LoE on deviant Art

Started by Kit, 2012 May 08, 20:25:46

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2012 May 08, 20:25:46 Last Edit: 2012 May 08, 20:51:12 by Kit
Guess what!  o_O  We have a brand new dA group for Legends of Equestria!  O:


Come check out samples from our game's development!  We'll be updating our group from time to time so please feel free to "watch" us if you have a dA account.  8D

Sorry, but membership in this group is for development team members only.

Dr. Hoofington

I'm getting an error 404 message from the link  :(


Quote from: Dr. Hoofington on 2012 May 08, 20:50:29
I'm getting an error 404 message from the link  :(

Teh intarwebz iz hating on me!

Fixed nao!

Travius Trott

Brilliant! ^-^
I was thinking of posting a request for making one.

Looked it up, and got my main question answered.
But I shall watch for sure.

Now it would be nice with a LoE community group on DA.

Oh, it would appear that I got some fancy title, Notable pony, now that's something that I had not expected to gain.
Thanks everypony, for this most brilliant thing.

Chishio Kunrin

I'll check it out when my modem stops being an idiot. :3

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


I'll be checking this out.

Silver Hooves


Looks good so far. I finally came to see some progress, that's cool.


Ah, excellent use of free services.
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines

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