Season 6 Discussion Thread

Started by Crescent Sun, 2016 Feb 14, 20:21:51

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This episode was definitely what the season needed. Most of the episodes so far have been mostly sub-par, but not this one. Having Heart Warming Eve Ebenezer Scrooge style with the mane 6 and Starlight (plus all of those songs). Now if only Discovery Family will play it during the actual holiday season.
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------

Chishio Kunrin

Spoiler: show
Can I just say I love villain songs? I love them so much. So often, they're better than hero songs because they're so much more dramatic. I loved the song about casting a spell to get rid of Hearthswarming Eve!

This was a pretty cool episode! Kinda wish it would've aired around winter holiday time. Then again, it's almost summer, so at least there's the fact that it kinda reminds me of Christmas in July, which makes me nostalgic for old Cartoon Network.

I really, really liked the design for the Ghost of Hearthswarming Future. That was a pretty spooky-looking Luna!

Also, I think I'm sensing a pattern here. Season 6 seems to be about dealing with the past.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


S6E9 thoughts below:

Spoiler: show
I actually really liked this one!!

They made it seem like it was going to be a bad review and that was understandable. I kind of like how this episode was done too.

We never saw what happened so it was like a flashback and also the interviews were hilarious at times.  lol

Did you see the extra Pinkie? That legitimately cracked me up.  lol

It was funny to see Twilight and co. try to act like Rarity and do what she wanted to do, and then, not surprisingly, it all failed on them quite badly and they quickly shifted to their regular selves.

It also looks like Vinyl Scratch/DJ-PON3 is starting to become a recurring character now which I also like. I also like that they're keeping her mute. I really liked that in Slice of Life and sort of just made her 'cooler' for me. It's kind of hard to explain. I guess it makes her more mysterious?  :s

Either way this one had quite of few funny moments which I quite liked and the review actually seemed like a a good review and not the DOOM review that Twilight and co. made it seem like.

Just a good all-around episode as far as I'm concerned with lots of funny moments.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


Spoiler: show
I'm starting to suspect there are two DJ-PON3 / Vinyl Scratch ponies out there.
Watch for "Census Taker" (pegasus), "Chuck Wagon" (earth pony), and "Bug Hunter" (unicorn).


Well... here are my S6E10 thoughts. I'm probably being too nice though, so, I'll let others be negative.  :s

Spoiler: show

There is legitimately not much I can say about this one. Not really in a good way either. I'm not saying I didn't like it though.  :s

It's just... I don't know... nothing really 'stood out' for me in this one.

Not surprisingly, Applejack ended up working when she was supposed to be 'relaxing.'

It was kind of interesting to see her fixing the problem with the spa center though. She was only supposed to be there to 'relax' and she ended up helping them out.  :P

Then, Twilight and Rarity return the favor by helping out Applejack because they notice that she was doing a lot of unnecessary things with her chores and helped her 'update' them sort of so they wouldn't take that long which, of course, ended with her being able to spend more 'quality time' I guess with Rarity.

About the only thing I can say is that I liked Rainbow Dash in this one with her trying to hide that she liked the spa treatments. It was cute and funny.  X3

That's about all I can say.

Others can do a better job at this then I can. I don't like to be negative, I know it doesn't seem that way but I just don't like to dwell on negative stuff.

So I guess it was pretty much another 'mediocre' episode for me.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


Spoiler: show
It was a pretty lukewarm episode, nothing special.
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------


Spoiler: Applejack's "Day" Off • show
Certainly a nice slice-of-life episode I thought. I won't say it was the best episode this season, but it was far from being the worst in my opinion.

Can definitely see the ease at which one can get stuck in routines. Because at some point there was a good reason to start those routines. Even if they're not practical any more that doesn't mean the habit goes away.

Laughed so hard at Rainbow's appearances. Both because they were funny, and because my head canon that she likes to pamper herself when her friends aren't around is now canon.

And she's there daily too which made it all the more funny. XD


S6E11 thoughts below:

Spoiler: show
Let me start by saying that I was so happy that we finally got to see Fluttershy's parents. I like that the show is doing this for all the characters because there are still some characters whose families are 'unknown' and now Fluttershy isn't one of those characters (Rainbow Dash still is though...)  ^-^

Now we know where Fluttershy got her shyness, quite voice, demeanor, and occasionally being unable to stand up for herself.  :P

Anyway... onto the episode...

Zephyr Breeze... was quite the opposite to Fluttershy. Shockingly so. Almost makes me think he was adopted or something. He's just no where close to Fluttershy or her parents personality wise. As the episode went on, this guy just proved how much of an idiot and jerk he can be.

Plus he kept thinking Rainbow Dash liked him. UM... NO:l

How this guy kept screwing up is beyond me... but I guess being scared of failure is something that you can get. But you really just have to keep trying and even if you do fail, that allows to learn a lesson out of it, and grow from it.

The moral seemed somewhat like 'common sense' to me but that could just be me.

Either way this one was certainly better than the last and I quite enjoyed it.

Stay away everyone!! Fluttershy is 'peeved'!!  lol

Pretty decent episode.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


Spoiler: Flutter Brutter • show
Yeah, after this episode only Rainbow's family and Applejack's parents still require some level of development beyond knowing what the former looks like and that the latter are just "gone."

I did like that some knowledge of Fluttershy's family was shared among her friends beforehand. Aside from being less direct than Shining Armor's introduction it showed us that stuff happens in their lives that we don't see in the show.

I really liked how comfortable Fluttershy was around her family too. Such a big difference when she's around ponies she's known her whole life. Not to mention the way Rainbow interacted with her family. Personally it reinforced my head canon that Fluttershy and Rainbow are practically sisters with how long they've known each other, and I found it amusing how intimidated Zephyr was by Fluttershy.

Though while I guess we were supposed to dislike Zephyr in the beginning, I will admit I wasn't all that invested in seeing him get a turn around so much as a comeuppance. Especially with how he acted around Rainbow even when it was obvious he was making her uncomfortable.

Of course I won't deny that she was more than capable of handling him because that would be unfair to her. However, it didn't earn him any points when they made it sound like he's acted that way around her for a while. If anything I give Rainbow props for putting up with it as long as she has if only because he's Fluttershy's brother. I'm sure if he were any other pony she probably would've slugged him.

However, having seen people approach friends like that in the past I admit I cheered a little after she shocked him with a thundercloud.

That said I'd say this was a great episode for Fluttershy all in all and the development of mane 6 family members was more than welcome. I wouldn't mind seeing her parents more in the future either. Though for her brother it would depend on how he acts in the future since he was still struggling with his turn around at the end of the episode. Right now I doubt it would take much for him to regress to be honest.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: LostSanity on 2016 Jun 05, 18:14:21
S6E11 thoughts below:

Spoiler: show
Let me start by saying that I was so happy that we finally got to see Fluttershy's parents. I like that the show is doing this for all the characters because there are still some characters whose families are 'unknown' and now Fluttershy isn't one of those characters (Rainbow Dash still is though...)  ^-^

Now we know where Fluttershy got her shyness, quite voice, demeanor, and occasionally being unable to stand up for herself.  :P

Anyway... onto the episode...

Zephyr Breeze... was quite the opposite to Fluttershy. Shockingly so. Almost makes me think he was adopted or something. He's just no where close to Fluttershy or her parents personality wise. As the episode went on, this guy just proved how much of an idiot and jerk he can be.

Plus he kept thinking Rainbow Dash liked him. UM... NO:l

How this guy kept screwing up is beyond me... but I guess being scared of failure is something that you can get. But you really just have to keep trying and even if you do fail, that allows to learn a lesson out of it, and grow from it.

The moral seemed somewhat like 'common sense' to me but that could just be me.

Either way this one was certainly better than the last and I quite enjoyed it.

Stay away everyone!! Fluttershy is 'peeved'!!  lol

Pretty decent episode.


Spoiler: show
It's common sense to you and me, but there are a lot of young children out there who it's not common sense for. I know a little girl who keeps wanting to give up on things because she's not as good at them as other people. She gets extremely discouraged when she gets a drawing How To book and notices how much better the people who made the book are at drawing than her, not realizing that
1. They're professionals and adults, who have had a lot more experience and practice than her.
2. That's kind of the point of a drawing How To book. People who are good at drawing make the book to teach you how to draw like them.
Regardless, she has these moments where she gets discouraged and doesn't want to try anymore because "I'll never be as good as them! :'(" and someone has to remind her that practice is how you get that good.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


S6E12 thoughts are below this.

Spoiler: show

I'll be completely honest with you... I was a little worried about this one. For the most part, 'map' episodes tend to not be that great.

However, that certainly wasn't the case this time.

Maybe Pinkie and Rarity really was the best pair?  lol

Either way I quite liked this one. Especially the restaurant ponies. Even the song was relatively decent. Very good and catchy. That's saying something coming from me when I don't tend to like songs.  X3

Not surprisingly Pinkie and Rarity were doing the wrong jobs at first but fixed it at the end.

That food critic though... clearly a jerk.  :l

Glad to see Rarity put them in their place.

I really don't know how to put this one. I just really liked it. It's hard for me to describe what I like about certain episodes I guess. The entire episode just gelled really well I guess? I'm really not good at this...  :s

It seemed like the moral was 'don't always believe ratings from so called 'critics' you should always try to see what others think of it first or just give it a chance and try it yourself. You never know, you may like it.' Or something like that I guess. Either way I liked that too.  ^-^

An unexpected surprisingly decent map episode.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


Isn't it a bit irritating having the spoilers everywhere? Why don't we just make this thread as a spoiler somehow?

Feel free to drag this over someone's avatar for brief entertainment.

Yanis Lovely

Quote from: Crescent Sun on 2016 Feb 14, 20:21:51
As everyone may have noticed, the few times i write around here mostly are because i get overhyped... or because i've discovered something about LoE or MLP.
This time, indeed, I am overhyped! after reading a little leak buried in the Toy Fair presentation.

So... now it's official, in May we'll have the first episode of My little pony on air. But i am not sure about the day or hour..  so... i couldn't help myself and made a countdown to 1 May.

Now is time to get hyped!
0:) :c :D :luna:


What happen when Flash Sentry going to face himself(Captain KirschHeels,whose bearing to have an uncanny resemblance of Flash Sentry in-between as Pegasus and  'Alicorn' and Human form and used to work for King Sombra as night squad captain)?


Spoiler: The start of the next half of the season • show
And it's meme-tastic

------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------


Here come my thoughts for S6E13

Spoiler: show
Quite the return for this show. We get another Daring Do episode!!

Something was quite obvious in this one. They were clearly using this to make 'statements' about the brony fandom. At least in the sense that there are also those within this fandom who complain as much about this show as Quibble did about the Daring Do books. The obvious example being those who say that 'this season was the best' or 'the other seasons past this season are bad' and stuff like that. I'm not immune from this either. I'll admit I can sometimes complain to much. However it's never about 'seasons' for me. It's always about certain things they decide to do.  :s

Anyway, the obvious fandom statement aside, this was a pretty hilarious episode. Patton Oswalt fit the character perfectly. It was quite hilarious and Rainbow Dash being her Daring Do fan-self all over again was good to see again.  :P

The Quibble instances were pretty funny and hilarious too sometimes. Especially when he kept insulting Caballeron and continued to not believe it was real.  lol

This was just an overall fun episode with a good statement when it comes to fandoms. We shouldn't argue about when it was good or what 'season's' we like. We all like the show for our own reasons and arguing about it really the best way to go about it. We just all like it in a certain way.

Great start for the return from hiatus with a great episode.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


Below are my thoughts for S6E14

Spoiler: show
There's not really much I can say about this one.

First off, Physics lesson? Seriously? They're in Elementary School. Not College.  :s

After that there's really not much else I can say. The cart concept is somewhat interesting and makes me think they got the idea from that fan-game that never saw fruition. But maybe not? Still, it's good to see other types of racing.  The problem was... somewhat predictable if you ask me. It wasn't really surprising that Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash took over when their 'sisters' Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo asked for help with their cart. They wanted to do something different but their Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash wouldn't have it and they became understandably frustrated. Still though, it was quite funny that Derpy won most creative when Rarity was a filly.  lol

They acted as if they were the ones participating in the race when it was supposed to be for the kids, which Cheerilee tried to tell them but again they weren't listening. As expected, they ruined it for all ponies involved.

I will say though I kind of liked the moral/lesson/whatever you want to call it. It really is hard to stand up to/confront those that are older than you because it seems like they are supposed to be more knowledgeable and wiser. I have problems with that myself with my mother but I don't say anything because I'm fairly sure it would always lead to an argument. No one wins in an argument.

I can't say much else. I enjoyed seeing Derpy in this episode though and even being a part of the race as well and I did like the racing cart concept. The song was pretty okay too.

Overall I'd say this one was a mediocre episode. But it's not like I hated it. Just me I suppose.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Stardust Dragon

2016 Aug 06, 18:53:54 #97 Last Edit: 2016 Aug 06, 18:55:51 by Stardust Dragon
S6 Ep 14

Spoiler: show
I can't stand this trope.  Every time I see it I just get so angry at the "know better" characters for getting so blatantly sidetracked and completely ignoring the main character of the story.  Somehow it seems worse here; though I can believe all the older sisters for why they want to win their specific category (which was a nice touch, having more than just a prize for fastest racer), I felt like this was a step backwards in everypony's relationship.  Not showing who actually won was well played in my mind, but I can imagine there are going to be more than a few arguments about that in the near future...

As for the nitpicks; did anyone else notice how both Rarity and Sweetie's horns vanished under the helmets?  Um...ow?  Have we seen that before, because it's the first I recall seeing it...  Also, when I was in Cub Scouts half a lifetime ago, the Pinewood Derby took me and my dad a few days off and on to sculpt out a car, and these teams made perfectly functional cars in half a day?  Twice?  And are these things powered at all?  I presume not, but in the end there seemed to be more grease on the older ponies outfits than just lubing up the axles would suggest to me...

Overall this wasn't an episode I liked: I don't think it's necessarily bad, but it's low on my totem pole, mainly for using a plot I really don't like seeing.

Rasy (Flanniest Flan)

2016 Aug 09, 07:28:58 #98 Last Edit: 2016 Aug 09, 07:31:16 by cshadd
My thoughts for S6-E14:
Spoiler: show
Okay so seeing the older sisters portray as the ones that don't listen to their younger sisters reminds me on how families sometimes have older family members who don't listen to their younger family members. Really at the start, I knew that they were choosing the wrong ponies for the job. But at the same time I tried to put trust in the sisters of Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo (Rainbow isn't her sister persay but I guess acquired sister). But at the same time, their wants on which medals they wished to obtained made me think that they should have asked the other sister. Like Applebloom should have asked Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo should ask Rarity, and Sweetie Belle should have asked Applejack (Although probably Applejack may be confused due to tradition).
Honestly seeing the older sisters not listening to the younger sisters does give some negative feelings towards the episode from me but nether less, its a good episode. We used to have these derby races in Cub Scouts where I was from and it brings back memories of where I wanted my car to also be the fastest but had to also get help from a relative to help design such a thing.
Also one question: Did they really destroy most of Ponyville just to build that track?

Honestly a few of the past episodes have not been my cup of tea but I do enjoy watching them and I am still hyped for more Season 6 and the new movie. :)


Thoughts on S6E15 below as always because that's how I do this now.

Spoiler: show
Wow. Honestly... this episode caught me off guard. I was legitimately concerned I wouldn't like it due to the 'zombie' thing.

But that just wasn't the case. This was a pretty decent episode.

Honestly... I actually thought some of Rainbow Dash's pranks were funny. But that's probably because they were done to others and weren't done to me. I can understand what the moral was for the most part.

Celestia in a sea of scrolls!! That was hilarious.  lol

Rainbow Dash gets the wrong idea from what her friends were trying to tell her.

Pinkie antics are best antics that make episodes fun. Especially when she jumped at the cookies and then wanted more 'joke cookies' when she was 'sick.'  X3

Sick Pinkie can only mean bad things... and... it was.

So... the 'zombie' ponies. Honestly... they weren't so much 'zombie' ponies as they were 'obsessed with cookies zombie' ponies.

When it started happening to Rainbow Dash's friends I was generally enjoying the episode. For some reason it was just funny to me (probably because I realized that they were faking it but that really didn't seem to make the episode bad for me)  lol

Just a lot of hilarity in this episode and it wasn't surprising with the conclusion that it taught Rainbow the lesson she was supposed to be learning and one final 'prank' to end it.

This was actually a surprisingly fun episode I quite liked this one.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

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