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Messages - Muntague

Introductions Archive / Sup?
2017 Oct 01, 23:18:09
Hey there! I'm Muntague, or Munty for short. I'm a 16 year old loser with a passion for many things from art to furries and yes, My Little Pony. I'm a casual fan, and should watch more episodes, to be honest. I'd love to have someone to rabbit with from season one someday, or a group would be great too. Like I said I am an artist and you can find me on,, on twitter @King_of_Wyverns, and on instagram @wyvernprince. I post a lot of different things there. I'm a senior in high school and a theatre tech member so my schedules are usually tied up until the later evenings. I do free sketch requests for people's characters, but I also do paid commissions on sites like flightrising, if you are ever interested in an affordable but.. Mmm.. Upper moderate quality art. I just love to practice, so shoot me a pm if you ever want! Other than that I enjoy things like exploring new music and talking about OCs.

Uhh.. My main pony is an Alicorn king I've had in development for over four years now, with a kingdom, lore, residents and everything else, and my self insert(are those even cool here?) is more of a "what am I" than a pony. I have others too but they hardly ever get any love from me anymore since I've become a near ghost in the fandom. My favorite pony from the show is probably Rainbow Dash because I looked up to her as a kid, and my favorite is Sombra because I may or may not have had a slight crush on him when I first found out he exists, whoops.

Other than that I'm ya local stressed wyvern boi with art, OCs, and plenty of other fandom trash to go around. Don't be shy to chat!