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Started by Jcfraven, 2015 Nov 29, 00:38:00

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Bon Mot: . . . . I just wanted to explore. . . Yeah, explore! Any great Knight needs to explore so they have a better feel for the land. But you know, our University has a virus so I could see why Raven wants to hurry things along!
The gal stated with confident. She wasn't the best liar, but she could lie as along as it takes. When Illusion mention the combat, a concern that she had since the beginning came to the surface. Adding to what Illusion said the gal asked,
Bon Mot: And how do we fight? The game gave us a human body and armor. . . But I ain't seeing any weapons.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


"That's what I was telling you three, you should figure that out before getting too close to them," Raven responds.

"Try focusing on doing something with your hands and the like, I guess," He continues.


"Or, you know, we could go with good ol' hoofticuffs. Or... Fisticuffs. Is that the word? Okay, yeah, actually don't feel like hitting things with these fleshy things." Illusion had said, waving one of his hands about.
"Hm... I wonder, though..." He suddenly made a dramatic pose, hand raised to the sky. "Henshin!" He had yelled.

For a second, it appeared to have done nothing. However, he then had the bright idea to reach behind his back, pulling a sturdy metal staff out of what appeared to be thin air.
Looking over it for a brief second, he then placed it back onto his back, where it then proceeded to stick there as if super-glued.

"Video game logic..." The colt young man said with a sigh and a shake of the head as he took his staff out of it's duct-taped place, looking it over. "Still neat, though."
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.


The gal had an unimpressed expersion as she watch Illusion. She thought there was no way this could possibl-
The unimpressed expersion soon turned into an impressed experssion; the logic of video game has proved her wrong yet again. A mute, "wow" escaped her mouth as she looked at the gent's new staff. She thought it was cool in all, but she wanted to know what her weapon of choice is. . .  She had no idea how to summon it. . . . This calls for some critical thinking. The gal closed her eyes in an attempt to clear her thoughts. She took a heroic stants and clinch her fist. Softly she said out loud,
Bon Mot: Okay, so Illusion did some dork stance to get his. . . I am at least 100 times cooler than him . . . So I have to do something cool . . . I am also a Knight. . . So something. . . Kinghty. . . But why am I a knight? Maybe because I am on our schools basket ball team? Our mascot is a knight. . . So if I am the mascot. . . That'll mean . . . Sugar Tears will take my spot on the team! No! There is no way that mare with four left hoofs could take my spot! She can barely dribble, make a free throw OR EVEN COVER SOMEONE AT THE STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS CAUSE SHE RATHER WATCH ME BURN THAN WIN STATE!
The talk of last years game caused her to be filled with so much rage. Rage that had to be realesed through physical force. With a frustrated yell, the gal raised her fists high in the air and then slammed them on the ground. At first, she expected to fill a pain like no other. . . But she didn't? What she did feel was a sudden addition of wait. Through her rage she looked down at her hands. With a suprised gasped, she started at two massive, metal gloves. Her right one was gold and the other one was silver. A large smile formed across her face as she lifted the fist high into the air. With a hardy laugh she proclaimed,
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


Match looks on with awe at what his companions were accomplishing, and was completely unaware that his hands were on fire.


"Wait, that's what she did? I thought it was because you ran a bit too- I mean, go Bon Mot! Woohoo...!"
Illusion hastily and wisely cancelled out what he had been about to say, a nervous smile on his face. And, of course, he was quick to change the subject.

"So, Raven! How about special attacks? Would be nice to know if we have any, if you happen to know, yourself."
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.


(( Anno, can you put a bit more detail in your post? Its hard to
interact with your OC when you only give us a line. . . ))

The gal smiled big at Illusion; she didn't catch onto what he was about to say and was glad someone was impressed by her gloves. Her attention went back to her gloves. . . She could hardly believe she was actually wearing these. A few excited giggles slipped out as she said,
Bon Mot: Duuuude. . . I wan't to punch something. . . He He He.
Her attention fell onto the tower. . . Raven said there were creatures there. . . Creatures who needed. . . Punching. With a large grin, the gal started to run toward the tower. She was filled with confidence off herself and her punching abilities.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


"I know as much as you do on that front my gent. Speaking of attacks, get ready to actually fight," He states as they draw nearer to the tower.


"Alrighty then... Time for a 'random' encounter..." Illusion had said to himself, staff firmly in his hands as he ran after his friend. Without much armor to weigh him down, he immediately caught up to Bon.
He didn't really question how he had managed to master the art of running on two legs so quickly, but he dismissed as more game logic.

Hopefully, fighting would be just as easy to learn.
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.


Once the gang got closer to the tower, Bon Mot stopped running. She saw that a few. . . . Whatever Raven called them, were outside of the tower. It didn't look like they noticed the gang yet. The gal quietly said to the gents,
Bon Mot:
Okay, there are three of us and three of them. . . I'll take the middle one, Illusion takes the right one, and Match takes the left one. Sound good?
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


"They're just tiny spider robot thingies... This should be easy enough no matter how you slice it." Illusion had said with, giving an unnecessary twirl with his staff.
"In other words, yeah, that's fine. At least now we'll find out how the fighting works. Turn-based, or Real-time...?"
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.


(Sorry, I've been out of it lately.)
"A-are you s-sure that I-I can take one on b-by myself!?" Match stammers as he takes a shaky step away from the creatures that they were supposedly fighting. "I-I mean we haven't even r-really fought these things before."


[Color=brown]Bon Mot: It ain't gonna be too hard, Match. I think this will be. . . Turn based? Like a RPG! Don't worry, and just follow my lead![/color]
The gal stated as she gave Match a reassuring smile. She then locked eyes on her target. A large grin formed across her face as she could feel the power behind these gloves. With a few giggles, the gal was ready for combat.


Spoiler: Bon Mot: 100 HP • show

Spoiler: Move Set • show

[center]Hammer Down: 10 HP ( 4 per turn )
Bonus Effect: 30% Chance Of Stunning The Enemy

Silver And Gold: 50 HP (1 per turn)[/center]

Spoiler: ATTACK: Silver And Gold
TARGET: Krankelat •

Spoiler: Accuracy • show
Even Number: Hits Enemy
Odd Number: Misses Enemy
[blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]

The gal charged full speed toward the middle creature. A large smile formed across her face as she prepared herself for combat. With determination in her heart, she jump high into the air. A warrior yell filled the air as she aimed her fist down toward the enemy.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


((Do you want me to do the miss text and calculations, or you guys? Up to you, I suppose. Might make it faster and smoother if you guys do it though(that and I currently have a headache)))


2015 Dec 06, 15:39:25 #54 Last Edit: 2015 Dec 06, 15:41:05 by Jcfraven
-Trying to figure out something, removed response.-


Sighing, Illusion moved up into what he was going to call the "RPG battle formation", which was basically just a line formation. "Right behind ya. Or beside ya. Same difference."

Spoiler: Grand Illusion: 100 HP • show
Spoiler: Current Move-Set • show
Inciting Incident!: 25 HP (One hit)
Climactic Crash!: 50 HP (One hit, higher chance to miss)
Invigorating Encore!: Restores 10 HP (Per turn)

Spoiler: Inciting Incident!
Target: Krankelat 2 •
[blockquote]Rolled 1d6 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]
Even number: Hit!
Odd number: Miss/No damage!
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.


*Okay, this is starting to give me a headache now. So I learned that if you do two replies, the dice will say it's been tampered with, even though that's not the case, so my previous attempt at the same reply I've been trying to do messed up once more. I may have to just throw away the "per laser" calculation since I won't know the dice roll until after I reply.


*The dice thing is a nice thought, but I haven't seen it being all that good in practice.


*Okay, I may need to find a system separate from the forums for the dice rolling. I have the results of my last attempt, even though I had to delete the whole thing(again..).

Bon Mot: Fired at 3 times, all missed.
Illusion: Fired at 3 times, all hit.

"Illusion, be careful, you're down to 70HP already! To both of you, focus!" Raven says, watching the map and the character cards.


Match still hesitates to engage his adversary, and seems to be actively avoiding using any sort of active ability. "Y-yeah, what Raven said. Y-you guys should b-be more careful."

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