Seven Seas School: Sign up here!

Started by GoldenTerrabyte, 2013 Nov 07, 19:39:04

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Cann III joinnn??~

Name: Minora Quinn Floralai ((Or just Minora Floral for short))
Age: 17
Gender: Mare
Race: Pegasus
Appearance: (if a picture is used please use a spoiler.)
Spoiler: show

Talents: Singing, Playing violin, and scienc
Thanks to That_Blue_Pony for my avater of CC/Cookie Crumble!

I love all of my OCs like family, put this in your signature if you do too!


image sais it doesnt exist

Post Merge

but otherwise i dont have a problem with a new player ^-^
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Quote from: Grizzly on 2014 Jan 12, 04:14:25
image sais it doesnt exist

Post Merge

but otherwise i dont have a problem with a new player ^-^

Oops, I dont know how to do it, I am new
Thanks to That_Blue_Pony for my avater of CC/Cookie Crumble!

I love all of my OCs like family, put this in your signature if you do too!


Name: LunarShadow
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Pegasus
Appearance: Black coat, silver mane, red eyes crescent moon CutieMark
Talents: Weather control, cooking, and stunt flying
I will never forget, a mother age 32, got on the plane, and she had with her, little Jeffery, and I know his name because is mother said his name...all 3200 miles of the trip!


Accepted! So yeah, I guess you would just bump into us where we are, which is a museum.
I'm back


// Eh seems interesting

Name: Lunar Dusk
Age: 14
Race: Unicorn
Spoiler: show

Talents: Magic, reading, flying
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



Accepted! Also, your two OCs have VERY similar names, so I'll try my best not to get them confused.
I'm back


// you all can just call mine Dusk
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



Quote from: LunarShadow on 2014 Mar 02, 18:42:38
LunarShadow hums to himself as he trots through the museum, enjoying the exhibits
Wrong spot! This is the sign up thread!
I'm back


I will never forget, a mother age 32, got on the plane, and she had with her, little Jeffery, and I know his name because is mother said his name...all 3200 miles of the trip!


Where the roleplay threads are. Sign up threads and roleplay threads are separate things.
I'm back


I will never forget, a mother age 32, got on the plane, and she had with her, little Jeffery, and I know his name because is mother said his name...all 3200 miles of the trip!


Name: Electric Gamer
Age: 13
Gender: female
Race: unicorn
Talents: Electricity, animal understanding, art, history.
Stay Happy!


((your call, Rain. Should we stay on the island a bit longer, or go somewhere else? You should also consider creating a OOC threat for this RP, so that we dont talk out of character in the RP itself, unless you dont mind it being here that is ^-^))
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


I try not to have too many threads to keep track of for a roleplay, I think this is enough, you can talk out of character in the roleplay, it's fine. And as for what we do next, I'm not really sure. Also, I feel like almost everyone but you, me, and a few others have kinda forgotten about this, so feel free to invite other people to join.
I'm back


Here goes!

Name: North Wind
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Race: Pegasususususususususususususususususus
Appearance:(if a picture is used please use a spoiler.) The pony in my profile pic
Talents: Weather creation, mainly snowflakes but he isn't bad at clouds and rainbows.
Derp race!
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Is the boat docked? And what things does it have? Slides, hot tubs restaurants, etc?
Derp race!
[move] :P[/move]
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