Season 6 Discussion Thread

Started by Crescent Sun, 2016 Feb 14, 20:21:51

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Quote from: Icy Shield on 2016 Apr 01, 08:40:40
Spoiler: show
 yeah, that is 1 of 3 reasons why this start of S6 I really hate and considering Starlight Glimmer gonna be 7th main character?Oh, god NO....

The other 2 reasons would be: Flurry Heart beaing an alicorns. I have nothing against her, but she complete destroyed headcanon that only natural alicorns are immortal. I thought Celestia and Luna were special, I thought they were naturally born alicorns! Even Luna said was suprised and said they they never seen this happening before... I'm literally destroyed inside... And speaking of royal sisters. Celestia and Luna dissapointed me. Even together they could barealy hold and failed in the end to hold snow storm. Are they really that weak? How did Twilight even beat Tirek in S4 if even combine power of 2 alicorns is not enough to stop blizzard?

You and I should be friends. Seriously. I can't seem to find anyone who has a similar opinion to mine when it comes to NOT REDEEMED character.
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


Quote from: LostSanity on 2016 Apr 01, 17:46:43
You and I should be friends. Seriously. I can't seem to find anyone who has a similar opinion to mine when it comes to NOT REDEEMED character.

What about Guard120?


Quote from: Icy Shield on 2016 Apr 01, 08:40:40
Spoiler: show
 yeah, that is 1 of 3 reasons why this start of S6 I really hate and considering Starlight Glimmer gonna be 7th main character?Oh, god NO....

The other 2 reasons would be: Flurry Heart beaing an alicorns. I have nothing against her, but she complete destroyed headcanon that only natural alicorns are immortal. I thought Celestia and Luna were special, I thought they were naturally born alicorns! Even Luna said was suprised and said they they never seen this happening before... I'm literally destroyed inside... And speaking of royal sisters. Celestia and Luna dissapointed me. Even together they could barealy hold and failed in the end to hold snow storm. Are they really that weak? How did Twilight even beat Tirek in S4 if even combine power of 2 alicorns is not enough to stop blizzard?

Spoiler: show
I don't consider her to be the 7th main character at all.

A character who was only recently introduced, as a villain no less, and is rather suddenly redeemed can not be considered on the same character level as a primary cast that has 5 seasons of development behind them.

Yeah she's Twilight's pupil now, but at best she'll get put in a "major supporting character" role like Discord and Spike, but with more screen time than the former and likely less than the latter.

As for the blizzard. It required a powerful magic artifact to hold back the weather of the Frozen North. This means the weather that far north is a lot like the weather of the Everfree Forest in that the ponies are unable to control it. Except the northern weather is like Everfree's on steroids.

Granted, with how many times Celestia and Luna have been missing or incapacitated it does cheapen their roles as "guardians of Equestria" even if it was the first time they actually did something useful against the "threat" this time.

Icy Shield

2016 Apr 02, 08:01:16 #43 Last Edit: 2016 Apr 02, 08:21:49 by Icy Shield
Quote from: LostSanity on 2016 Apr 01, 17:46:43
You and I should be friends. Seriously. I can't seem to find anyone who has a similar opinion to mine when it comes to NOT REDEEMED character.

I guess not many want to talk on negative aspects of the show or just simply ignore it. Or maybe just don't care as long as there cute ponies on the screen.

Post Merge

Quote from: Dawnstar on 2016 Apr 02, 00:11:47
Spoiler: show
I don't consider her to be the 7th main character at all.

A character who was only recently introduced, as a villain no less, and is rather suddenly redeemed can not be considered on the same character level as a primary cast that has 5 seasons of development behind them.

Yeah she's Twilight's pupil now, but at best she'll get put in a "major supporting character" role like Discord and Spike, but with more screen time than the former and likely less than the latter.

As for the blizzard. It required a powerful magic artifact to hold back the weather of the Frozen North. This means the weather that far north is a lot like the weather of the Everfree Forest in that the ponies are unable to control it. Except the northern weather is like Everfree's on steroids.

Granted, with how many times Celestia and Luna have been missing or incapacitated it does cheapen their roles as "guardians of Equestria" even if it was the first time they actually did something useful against the "threat" this time.

Spoiler: show
 Well of course you couldn't hold blizzard forever even if you're alicorn thats why crystal heart artifact was for. But Cadance on her own held a barrier against blizzard (evil shadow blizzard?) that brought king Sombra for full 1 day or more.

I thought writters intentionaly were making royal sister missing or disarmed for sake of moving story plot otherwise it would have been a short episode of royal sisters defeating evil with 1 or 2 powerfull spells. I was waiting for moment where they could shine and save the day (especially for Celestia). Yeaaahhh...Gods they are not. Not even demi-gods if they keep that way.

Let it snow!


Quote from: wingedpineapple on 2016 Apr 01, 11:44:11
Spoiler: show

M8, they were defeated by a love bug, a slime and a PLANT, plot convenience is a thing but I'm surprised it took you too long to realize they are used as "Hey, look this powerful ponies, they were defeated by this thing now you know that it's a serious thing!".
Unfortunately, this premiere had more plot conveniences than usual.

Spoiler: show
Also known as the Worf Effect.

Warning: TV Tropes link in the spoiler!
Watch for "Census Taker" (pegasus), "Chuck Wagon" (earth pony), and "Bug Hunter" (unicorn).


2016 Apr 02, 11:28:19 #45 Last Edit: 2016 Apr 02, 11:31:14 by Dawnstar
Quote from: Icy Shield on 2016 Apr 02, 08:01:16
Spoiler: show
 Well of course you couldn't hold blizzard forever even if you're alicorn thats why crystal heart artifact was for. But Cadance on her own held a barrier against blizzard (evil shadow blizzard?) that brought king Sombra for full 1 day or more.

I thought writters intentionaly were making royal sister missing or disarmed for sake of moving story plot otherwise it would have been a short episode of royal sisters defeating evil with 1 or 2 powerfull spells. I was waiting for moment where they could shine and save the day (especially for Celestia). Yeaaahhh...Gods they are not. Not even demi-gods if they keep that way.

Spoiler: show
Cadence wasn't holding back the Frozen North's weather though. She was just holding back King Sombra.

The Crystal Heart was not damaged or destroyed when the Crystal Empire returned. It was just hidden at the top of the palace spire, but was otherwise in perfect working condition which meant that it was still holding back the weather of the Frozen North as well.

When Sombra finally made it inside the city the blizzard didn't follow him.


Quote from: Icy Shield on 2016 Apr 02, 08:01:16
I guess not many want to talk on negative aspects of the show or just simply ignore it. Or maybe just don't care as long as there cute ponies on the screen.

You have to remember that not everyone see Starlight's redemption as something negative.


Spoiler: In regards to today's episode • show


That's about all I have to say for it.
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------

Icy Shield

Quote from: Dawnstar on 2016 Apr 02, 11:28:19
Spoiler: show
Cadence wasn't holding back the Frozen North's weather though. She was just holding back King Sombra.

The Crystal Heart was not damaged or destroyed when the Crystal Empire returned. It was just hidden at the top of the palace spire, but was otherwise in perfect working condition which meant that it was still holding back the weather of the Frozen North as well.

When Sombra finally made it inside the city the blizzard didn't follow him.

Spoiler: show
 But still it's just a blizzard. Shouldn't be impossible for powerfull alicorn (especially if there is 2 of them) to hold for atleast 1 day. I bet Discord could have hold blizzard for as long as he wanted, considering he could manipulate the reality and laws of physics

Let it snow!


Honestly... there's not much for me to say about this episode... however...

Unlike before, this shouldn't be as bad as my previous thoughts were.  :s

Either way you should all know the drill by now. Here are my thought for S6E3.

Spoiler: show



Plus Rarity had her funny moments as well.

Pinkie's sacrifice for Maud actually made me a little sad...  :')

The moral/lesson was a little on the 'obvious' side (gifts being more about love than being amazing) but that really didn't matter to me.


She can guilt-trip people into reveal stuff to her and can get items back with her Maud-ness? I don't know but she's AMAZINGlol


AMAZING episode.

My fandom status has been reinvigorated once again!!

If they can continue episodes like this, I won't leave the fandom.  ^-^

So... there you go...  :s

QuoteWhat about Guard120?

I suppose so but he left the fandom... so...  :s

QuoteI guess not many want to talk on negative aspects of the show or just simply ignore it. Or maybe just don't care as long as there cute ponies on the screen.

*nods head in approval*
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Stardust Dragon

Spoiler: show
Personally I'm glad that this at least twisted the "Gift of the Magi" story I'm kind of tired of hearing (and/or expect more unusual plots or twists from this series), and it was actually a very nice lesson in the end.  I know I have issues buying gifts for my dad on occasion.

Also, I swear Rarity picked out the Littlest Pet, for her new boutique.  I might be overthinking it, but if I'm not it's a cute reference to the staff that the two shows share.

Midnight Breeze

Spoiler: show
I gotta say, from a logical standpoint they picked the worst city imaginable for this plot.

Manehatten is a metropolis, what are the odds that there's only one shop in the entire city that sells that particular product? Pretty close to zero. Could have just taken a taxi 4 blocks down the road to the next closest bag shop.

Ehh...disregard me. My INTP is showing again.


Spoiler: Episode 4 • show
And a new ship was born.


S6E4 thoughts incoming.

*insert warning here?*

Spoiler: show

Once again, there's not really much for me to say about this episode.

To be completely honest... this was the kind of episode I was hoping for once the CMC got their cutie marks.

Them struggling on what they're supposed to do now that they have them. So this was just the perfect episode.

Admittedly I was worried the CMC would basically have no purpose once they received their cutie marks but this episode showed me that I was sorely mistaken.

Bulk Biceps made this funny quite hilarious. There were other funny moments too. Like when they tried to find stuff to do together and kept failing at it.  lol

Not surprising, Apple Bloom struggling to find something to do on her own led to her finding the problem they needed to assist in.

I actually kind of like that they're helping other ponies either find their cutie marks or help them determine their cutie marks true meaning. Most CMC episodes have been kind of 'iffy' for me but that may possibly change now and I may actually start to like them more now.  X3

Also... inb4 people ship Apple Bloom with that performing colt.  :l

Either way... this was quite the surprisingly decent CMC episode.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Icy Shield

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2016 Apr 05, 05:41:53
Spoiler: show
I gotta say, from a logical standpoint they picked the worst city imaginable for this plot.

Manehatten is a metropolis, what are the odds that there's only one shop in the entire city that sells that particular product? Pretty close to zero. Could have just taken a taxi 4 blocks down the road to the next closest bag shop.

Ehh...disregard me. My INTP is showing again.

Spoiler: show
Speaking of Manehatten. Always when I see it in the show, it feels so out of place. We got Canterlot, Crystal Empire, Ponyvile and many other towns with interesting/fantasy style town design and then...modern big city from real life :l . Doesn't fit to overall MLP designs that was intreduced in the show. I wonder if Las Peasuses will the same? I hope not

Let it snow!


Quote from: Icy Shield on 2016 Apr 11, 07:08:14
Spoiler: show
Speaking of Manehatten. Always when I see it in the show, it feels so out of place. We got Canterlot, Crystal Empire, Ponyvile and many other towns with interesting/fantasy style town design and then...modern big city from real life :l . Doesn't fit to overall MLP designs that was intreduced in the show. I wonder if Las Peasuses will the same? I hope not

Spoiler: show
Manehatten may not have the same fantasy elements as the other prominent locations, but it does tend to reflect how major urban areas such as London and New York City looked in the 19th century -- which is the period Lauren was going for when designing Ponyville.
Watch for "Census Taker" (pegasus), "Chuck Wagon" (earth pony), and "Bug Hunter" (unicorn).

Icy Shield

Quote from: McClaw on 2016 Apr 11, 08:45:04
Spoiler: show
Manehatten may not have the same fantasy elements as the other prominent locations, but it does tend to reflect how major urban areas such as London and New York City looked in the 19th century -- which is the period Lauren was going for when designing Ponyville.

Spoiler: show
 You mean 20th century? I'm pretty sure 19th century looked a bit different. And still what's the point  adding it to show? It breaks the whole atmosphere and looks a bit too bizarre. I think 18th century city designs would fit better

Let it snow!

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Icy Shield on 2016 Apr 11, 11:42:16
Spoiler: show
 You mean 20th century? I'm pretty sure 19th century looked a bit different. And still what's the point  adding it to show? It breaks the whole atmosphere and looks a bit too bizarre. I think 18th century city designs would fit better

They really want Equestria to be somewhat based on the USA in design, it seems.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Icy Shield on 2016 Apr 11, 11:42:16
Spoiler: show
 You mean 20th century? I'm pretty sure 19th century looked a bit different. And still what's the point  adding it to show? It breaks the whole atmosphere and looks a bit too bizarre. I think 18th century city designs would fit better

You realize new york wasnt built overnight,  right?  Thats how it looked in the 1800s. Just because a city has skyscrapers doesnt mean its super modern.

Furthermore,  if anything ponyville is even more modern than manehatten.  Just because they have more traditional architecture doesnt mean anything,  havent you noticed how usonian the interiors of their houses look?  Modern furniture?  Ceiling fans? Electric lighting? 

Come on, man. Even since season one weve been seeing factories with assembly lines and robotics,  hospitals with telemetry and x ray,  theatres with modern sound equipment and stage lighting,  modern coffee shops,  bakeries,  and restaurants....

If youve been thinking this show was set in the rennassance era all this time then you havent been paying much atrention,  im just saying...


Modern/historic was an issue for Lauren Faust, too. She wanted a 19th century (1800s) look, with the big disparity between urban and rural areas (which could seem a century or more behind the cities). Which would also mean a period of rapid change, something that might mask the use of magic instead of electricity or other technology for things.

But Hasbro and other executives wanted to include contemporary things like refrigerators (instead of iceboxes) so the audience wouldn't be left wondering about the old devices.
Watch for "Census Taker" (pegasus), "Chuck Wagon" (earth pony), and "Bug Hunter" (unicorn).

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