that the activity was falling and did not understand the reason for this. It seems to me that this is connected with the general trend of decline of online games, maybe people need something else... In any case, I want to express my deep gratitude for the opportunity to plunge into your, undoubtedly, incredible world of friendship and magic, to walk around familiar places, to chat with friends and to arrange joint adventures. For me personally, it was an incredible experience, I could not even imagine such a thing. And, no matter how the fate of your project develops in the future (and I hope that it will develop), I want to express my deep gratitude to your entire team for this experience, for creating such a huge world in the MLP:FIM universe, where you can relax your soul, get away from everyday problems. Your project is very important for our fandom. Thank you very much.
Bootes Void
Empress Slashina
Fair Mail
Flight OFancy
Leeway Maneuver
Lemon Cloud
Lightning Blossom
Marussia Kopytova
Red Velvet
Rising Star
Rouge Hurricane
Rural Soup
Shuffle Beat
Star Seeker
Starfire Dream
Sunlight Crusader
Thunder Sky
Ukrayina Kyyiv


Video Games / Re: Graphics Glitch in Certain...
Last post by Howitzer - 2024 Sep 27, 21:48:43
Your best bet would be to join the official discord and ask there / submit a ticket. That would be the fastest and easiest way to contact the devs.
Video Games / Graphics Glitch in Certain Are...
Last post by kevincalori - 2024 Sep 26, 13:12:20

I've noticed some weird graphical glitches when entering specific areas in Legends of Equestria. Some textures seem to disappear; and others look distorted.

I've tried adjusting my graphics settings; but it doesn't seem to help. Has anyone else experienced this or found a fix?
I have checked reference guide but still need help.

I'm using a mid-range PC; and this started happening after the recent patch.

Any advice / possible workarounds would be great.

Thanks in advance!

Video Games / Re: Your favorite video game?
Last post by kevincalori - 2024 Sep 26, 12:52:14
It's always fun to hear about other people's favorite games! Mine would have to be Project Zomboid.
Forum suggestions / Re: cirrus won't talk to about...
Last post by beliefmoneybag - 2024 Sep 25, 05:48:49
Cookies are for security. Delete them if necessary, otherwise don't.
Introductions / Re: Hi Everypony!!
Last post by minuettefan101 - 2024 Sep 21, 18:48:18
Are you still playing? I am coming back after years and there is a lot of nostalgia involved.
Introductions / Re: Hi, it's nice to meet you ...
Last post by minuettefan101 - 2024 Sep 21, 18:44:07
Hi, I am also new. Yeah I was unsure about the color haha. I used to play this game when I was kid, so I am glad to be back to see what still remains.
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