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Messages - Zygrograxgra

Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2012 Apr 07, 09:43:08
Quote from: Thunder Jet on 2012 Apr 06, 21:59:14
Pourqoui est-ce tu ne parle pas francais?

I do speak it, but this is an English forum. Please only use English in conversations, only side comments should be French. It's not very nice.
ArrĂȘte de parler français
Je vais vous poignarder si vous n'avez pas
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2012 Apr 06, 17:02:52
Sister told me about it.
Older sister.
I was all like "Might as well try it."
First episode: This is decent
Second episode: Still decent.
Third episode: MOAR
Quote from: Mr.Darkling on 2012 Apr 06, 14:26:25
I can see this being abused amongst close-knitted pony groups who would rather give karma to each other for simply being friends with them, than actually giving karma for a decent post.
I hate to be the only one to dislike this feature (seen as so many approve already), but it's features like this that stroke people's egos and creates elitists amongst the community.

I speak on experience from past forums I've been too; an explanation as to why I am negative towards this, I am not saying I am right.

Who knows though, LoE might be different.

I like the system, but not the way it was implemented. So, I'm in with you on the 'dislike' thing.
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2012 Apr 05, 19:47:37
Video Games Archive / Re: Mass Effect
2012 Apr 05, 13:52:49
Unless the upcoming free ending DLC fixes lore breaking and such, I won't be getting Mass Effect 3.
ME2 wasn't all that great to me, such to the point that I never finished it. After all, who in their right mind changes from a heat system (that rapidly cools) to AMMO? That there was enough to tear me out of the game. I understand that it 'allows you to shoot more' and how 'ammo is plentiful' but if you think about it, they used to have guns that used a solid block of some material (can't remember its name) that had a chip sliced off and propelled at high speeds. THOUSANDS of shots each.
Although I never did play any of the DLC, isn't there one in ME2 where you blow up a Mass Relay? *super nova*
I didn't know they sent out a teleport pulse when they were wrecked instead of actually exploding with the force of a thousand suns.
-other such complaints-

You are always welcome here!
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2012 Apr 03, 12:49:50
It's a hard choice for me.
There's the Spider Mech in Mech Assault 2, Count Waltz in Eternal Sonata, any of the dragons in Skyrim (they are wandering bosses), one of the many Blue Dragon bosses, etc.
Animations Archive / My Little War Horse
2012 Mar 27, 17:58:45

Hooray for pointless insanity!


That's my answer. What's yours?
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2012 Mar 25, 19:27:42
Music Archive / Re: Post your theme song!
2012 Mar 25, 16:38:24