Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Midnight Breeze

I guess this is one of those doubled-edged swords: I've lost so much weight that my lowest belt loop barely holds my pants up anymore.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2014 Aug 24, 03:36:19
What's a Blizzard? Just an ice cream with sweets in it?

It's a special kind of thick soft-serve ice cream that Dairy Queen makes. They even do this thing where, right after they freshly make it and bring it to you, they turn it upside down for a moment and then give it to you. It's so thick that it doesn't fall out of the cup until it starts melting. It comes in all kinds of flavors.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

I tend to prefer Sonic blasts because 1. It comes with whipped cream 2. The ice cream is vanilla rather than plain white and 3. The ice cream doesn't stick 3 inches above the cup when you get it, so you can actually drive home with it without it melting all over the car.

That said, the blasts are quite expensive. A small costs 4 dollars (tax included), so I'd expect it to be pretty high quality for that price. One time I actually get one that looked like they didn't mix it at all. It had like an inch of solid Oreo on top of a 5 inches of pure ice cream.

I would have complained if I had noticed it before getting home.


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Aug 24, 18:21:12
I tend to prefer Sonic blasts because 1. It comes with whipped cream 2. The ice cream is vanilla rather than plain white and 3. The ice cream doesn't stick 3 inches above the cup when you get it, so you can actually drive home with it without it melting all over the car.

That said, the blasts are quite expensive. A small costs 4 dollars (tax included), so I'd expect it to be pretty high quality for that price. One time I actually get one that looked like they didn't mix it at all. It had like an inch of solid Oreo on top of a 5 inches of pure ice cream.

I would have complained if I had noticed it before getting home.

Sonic makes better ice cream then Dairy Queen. Although, they both are pretty good. Yum!

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Aug 24, 18:21:12
I tend to prefer Sonic blasts because 1. It comes with whipped cream 2. The ice cream is vanilla rather than plain white and 3. The ice cream doesn't stick 3 inches above the cup when you get it, so you can actually drive home with it without it melting all over the car.

That said, the blasts are quite expensive. A small costs 4 dollars (tax included), so I'd expect it to be pretty high quality for that price. One time I actually get one that looked like they didn't mix it at all. It had like an inch of solid Oreo on top of a 5 inches of pure ice cream.

I would have complained if I had noticed it before getting home.

I had a peanut butter Sonic Blast once. I don't know what they did to it, but it apparently gave me food poisoning or something. I ended up vomiting it up later. Still kinda tasted like peanut butter. :x That was the only thing I had gotten from there, so I'm sure it was the Blast that had something wrong with it.
Anywho, I tend to go to Sonic for burgers, tots, and milkshakes, to be honest.

I generally only eat the Blizzards that have flavor to the ice cream, mainly the ones where the ice cream is chocolate. That way I actually get ice cream that isn't bland. Turtle Pecan is pretty awesome.

Something that annoys me:
I hate that so many people do not consider the fact that men can also get emotionally involved in a relationship. People seem to act like men never get emotionally involved and can't have their heart broken. Well, guess what. They can. So don't act like a girl messing around in a relationship or dating a guy for only a week or two before dumping him to try out another guy isn't a big deal. It is a huge deal because guys can get hurt by that, too!

A relationship isn't something you get into for a week or two, get bored of, and drop. If you're repeatedly doing that with various people, you're not dating them. You're test driving them. People aren't cars, so don't treat them like they are.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


2014 Aug 24, 21:11:11 #13905 Last Edit: 2014 Aug 24, 21:18:28 by MrEmu
Ugh, When I have personal problems I need help with, but it's too much to ask of my friend, they're there for me through and through regardless, but they shouldn't have to be, now my problems are hurting others I care about deeply...

[EDIT]: Doing the right thing when it hurts the most.


Drama within a herd, I dislike drama most of the time, but when it involves two people I care for, it's even more stressful.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.

Chishio Kunrin

When I post information and link to my source, but it gets completely ignored, so I post it a second time, typed up kind of differently, and it still gets ignored by people who're instead posting their own speculation (which is wrong, by the way, considering my info, if they would just read it) right underneath my post.
People need to just SHHH SHHH! Shoosh! There's no need to speculate about something that has been explained by people on the crew that created what we're discussing! SHHHH!
I will continue to post this information and my link to where they said it no matter how many times people ignore me!

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


When people ruin the joke, as in they take it too literally (and not in a funny way) and it just gets boring. Some people have that sense of humor or just like bringing it back to earth but personally, I find it bland.

[I]"Want to see where I came from??"[/I]Jump into the portal and find out!


All these people dumping cold water on themselves for Facebook likes without donating any money.
I bet they don't even know why they're doing it.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Ramisha on 2014 Aug 25, 08:32:19
All these people dumping cold water on themselves for Facebook likes without donating any money.
I bet they don't even know why they're doing it.

I hope this doesn't happen with the Mrs. Doubtfire challenge someone is trying to start, to be honest.
That one's actually even funnier than the ice bucket challenge (except Oprah's ice bucket, oh my Celestia ovO).
To do the Mrs. Doubtfire challenge, you fill a pie tin with whipped cream, shaving cream, whatever kind of cream of that kind of consistency you can find, splat your face into it, and then look at the camera and say in a high silly voice "Helloooo!" like in the movie! lol

Unfortunately, the thing that the Mrs. Doubtfire challenge will try to raise money and awareness for is too sensitive of a subject for the LoE forum.
Omc, I just googled it to see if you can just go find out for yourself, and apparently, it's already taking off! O: People are already doing it! Huzzah! Wait, this is an annoying things thread.

*Ahem* The fact that cats and dogs don't even move from wherever they are when they vomit. :\ I just had to put a blanket in the washing machine because one of my grandma's dogs woke up from a nap, puked on it, and then went back to sleep. Really?! Really?!!
Also, I'd like for my grandma to come pick her dogs up soon. The youngest one (who threw up) has been having upset stomach, threw up twice, and still keeps peeing on our floor, and she's like a year old now!

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


The best ice bucket video is Foo Fighters' :nod: um but anyway, I have pets problems too
My cat went somewhere under a car and got oil on her head and I'll have to clean her now (mission impossible)...
Now she has liberty spikes
Spoiler: show


Quote from: Ramisha on 2014 Aug 25, 08:32:19
All these people dumping cold water on themselves for Facebook likes without donating any money.
I bet they don't even know why they're doing it.

this. But, i mean, I'm gonna be doing it, and not donating. But it's not that I'm not donating, as much as not YET. I'm just broke right now, so I'll do the ice bucket part, and donate once i get back into a normal amount of income at work.

But yeah. I usually don't like complaining about things like this, but it's getting silly now. And the sad part is, some of the most ACTUALLY impactful ones are the celebrity ones, because they ARE donating.

I guess its more of an issue with the facebook crowd, and not facebook, or the challenge itself, but dear sweet Celestia and Luna above...

Also, my favorite was the singer from Barenaked Ladies.
My music channels. Stop by if you'd like.
"I suppose it's just interest... devoid of substance or purpose; a hypothetical pattern... for the satisfaction of bringing it to completion."


2014 Aug 25, 14:40:35 #13913 Last Edit: 2014 Aug 25, 19:17:53 by MrEmu
My internet was derping SO hard last night that I couldn't do a single thing internet related at all for at least 4 hours, the worst part is that it's our ISP, NOT us! So we're paying for something they don't even give us...We've had crappy internet thanks to them sense September... >:/

[EDIT]: When the only cure to a problem makes the problem worse, so it's not really a cure now, is it? :/

Midnight Breeze

People who say "ATM machine".

"Automated teller machine machine."

Chishio Kunrin

When people think that only one specific breed of dog is aggressive and dangerous to people and other dogs and is looking for a fight.

Excuse me. All dogs are capable of showing aggression for whatever reason, especially if they're trained to do so.

We're babysitting some dogs, and two of them are chihuahuas who are sweet as can be and are the best of friends. Last night, they got into a fight. A real fight. Grabbing onto each other, barking, growling, yelping, biting. It didn't stop until we pulled them apart and put them in separate rooms, and then we found out that the younger one was hurt.

Today? They're back to being friends, and the younger one's wounds are already on the right track to healing. :\ So that's good, at least.

But yeah, these are chihuahuas. Not one of the breeds that people tend to think is dangerous and looking for a fight. Every dog, regardless of breed, can behave aggressively for any number of reasons. So stop looking at specific breeds with prejudice.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Little Star

I hate not being able to do stuff.. It really frustrates me.
One of the things I can't really do is do gymnastic tricks.

The only problem is.. If I can't do something I'll push myself waaaay too hard to try to do it.. And I end up hurting myself.
We were learning choreography for a show and I basically said

"Oh, yeah. I can do a bridge. Pshh"
So I did... And I ended up arching too much and pulling a muscle in my back.
Also; I fell out of it onto my butt once, onto my head twice, and onto my sprained muscle once.

TL;DR : When people can do things I can't do and I  push myself too hard trying to do what they do.


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Jun 01, 20:43:33
When I was at school and another person behind me would put their feet on the back of my desk and shake their legs, thus shaking the back of my chair. >:(
One day, I was in a bad mood, so out of nowhere, I said "STOP!!!!" Everyone looked at me because... I'm normally eh... quiet and "mousy." X3

People who use a certain uh... *Cough cough* important book just as an excuse to hate someone for being different or for their lifestyle.

Don't hate me, but despite enjoying America and being American, I absolutely hate how America is overly-sensitive about offending anyone. It leads to the most ridiculous situations and/or debates, especially when it's something that I'm pretty sure isn't going to offend someone.
As long as they keep it at sensible levels, I'm fine with it, such as "If it's against your culture to do the Pledge of Allegiance, you don't have to."

When someone tells me to calm down when I already am. >:/ Seriously, it's best that no one ever says that to me or else my temper will just flare up again.

The name Maggie. It reminds me of maggots, no matter what I do. :x

People from school who make fun of me for playing pretend in kindergarten. :\ Everyone who makes fun of me for that is a judgmental idiot.

I'm totally guilty of that, most of the time i didn't even know i was doing it though.
And being made fiun of for playing pretend in kindergarten.. sup with that? "How dare you use your imagination" lol

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: dr.induction on 2014 Aug 26, 19:14:02
Spoiler: show
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Jun 01, 20:43:33
When I was at school and another person behind me would put their feet on the back of my desk and shake their legs, thus shaking the back of my chair. >:(
One day, I was in a bad mood, so out of nowhere, I said "STOP!!!!" Everyone looked at me because... I'm normally eh... quiet and "mousy." X3

People who use a certain uh... *Cough cough* important book just as an excuse to hate someone for being different or for their lifestyle.

Don't hate me, but despite enjoying America and being American, I absolutely hate how America is overly-sensitive about offending anyone. It leads to the most ridiculous situations and/or debates, especially when it's something that I'm pretty sure isn't going to offend someone.
As long as they keep it at sensible levels, I'm fine with it, such as "If it's against your culture to do the Pledge of Allegiance, you don't have to."

When someone tells me to calm down when I already am. >:/ Seriously, it's best that no one ever says that to me or else my temper will just flare up again.

The name Maggie. It reminds me of maggots, no matter what I do. :x

People from school who make fun of me for playing pretend in kindergarten. :\ Everyone who makes fun of me for that is a judgmental idiot.

I'm totally guilty of that, most of the time i didn't even know i was doing it though.
And being made fiun of for playing pretend in kindergarten.. sup with that? "How dare you use your imagination" lol

Yeah, I would sometimes play pretend as a dog and stuff.
Other kids played by running around a lot, but I couldn't do that because of my arthritis. It's pretty ridiculous that I ended up becoming ostracized and an outcast all because of how having a medical condition affected my life and how I behaved.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

I'm really shocked. There was a murder at the high school I graduated from yesterday. Right there in the middle of the crowded atrium.

I never would have thought that of my high school. Sure, the place was ghetto as hell, but it was pretty tame. The school was 60-40 black-white when I was there, but there was never any racial disharmony. We never had any problems with gang activity or violence, and bullying was minimal from what I saw. Sure, there were physical fights from time to time, but anytime I saw one it was always a personal vendetta, never a hate crime or anything.

I feel really bad for the freshmen this year. To have to witness something like that on your first days of high school must be terrible. I'd have been scared out of my mind to go through that. My youngest niece is going there next year, I hope she's alright.

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