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Messages - Nuserame

"Where did that golem go off to? It just wandered off to who-knows-where when I wasn't looking."

"Oh well. Im sure it will show up again sooner or later."

Slate Grey wandered the castle, looking to pass time in a productive manner. The castle accounting section had nothing useful. Just someone accidentally ordering 100 bathtubs instead of 10 and a very large stack of bathtubs stowed away in the archives.

Snooping around the royal quarters for relevant correspondence revealed nothing useful either. Though the local princess apparently gets insane numbers of letters asking for love advice.

Slate eventually ended up in front of the library. "Browse random books on the off chance it contains a solution to this very specific problem? Is this what it has come down to? Very well then..."

Entering the library, Slate found he wasn't the only one who thought of coming here. One was looking like something was about to explode, another was glaring up a storm at the ceiling, which somehow showed even through her bangs. Tracing the frown Slate found that the Mad Conductor was trying to hide in the ceiling.

"Am I... interrupting anything? And wow how did you turn all crystal-y?"
"Hmmm... Don't really feel too much for that. The world is much too big for us to go about trying to protect it, plus there is not really anybody left to protect in the first place. The ponies here likely all arrived in a very short amount of time as well."

Slate mulled over plans while pouring the both another cup of coffee. He still looked somewhat tired and messy, clearly the short bits of sleep were not doing him any favours.

"I think right now we need to get the rest of the ponies here together in one place we at the very least we can exchange some information. Upcoming dinner should be a good time. They might know things that could save us a lot of time." Slate swerved the remaining coffee in his cup around and looked out of the window "We should maybe also give some thought to trying to set the sun..."
"That would be nice, certainly better than eating ice cream again! And yes we would probably do well to stick together or at least stay in touch for now. Scattering in random directions has landed us enough trouble as it is."

"Oh I'm Slate Grey by the way. My friend here is Bassaro Airguard. We were among the ponies that got you out that spell you cast before, though that same spell also guided us out of that nasty blizzard so you did pretty well there I think."

Slate by then finished his coffee making and poured it into a pair of mugs, the stuff was black and somewhat syrupy. He set one cup before Bassaro and took careful sips from his own, apparently rather enjoying the stuff.
"Ohoo, thank you! You are of course free to get some coffee once its done." Slate takes some of the cookies and moves over to the mess hall, followed closely by a smiling Bassaro.

Slate set down his portion of cookies on a lunch tray to dry, set up and heated up his coffee making stuff and started to slowly pour hot water into the filter.

"Sooo... Any ideas for what we do now Bassaro? I am a bit concerned about Brave Fleet, but we can't be chasing after each other endlessly. We really should be finding out what exactly happened here, which will be key to both escaping, or also rather important, getting the original inhabitants of this place back... Who I hope won't be too mad about all the stolen and broken stuff."
"Morning Bassa, sorry if I woke you up there." Slate said right before a long yawn. "Oh right coffee."

Slate went back to his coffee-making. He boiled some water, looted some coffee grounds from a storage cabinet and took a filter-funnel and an old looking iron coffee pot from his saddlebag.

"Right let's take this to the mess hall shall we Bassa? We seem to be disturbing the lady here a bit."
"Oops didn't mean to startle you!"

"Don't mind me then Ill just be making some coffee. Your free to have some of course, everything is free here anyway... You got a nice singing voice by the way! A bit off tone here and there but well, nothing conviction doesn't compensate for hahah!" Slate blabbered on while going about his coffee-making, trying to make the obviously uncomfortable mare less uncomfortable.

Golem just stood and watched the ponies doing their things, all incomprehensible for its slightly jumbled artificial mind.
A rather lovely scent wafted through the castle that nameless time of endless day.

"Mmmhrm... cookies?" Slate murmered, waking up from a few good hours of sleep. He stumbled from his bed, hit his ankle on the end table, muttered curses and eventually managed to exit the door to his room. After all who could just ignore freshly baked cookies?

"Cooooki- wha, did the golem just take a door handle from off door? Nah can't be, I'm seeing things." Said golem noticed one of his masters moving around again and followed him. Slate Grey, being very low on coffee and sense of direction, proceeded to get lost. "Uhh maybe this way. Oh great, more doors. And I'm losing the cookie scent. Back it is."

A mere 15 minutes later, Slate grumbled past the entrance to the mess hall "Whoever designed this place is a fluffed up- oh, found it!"

"Ah, the spellcaster from before. Good to see your alright! Want to exchange some of those cookies for sort-of-morning coffee? Oh my name is Slate Grey by the way."

Golem followed Slate into the kitchen, possibly or possibly not taking a lunch tray on his way there and hiding it in under its chest plate.
Slate Grey was busy being passed out on the first bed he could find and had not bothering with mundane things like blankets or pillows.

He dreamt op trains full of explosive tea, annoying endless blizzards and, for some reason, dancing golems.

Slate's dreams never do make much sense.

Golem however, does not dream. Or sleep in the first place. Or dance. Up until the last day it had always just kind of stood around when left to unattended, but after being amateurishly 'enhanced', it had taken to milling around in seemingly random, repeating patterns. Is it patrolling? Is it bored? Maybe it is just defective.

This time it had taken to staring at a bit of wall for 20 minutes, walking around a crystal pillar 12 times, walking past the doorway to Virulents room 7 times, staring at the ceiling for a bit and walking extremely slowly in no particular direction.


It's probably defective.
"... Is it just me or is this supply of ice cream shrinking faster than we are eating it?"

"Well never mind that for now. I think we should leave this mare here alone for now, and I'm not so sure Brave Fleet needs our help. She should be fit enough to fly now, so tracking and catching her would be difficult and require lots of magic... which I running pretty low on."

"For now I wouldn't mind catching some sleep! Don't know how long we've been up with the sun being stuck like this but its been more than a day at least."

Slate went off to find another room to get some sleep in, for adventures can't run on bravery alone!
Slate and Bassaro busied themselves putting the passed out ponies to bed, keeping them somewhat alive and talling the remaining ones around the city.

"Right, we got the the two sleepy ones here, the crazy conductor and his friend are loitering around the city looting all the chocolate milk, Boa is in the library trying to learn stuff through osmosis and that mare with the top hat is... around." Slate summarized.

"Yeah, just missing Brave Fleet." Bassaro replied.


"The white pegasus with the colors." Bassaro said with a bit of a tired frown.

"Oh yeah, the one we defrosted earlier. Gee... could at least have waited out the blizzard. Speaking of waiting things out, how about some ice cream?"
"Ow. My everything." It sounded from a pile of snow near the newly formed crater.

Slate emerged from the pile, shook himself off and gathered up his tools minus the shield, which had been blown skywards.

Walking unsteadily up to the hole in the crystal roof he shouted "Hi down there, still not out of energy I see... Bassaro, I don't suppose you could get the other two out of there while I keep this from closing over?"

Slate, being largely oblivious to what was happening inside the crystal dome, prodded the freaky crystal hooves away with the pickaxe and managed dig a small hole. He then summoned a large, thick sheet of metal in front of him and pulled out his bottle of 'Heinrich's High-explosive Herbal Tea'.

"One day, id like to be able to actually drink this stuff instead having to throw it at things..."

He took cover behind his metal shield, throwing the bottle in the hole he dug.

The blast (pleasantly herb scented) could heard  (and smelled) for miles!

Slate kicked away the remaining bits of crystal, summoned a shovel next to his pickaxe and started digging towards more crystal to cut away.
Slate Grey, unable to think of anything more sensible to do, summons a giant pickaxe, holds it by telekinesis and starts hacking bits out of the top of the crystal dome.
Slate Grey, not being sure what exactly was going on any more, woke up from his stupor at last.

"Did that rock just have faces?" Slate asked, unable to think of a better geology pun.

"Spells like this must take quite a bit of power to maintain, especially with ponies shooting stuff at it... Boa, I doubt breaking this open by sheer force is a good idea, we just have to hit this long enough to drain the caster of energy."
"Oh, Captain! Fancy seeing you out here!" Slate shouted through the snowy onslaught.

"I don't suppose you know the way out of this miserable storm, or maybe whatever dodgy magic there was?"

(OOC: Uhoh, Bassaro seems to exist in two places at once! Timetravel? Changelings? Or has Slate just gone bonkers?) Tune in next week and fgaskgbalfrrgk
"Eugh, old magic b-b-being cast to our front-left!" Slate said.


"Let's go there S-s-slate, with some luck its some warm k-kind of magic."
As Bassaro, Slate and golem trudged through the snow Bassaro suddenly poked himself in the nose with a hoof.

"Why did you do that?" Slate asked. "Its so cold I can't feel my nose!"

*poke* "Oh, neither can I... I really hope this is the right direction."
"Those are... all good questions, and I will take my time to consider them...

...when we are not stuck in a blizzard! Speaking of which, this may be a good time to make our way back to the dome. If only to prevent getting lose and frozen ourselves.
" Slate replied to his comrade in search.

"Uh... One of you did keep track of which way is back, right?"
"What in the name of... Oh. Uuuuh... " Slate remarked eloquently. "Nope. Noooope nope nope I'm not doing that mister book!" he continued before he slammed the book shut with both hooves and tied it shut with a belt from his saddlebag.

"I don't know who sent that but I'm not about to be manipulated into dooming this world even further. Golem, be more careful about picking up shiny magical things!"

Slate put shuffled the book into the bottom of his bottomless saddlebag, and motioned the rest of the party to continue the search.