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Messages - Captain_Char

Quote from: pfiutek1 on 2015 Jan 24, 07:28:30
See Captain? someone managed to go to the ruins

I also explored the mountains around the farm, its easy to jump over a fence, especially of the barrier isn't high enough, rule of thumb, people will always find a way to break those barriers, been doing it since Nintendo 64.
Quote from: pfiutek1 on 2015 Jan 24, 07:18:55
And please remove hidden walls. i want to go to the ruins in the forest easily

as a person who builds game levels as a hobby, Its usually best you don't go past these hidden walls, or barriers, since 90% of the time you'll fall through the map cause you are in an area you never were meant to be in.
also last time's clones:

I would say its due to DDoS and not have enough servers to cater to everyone, but as a server owner myself I know its not a free thing, and since this game has to follow some good rules, it can't really charge for service, as far as I know, but as I stated before, patience, it will work out in the end
Quote from: pfiutek1 on 2015 Jan 24, 07:08:23

I didnt had any bugs in the past

actually the last time I played, there was ghost connections galore, causing clones of players to pop up, it also ate the connection slots for real players
Just remember, the dev's are people too, and likely need rest as well, so go easy on them, im sure they are doing their best to get the game back to operational status
Patience, the servers will get repaired and then everyone will be able to play, these things just take time, since its just not as easy as turning off a computer and back on.
I think the server might be over whelmed with connection requests, similar to a DDoS but its actually just the sheer amount of traffic trying to get online. just my thought
only one server shows up on the list so far with N/A ping read out, at the moment id say the server is actually overwhelmed
It never fails, usually whenever some game launch or open happens, either the servers get over whelmed, much like last time, or someone comes and ruins it for everyone just cause they feel they can. ive been wondering how much progress was made since last year, so my curiosity is fairly high on this.