[Tutorial] How to Use Our Bug & Suggestion Report System!

Started by Ellowee, 2017 Sep 07, 21:53:03

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When i log in after a while i get- failure: could not get user does anyone know how to fix this?  O:


:c  :s
Can someone help me with the train stations? They're not working!

Honey Bell

While I appreciate the fact that there are bug to be fixed, I urge you to use the Phabricator system as described in the beginning of the topic.

Thank you.
Hello I'm Honey Bell. Got a problem, I'm all ears, and hooves *giggles*. You can always find me right here, in Discord or Ingame


I wanted to let you guys know that Phabricator doesn't work anymore, so I can't submit anything. It refuses to connect.

On that note I need to report that I'm stuck at the Flying TM because I defeated the clouds Sunlight Chaser spawns without Cyclone. Quest marker NPC only reset their positions and now Chaser doesn't do the TM quest anymore, so I'm stuck as a foal.


excuse meh idk where to put this but here i go its not a bug just a problemo

SOOO  i went to checklist do to her quest and chose the animal team then defeated the monsters and went to  get materials  but then i  accidently deleted two of those materials and now i cant get it back, tried to reactivate the quest( didnt work  )   tried to  speak to them again (DIDNT WORK)  and now i cant complete the quest Xd


hi just wanted to ask/report a posile bug idk but when i was playing a a pegi i went ona that rainbow quest for zap apples the mare beneath the rainbow falls asked me to fetch her one but i soon found a bit of a problem i think its called quest loop or in other words this is whats happening. ~ go to blimp following the yellow mark oh now it tells me to go back oh now she tell me to go get her talk to her friend oh its a guard pony the yellow mark is following him oh wait i can't seem to talk to him ugh log out log back in oh its looped at the blimp again.~ so now what i can still go on other quests but that one is bugged for me


I have a problem, when start the game it closes instantly. Archive unpacked to your desktop

marc timothy moses

Quote from: Ellowee on 2017 Sep 07, 21:53:03Hi everyone!

Now that the Open Access Release is live, you'll need to know how to report a bug on our new system, Phabricator!  To report issues with, or make suggestions about, Legends of Equestria, please follow the steps below.

Step 1) Create an account on http://phabricator.legendsofequestria.com/

Step 2) Depending on the issue you're reporting, click on one of these links:
For general game/server bugs & suggestions -http://phabricator.legendsofequestria.com/maniphest/task/edit/form/1/
For quest bugs - http://phabricator.legendsofequestria.com/maniphest/task/edit/form/5/

Step 3) Make a short title, a concise description of the bug or suggestion.

Step 4) In the description box, first fill out first what the bug/error or suggestion is, then fill out the steps you took that caused the bug, so we can repeat them to replicate it; and finally, include screenshots/pictures/video of the bug to help us find it.

Please make sure to submit each bug or suggestion on separate tickets. For example, if you encounter two quests that have issues, don't add them both to the same ticket; please submit two different reports, one for each quest. We assign individual tickets to team members based on their area of expertise, so this makes sure we don't get confused or overlook any problems!

If you report bugs anywhere else, we may ask you to submit them this way instead; this is the best way to keep everything recorded, so that the relevant team members will be able to check the bug list and work on fixing them in their own time.

Note: please do not send bug reports via email to a member of the team, to our social media accounts, or post them in response to this topic. All bug reports should be made through the system explained above, to make sure the right people on the team see them, and get to work fixing them!

i keep getting room failed to connect messages. i updated the game and i still get them


so i downloaded the newest version today but it says build: 2018 v 10.01. how do i fix this?


Quote from: supergamer_115 on 2020 Jan 15, 17:39:36so i downloaded the newest version today but it says build: 2018 v 10.01. how do i fix this?
Are you sure you downloaded it here?
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------


i can't talk with the reefus clacket, but in the quest they ask me to return to it


I had similar picture. Durable steamed on how to how to stay unpunished. Comrade recommended one idea, only I thought it was dangerous so abruptly  turn everything, that so long saved up. I decided for now take a closer look, as it rotation. What can I say? Time heals. The author commend not hang his head. Whole life ahead.


Sorry, I wanted to write about the error in Cloudsdale where the Storm Chaser sits half in the bench, but unfortunately I can't follow the link, it gives an error.

Mistica Cat

 When I tried to leave Cloudpolis through the portal  of the  airship ... I found myself in a white abyss (((why?

Vile Harpy

Hello/ Have not had to upgrade, demolish the old one, simultaneously removing from LocalLow loe, download seacock with the official, go - goes "this", demolished everything and unpack again - the same thing, if you can get to the loading screen the connection dies. The network is stable - everything plows,
, the client x64 under my system, Windows 10, VPN I do not use ,because of which last time there were problems, everything was OK before. No error code, nothing to find fault with or find out what the problem is. Today I barely went in, changed a couple of locations and couldn't go in anymore. The previous version worked better for me, I don't know why..
I don't know how to attach a screenshot, so I quote:

Error while Loading character list. Please inform the server administrator if you get this error again


Lost connection to room server. Waiting for mainserver to move you to a different room.


Ok, i been playing LoE for quite sometime and for some reason it takes 4.0 seconds for everything in my combat hot bar to recharge. it has never done this before, can you plz fix it. I cant stand waiting that long for a recharge rate when im grinding in the evershade forest. I need it cut short so i can attack faster not wait 4.0 seconds to wait till i can use it again. please please help me.


Quote from: Neon McClure on 2020 Jul 18, 17:32:11Ok, i been playing LoE for quite sometime and for some reason it takes 4.0 seconds for everything in my combat hot bar to recharge. it has never done this before, can you plz fix it. I cant stand waiting that long for a recharge rate when im grinding in the evershade forest. I need it cut short so i can attack faster not wait 4.0 seconds to wait till i can use it again. please please help me.
Try to take resuscitation off of your hotbar and switch into a new room in the game and try it, that usually works.
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------


I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, but...

Once I open LOE; I somehow put it to a very zoomed in version of it, and  I'm not sure how to fix it; because I can't do anything without being able to see the other parts of the login screen!


Quote from: ZodiacZone on 2020 Oct 12, 18:08:55I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, but...

Once I open LOE; I somehow put it to a very zoomed in version of it, and  I'm not sure how to fix it; because I can't do anything without being able to see the other parts of the login screen!
Try this:

For your resolution, you'll need to open windows explorer (or you operating system's equivalent) and follow your files down this path:
C:\Users\Name\AppData\LocalLow\LoE\Legends of Equestria

You'll find a file called "VideoSettings"
Open it up in notepad. Under "Resolution", change the height and width to a more appropriate size. Save you changes and restart the game.
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------

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