Corrupt a wish (Reactivated)

Started by Peace Keeper, 2014 Oct 21, 01:00:32

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Silver Gust

Granted, but they are stuck inside of eternal ice that cannot be melted by any means.

I wish I was floating on the River Styx
Twitter: @flatdragont ~ YouTube: The Flat Dragon ~ Twitch: The Flat Dragon

You can call me Silver. Or Silver Gust. Or Dragon. Whatever works. I plan to update my social media stuff soon.


Granted, but flow is so strong, what can carries away you to the waterfall

I own powerful magic
I'm the only alicorn in world. And I not feel lonely. I want be loner

Nightshade Star

Granted, you have harnessed power to end the world! :D

I wish we didn't have to leave our houses for college.


2018 Jan 18, 09:23:24 #1323 Last Edit: 2018 Jan 18, 09:29:52 by Ferro_the_King
Granted, now you're able to attend the classes from the place you live in. You only need to travel 6 hours a day by a coach...

(Oh, and I wouldn't give Gary that kind of magic if I were you... Firstly this might be actually the power he was looking for, secondly as it is said in Dune- "Once you gain the power to destroy a thing, you controll it". )

I wish the ice and snow magically avoided all roads...
Excuse my English, it tends to misbehave...


Granted by the all-powerful glass mango.  Now the snow and ice hang in the air one millimeter above the roads, which results in even lower friction.

I wish I could drive.


Granted, now you drive everypony crazy  :D

I wish for the night eternal... :luna:  :luna:  :luna:
Excuse my English, it tends to misbehave...


Granted, but it's darker than normal nights, so you can't see anything.

I wish for a fruit-producing tree.

Nightshade Star

Granted. You have yourself planting rotten fruit trees for eternity.

I wish no one was insane.


Granted, but it's because everyone is insane, making insanity normal and normalcy insane.

I wish I had more time.


Granted, here's your one second...

I wish I was born in English speaking country...
Excuse my English, it tends to misbehave...


Quote from: Ferro_the_King on 2018 Mar 07, 21:15:04I wish I was born in English speaking country...

Granted, you have now been born in Sierra Leone.

I wish I lived in Equestria, born as Derpy (Ditzy Doo).
"Henceforth," Ditzy continued, "you shall observe Muffin Monday on the first Thursday of every August! You shall commemorate it... with a minute of solemn silence for reflection on the fragility of life. And then, muffins!"

Nightshade Star

Granted, for about a fly's lifetime

I wish for something


Granted. You have a speck of sugar.

I wish for a golden apple.

Nightshade Star

Granted. An exact repelica of the tree of the golden apples of immortality stands before you. But if you pick it, you die. And I don't think there's a immortal being nearby you.
Also if u eat it, you basically can't bite into it and if you do it tastes like metal. Literal golden apple.

I wish for an edible golden Apple that tastes good and not on a tree


Granted. You are now holding a golden apple which tastes of succulent honey. The accompanying aroma now attracts a mob of wild bees, two foxes, an ox, and three bears.

I wish someone would sing my song

Thank you, and goodnight

Nightshade Star

Granted. The person who sings is so bad at singing you faint.

I wish for help for the guy who just fainted.

Peace Keeper

Granted, you are the one to help the one who fainted.

I wish there was a Pokemon Center that can heal any fainted being.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Nightshade Star

Granted. But they all have zero experience on that.

I wish I could make them the best center ever.

Peace Keeper

Granted, it is perfectly placed in the center of certain place.

I wish the healthcare is free for everyone
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Nightshade Star

Granted. But it's expensive for everyPONY-

I wish for the best sugar cube I've ever tasted

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