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Topics - SaltyDerpy

Video Games / GMOD - PAC3
2018 Jan 31, 09:31:50
In GMOD, there's a PAC3 add-on.
The PAC3 is a simple, yet complicated add-on where you can put models, effects and more on your player model.
Combined with PPM(/2), you can you hats and stuff on your pony!

Put your screenshots below!
Introductions / Hellow everypony!
2018 Jan 23, 12:19:13
Hey! I'm SaltyDerpy, Brony since 2013~2014 and a big fan of PAYDAY 2 (1500 hours) and Team Fortress 2 (2500 hours, since 2012).
I discover Legend of Equestria while searching for SFM props to put to PAC3, a add-on of GMOD.
But, due to my poor internet connection when my family is here, I can't play it very often.

I hope I'll not annoying you in one way of an another (That's one of my worst fear, for real.).
Thank you for reading this!