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Messages - DawnsEmbrace

Well, I'm a little late to this party, but I love Pokemon, so here we go.

Which region? (Make up a new one if you want)
Hoenn, It was the first region I conquered, as well as my first real attempt at beating a Pokemon game.

Which gym of chosen region? (1st, 4th, 7th, etc)
8th, I like to be dramatic that way, :3

What would your gym look like?
A simple, straight walkway towards me, with a gaping abyss below you.

What would you look like?
A tall, slenderly built man wearing a simple black jacket (With a dark red undershirt) and jeans.

What Items would you carry?
One of each Stat-Booster item, Dire Hit, X-Attack, Etc.

What's your gym type?
Dark, of course.

What is your gym about? (What does it represent?)
Unity of self, power where it counts.  Perseverance in the face of great adversity.

Any traps, gizmos, gadgets, doohicky's, riddles or giant walls of bug slime that the challenging trainer would have to work around?
Occasionally I will shout questions to the player.
Things like, "Stats and moves aren't everything, do you truly feel worthy of facing the Elite Four?"

What's your team and respective levels? (Include second challenge) (list moveset if you want)
Hoo boy, you just opened a can of worms my friend.

Lvl 70 Absol:  Night Slash, Curse, Snarl, Sucker Punch
Ability: Super Luck
Holds: Scope Lens

Second Challenge:
Lvl 90 Absol:  Night Slash, Curse, Snarl, Sucker Punch
Ability: Super Luck
Holds: Scope Lens

Lvl 85 Marowak:  Bone Rush, Bonemerang, Double-Edge, Retaliate
Ability: Rock Head
Holds: Thick Club

Immediately opens with Retaliate when Absol faints.

How many subsequent trainers would be present?
None, it's just me, and Absol.  Well, for the first challenge anyway.

What badge and TM would you give out?
The Adversity Badge, boosts attack stat.
TM95: Snarl

What would your lines be? (greeting, loss, halfway beaten, etc...)

Greeting: So you still think you're worthy?  Beat us, and prove it to me.

Halfway Beaten: Do you know why Absol and I are so close?  Beat me and I might tell you.  [Uses Dire Hit]

Loss: I met Absol on the outskirts of my town, I spent an hour trying to catch him. 
When I went back to my town, it had been swallowed up by the ground. 
I learned during those lonely years with Absol, perseverance and never giving up was everything in this world.

For no particular reason, when would the trainer have to call you to challenge you a second time?
I would call you to have a rematch one week after you beat me.

Phone-Call Greeting: Absol and I haven't given up on beating you!  Come back if you think you're still worthy.

Quote from: MrEmu on 2014 Feb 27, 22:54:15
Name: *sips his tea* Ummm...still workin' on it.

Cutie Mark: Once again...still workin' on it...

Any other questions? feel free to ask!

Need any help with those?  You were there for Fantaisie, and I'd like to repay that any way I can.

Nope, can't find any flaws.

I am curious about some things though.

Who's his favorite Princess,
how does he spend his time,
does he have a place of work?

Things like that mostly. 

[Edit]:  Also, I'd like to know where he got that stylish bracelet!
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2014 Feb 27, 14:29:31
Granted, but it's ruled by a triple Theocracy of Nightmare Moon, Discord, and Sombra.

I wish I had wings.
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2014 Feb 25, 16:34:32
Granted, but you get incredibly disappointed when you find out you can't explode twice.

I wish math was easier.

I...I need to restrain myse





Curse words can't convey the amount of I LOVE IT that I'm feeling right now.

Thank you.

No really.

I can't express it enough.
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2014 Feb 22, 15:04:20
Granted, but the Pink Fluffy Unicorn Dancing On Rainbows falls off and lands on the neighbors cat.

I wish for a Triple Rainboom.
Don't forget to take your time, there's no rush.
Oooh, I like it the more I look at it. 

The Mane-Style change is quite nice, I'm glad his smile carried over, and I like the realistic horse look more than I thought I would.  In fact, if you hadn't said this was just a concept, I would have used this.
I don't know why, but the green colors I used look so much better in your drawing than they do in the Pony Creator.

If you plan on making it more than a concept, tell me, because I will gladly use this anyway.

Have a good sleep Ramisha.
Awesome!  Hmm...I like both styles...It's only for a description, so I'll choose cartoon style.

I didn't know which character you were offering for, so here's both I guess.  Just choose whichever one you meant.

Spoiler: show
Lunar Composer:

Fantaisie Casquette:

I am, by no means, a master designer.  Any input on these designs is not only welcome, it's encouraged.

I'd like to thank you again for this, you didn't have to, and I really appreciate it.   ^-^
Quote from: Ramisha on 2014 Feb 21, 15:11:41
It would be magnificent if you had a picture.

I'm sure you know, but do you know about GeneralZoi's Pony Creator?
I always design my characters in that, then write down their descriptions on whichever post.

I could give you the Pony Codes, if you're familiar with the Pony Creator.
Quote from: MrEmu on 2014 Feb 21, 03:36:03
All in All...I like him!...well...if I knew him I probably wouldn't...but you know what I mean!

Thank you, a lot. 
I keep being surprised that people like my characters, though I can't take too much credit for Fantaisie.
The whole Hats idea wasn't mine, and that's what spawned the characters whole personality.

Quote from: MrEmu on 2014 Feb 21, 03:36:03
By the said I helped you make him... ( in small part ) What did I do to help?

You were there silly!  :D

Listening and simply being there is more than enough to get a mention in my opinion.

Quote from: Ramisha on 2014 Feb 21, 08:40:26
Do you need a drawing? Character info isn't as interesting without pictures of the ponies to me.

Are you offering? Because, if you are,
You guys...Ohmygosh... You're the best...:'(
You can respond here if you're offering.
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2014 Feb 17, 16:22:31
Granted, but they're all bricked gameboys.

I wish I could find a store that sold pork buns.
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2014 Feb 16, 23:23:31
Granted, but someone mixed mud into it.

I wish I had a EVERY superpower.
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2014 Feb 10, 21:48:33
Granted, but it's a world of heathen barbarians who don't listen to a word you say.

I wish I had a fantastic wish for someone to mess up.
