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Quote from: Greyscaleisme on 2014 Jul 27, 16:50:33
Likes Trixie
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2014 Jul 23, 13:23:13
Peacemaker: Hey Peacekeeper, I need you to help me with something. You can play with your friends later.
*Used a time freeze spell* *Teleports me out*
Me: Oh thank you! What you need help on?
*teleports home*
(In Spongebob narrator voice) "30 minutes later"
*Uses instant-transmission to return*
Peacemaker: Ok thanks. You can play with your friends now.
*teleports me back to original position*
Me:Wait... what?
Peacemaker: I'll see you later
*teleports and unfreezes time*
Secretly rolling on floor laughing
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2014 Jul 23, 01:38:30Quote from: Gingineer on 2014 Jul 22, 21:44:25I AM THE CAKE THEIF MUWAHAHAHAHH
Is actually a detective in the Canterlot Bakery Crime Unit
For shame... for shame!!!
You need a time out
*magically pulls out a lasso that was conveniently placed near me*
(Thank you bro for lending me some magic and the lessons! Now if only I can do it unassisted)
Secretly gonna defend Gingineer of his/her crimes
P.S. I still can't tell whether your avatar is male or female