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Started by Jcfraven, 2015 Nov 29, 00:38:00

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((Why? I said that Match went into a pod.))


((I stated afterwards to say when ready.))


((woops :P))
"Re-ready as I'll ever be," Match calls out in confirmation to Raven, his voice lacking confidence.


"Alright, starting the procedures," He says, while doing so, booting up the necessary programs.

"Transfer, Bon Mot. Transfer, Illusion. Transfer, Match," He states, as the procedure starts.

"Scanner, Bon Mot! Scanner, Illusion! Transfer, Match!" He continues, as cards appear on the screen, showing humans in place of the ponies being transferred. Matching each to their owner, he continues, amazed that the theory was correct, and excited alike.

"Virtualization!" He shouts, hitting a key, sending them into the supercomputer, transferring them into Lyoko.


2015 Dec 05, 07:08:37 #24 Last Edit: 2015 Dec 05, 16:30:43 by Stryder221
Spoiler: show

Illusion wasn't really quite sure what he'd seen during the process, and he wasn't quite sure he was meant to have seen anything, but the next thing he knew, he was falling from the sky.

For about maybe ten feet, landing hard on his face.

"Ow... Talk about dropping in..." He had said upon sitting up, rubbing at his face, particularly his nose.
Of course, that's when he noticed the hands. "Whoa... Wow..." And after a little test, he found that all ten fingers worked perfectly, more than responsive to his command.

With a grin on his face, the next thing he did was run his new fingers through his mane hair, but had soon felt a peculiar sensation in his... furry ears? "What?"
It was true. He still seemed to have his old ears on the top of his head, twitching at his own touch. Just a bit fuzzier. Or, no, were they from some other animal? A fox? He was half-tempted to do certain things behind the ears, but suppressed the urge.

Disturbingly enough, the flat fleshy ears he associated with humans just plain weren't there.
His hair hid that fact well enough, but it was most certainly a strange concept to get used to.

And then there was the tail... A gently swishing, ridiculously fluffy tail that Illusion found difficult not to repeatedly touch over and over. It was most definitely that of a fox's.
And did I even mention the clothes? It was like they came straight out of an anime, and Illusion was perfectly fine with that. With the chest-piece and thick gauntlets, the whole outfit was both stylish and safeguarding!

It even had a neat hood, too!

Illusion grinned. "This feels like something I could get used to..." He said upon standing. To his credit, he managed to maintain his balance until he took his first step on his new feet, before tripping over them and landing flat on his face. Again. "Ow."
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.


Match stuck the landing in a heroic "crouched and punching the ground" sort of manner, but this display of heroism quickly fades as he rose to his feet and saw what he had become. Frozen with terror at what had been dine to him, Match stands completely still, staring at his ten-fingers hands.


Spoiler: show
(( I updated Bon Mots appearance to fit her fighting style better. ))

Bon Mot closed her eyes as she waited to be scanned. She took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves as she was slowly being put into the game. Her thoughts were clogged with concerns and questions about what is going to be in the new world. . . But those thoughts were interrupted as she could feel the wind through her mane. A concern look crossed her face; she found it odd to feel wind inside a chamber. Slowly she opened her eyes and was greeted by a whole new terrain. At first, she gasped with a smile; surprised that she was actually here. Then the gasped turn into fear as she realized she was falling from the sky. Naturally, she started to flail and scream till she hit the ground with a loud thud. Face down in the new ground, a soft whine could be heard from the mare. Her face was stinging from the impact, but didn't hurt as much as she thought it would.

Bon Mot scrambled to stand up in her usual pony fashion . . . Her eyes lit up in shock as she realized that her front hoofs were not hoofs. . . they were hands! Instantly she thought she turned into a monkey, since that was the only other mammal with hands she could think of. A high pitch scream escaped the gal's mouth as she stared at her hands. As she turned to Illusion she shrilled,
Bon Mot: AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh My Luna! Illusion! I turned into a mon-
Her words were replaced with a gasped as she saw her friend was also a monkey. . . But no like any monkey she ever seen before. . . Then something clicked in her head; Leafa looked sorta like what Illusion looks like now. Her eyes lit up as surprised gasp escaped from her.
Bon Mot: . . . . . . . .
Oh! We are what Leafa is! . . . Humans?

The gal stated as she attempted to stand. The attempt ended in failure and she fell back to the ground. She was surprised by the sudden amount of weight on her. The gal started to take a closer look at her self. . . Her legs covered in silver and she had golden boots on. . . Her arms had golden armor on and her gloves were silver. . . Her body was dressed in a golden knights armor. . . As she stared at all the gold in silver, her eyes were filed with a mixture of terror and joy. Finally, she wanted to make sure her mane was fine so she started to pat it. Something clinked on her gloves. . . She pulled whatever was on her head and gasped as she saw what it was. A little silver crown was resting on her head. All the fear and doubt washed away as her smiled swam back to the surface. The biggest smile she has ever smiled slowly took over her face. She held the crown high into the air for the others to see. With adventure in her eyes, and confidence in her tone she shouted,
The girl jumped to her feet with a hardy laugh. Her legs felt like jelly, but that did stop her from twirling in her new body. The gal placed the crown back on her head, which made her smile grow even lager. Giggles and laughter filled the air while the gal danced around to celebrated their arrival.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


"Are all of you okay?" Raven asks, starting the voice com to them.


"I-I think s-so," Match replies as he takes his eyes away from his hands and looks around.


The gal's giggles and laughter showed she was more than alright. The more she ran around, the better she got using her new legs. After running for a bit, she stopped and looked down at her hands again. She felt like a fairy tale knight wearing all this gold and silver. The mare looked around at the other gents. A big smile crossed her face; she had the coolest get up in her opinion. She saw that Illusion looked more like a fox than a human and quickly made her way toward him. While she circled him, she examined his new look. With a big grin she said,
Bon Mot: I can't believe you still have a tail here! Still, you look pretty cool! Not as cool as me, but you are the second coolest dude here!
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


Once he had gotten up, Illusion had continued to check himself out, but once he noticed he himself was being examined, he promptly started to pose dramatically. Or was it... indelicately?
He really didn't know any better, and he doubted Bon would know either way. With a grin on his face, though, he stopped anyway after a bit.

"So... does this make you the knight in shining armor, come to sweep the handsome prince off his feet?" He asked teasingly, leaning just a little closer as his grin turned cheeky.
"Ha! Just jokin'. Or am I? Well, either way, you don't look too bad yourself! Looks like you have a lot on your plate-mail, looking so cool. Not as amazing as certain people, but still."
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.


Match looks down to see that his body also has metal armor covering it, though not nearly as much as Bon Mot. His was more of a breastplate and graves sort of deal, but he was certain that both the more casual appearance of his armor being layered over street cloths and the less hindering armor overall would prove to be vital boons in a fight. "S-so what now?" he asks, not really sure what to do.


"Good to know you're all good. I hate to stop the enjoyment, but we have a fair mare by the name of Leafa in need," He states.

"You should be able to attack, from what I can tell on the screen, try to figure that out, and then head towards the tower. There are three enemies there, apparently called Krankelats, so watch out for them when you do get there," He explains.


The gal gave Stallion a smirk; she found him referring to himself as a prince, and handsome was hilarious. But the goofball she is, she played along. She started to flex her muscles; to show off her armor and the guns they kept contained. In a sarcastic tone she said,
Bon Mot: Yeah, no one said being a knight will be easy. Naturally I was picked; this game already knew who was top pony. But. . .
Dramatically she got on one knee and took Illusions hand. She closed her eyes as a single tear fell from them. As she held his hand she dramatically stated,
Bon Mot: This game gave me a fairy-tail princess to protect. . . And protect, I shall. . . Unless I am in danger then you are on your own.
The gal opened one eye and gave the gent a sarcastic smirk. Once she let go of his hand, Bon Mot stood back up.

A large smile formed across her face as she listen to what Raven had to say. Knight Bon Mot had to find and/or rescue Princess Leafa. At least thats what she told herself; she thought she would mentally make this fun. With bravery in her heart she stated,
Bon Mot: Krankelats? Ha! Please, that doesn't scare a great knight like me! I, The Great Bon Mot, shall find my Princess Leafa and save our University! ON WARD TRUSTY CREW, ADVENTURE AND TREASURE  AWAITS US!
The gal let out a hardy laugh as she started to make her way through the land. With a satisfied smile, the gal took confident, and proud steps toward. . . The direction she thought was right.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


"Uh..right. Um, madame Knight, the fair mare in distress is the other way, towards the big tower.." Raven says, facehooving.


Illusion just barely held back a chuckle at the theatrics, turning it into a disturbingly strangely giggle. He wasn't even annoyed, despite feeling a part of his masculinity dying on the spot.
"Why doesn't Raven just gimme the dress now and get it over with? Raven, don't do that." He said with a shake of the head and a laugh.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down a tad, Illusion initially walked after Bon, before doing turning a complete 180 on his heel and going the other way.
Well, he seemed to master walking pretty quickly. "You got a map out there, pal?" He had asked. "Is there anything else we need to know?"
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.


"Apart from the fact that the monsters are in front of the tower? Not really. I'm not even entirely sure what the target is yet, that's up to you guys as well. I'm starting to bet it has something to do with a tower such as that one," He replies.


Bon Mot turned along with Illusion as she continued to confidently march. Her face read champ, but her eyes read loser. But of course this isn't her fault, she just got here. While her eyes were locked on the distanced toward she proclaimed,
Bon Mot: Sounds solid, captain. Just let us know if any creatures are headed our direction! Besides that, sit tight and enjoy the show.
The mare flashed a smile, directed toward Raven, as she continued to make her way toward the destination.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


"Don't worry about it, pal." Illusion had said, patting Bon Mot on the shoulder as he walked with her. Regardless of her confident look, he felt the need to do so. "Even the best heroes can have trouble with directions. And we don't even have a map. I'm sure the actual fighting will go smoother."
"Speakin' of the creatures, though... Hey, Raven. ya know what they are? Would be reasonable to assume they're just basic mooks, buuuut..."
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.


"I don't have much on them, but they appear weak enough," He says.

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