An undiscovered world [SIGN-UP]

Started by Brave Fleet, 2015 Sep 06, 22:42:56

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The mixer dinged. The potion was ready. But this particular mixture had mad a dual-potion. A potion with 2 effects to it.

"I have finally made the light/strength potion!" said Venom. He knew that Boa would need it really bad. He quickly rushes out there and sees Boa sitting there. Venom places the potion down in the snow and quickly flies back. He hopes that Boa sees it.

That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.


"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



"The light part of the potion will clear the blizzard from his eyes. And the strength will help him resist the cold."

"Well that works I guess."
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.


2015 Sep 17, 22:44:03 #523 Last Edit: 2015 Sep 17, 23:00:43 by FakeSmile
Captain Boa's voice muffled when it reached the inside of the crystal protection. Virulent couldn't respond; she was in a trance. She couldn't stop in the middle of her spell or it would cause great physical damage. She would have to allow her energy to be drain. Her fish eye stare stayed locked on the ceiling as she could slowly feel her magic weaken.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


"If he can find it that is..." said Venom.

"Yeah that's a good point." said Carter.
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.

Brave Fleet

Brave fleet looked up at the sky.
"We have to do something about that sun." she said as she looked back down. Brave wasn't really sure if anypony was listening, but she had to say something. Brave felt her stomach growl, she felt dizzy all of a sudden and her vision went fuzzy. Galloping to a place she knew was a restaurant back in equestria, she realized how starved she was, and that must have been another reason she felt sick and dehydrated. She jumped off the ground and took flight to get there faster, and Brave finally made it to the restaurant, but she didn't slow down. Brave burst through the doors of the place and saw a bunch of food around the area and gathered as much as possible, and stuffed half of it in her mouth, as well as water and apple juice.

Brave didn't find much, but since her stomach shrunk in that time of not eating or drinking, it was just enough, and she sighed in relief as she felt her stomach was full.


Boa pushed himself up. He couldn't give up. He had to believe that they were still alive. Boa saw the potion laying in the snow half buried, and marched over towards it. He levitated up the potion, drinking it down in one gulp. He could feel the potion working its magic. His strength returning and battling away some of the cold, as well as his vision improving.

Boa looks around, with the improved vision. He could definitely see better and much more clearer. He decided, if he couldn't find them in this area, he would at least try to double back around to the train-tracks.

Before he walked off, he had noticed that his saddlebags had fallen off while he had been sitting down next to the black crystal. He walked over to them, kneeling down and checking them, making sure he didn't lose anything. It would be bad if he had ended up losing any of his cartridges.


Venom continues to make new potions that he has never made before. Carter watches diligently.

"Well I hope that you are having fun." said Carter, stretching his long wings.
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.


The lights glowed brighter; making the inside of the crystal visible. The ponies inside we surrounded by dark particles that danced around. Virulent was still in the middle; being sp00ky.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


Boa looked up, seeing Virulent and the others. He dropped his saddlebags in the snow. A massive weight was lifted off his chest seeing that they were still alive.

"Hey! Virulent!" Boa slammed his hooves on the crystal. He was trying to get their attention when he saw that Virulent was in some kind of a trance as she seemed to be the one holding up the spell. He had to think of a way to get them out of there. He didn't want to teleport in there and teleport them out. That would waste his remaining charges and then they'd all be trapped in the blizzard.

He had only one idea that came to mind. He pushed himself up to his hind legs, his horn wrapped a magical glow around his prosthetic hoof. Boa couldn't help but smile. "I didn't think I'd have to use this so early..."

A shimmering glow filled the area as Boa's prosthetic came off. Underneath was some sort of weapon. It looked like a snake, its head and teeth attached to what would have been Boa's original hoof, with the tail being like the barrel of a gun.

"This is my secret weapon. The Constrictor Gun!"


"Well it sounds like Boa is using that prosthetic hoof of his." said Venom. He was making potions left and right. He had already created 20 new potions that he never made before.

"I just hope he doesn't damage anyone with it." said Carter.
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.

Brave Fleet

Brave sighed and looked around, seeing there was more food to be seen, but she packed up all she could in some nearby saddlebags she placed on her back.
"welp, if I wanna leave," she began as she put on a heavy winter coat lined with wool and tossed the bags onto her back. "I have to do it alone..." Brave opened the door, letting the sun make her feel a lot warmer than she ever has, but she better enjoy it while t lasted. Brave spread her wings and tail feathers and ran and took off quickly against the wind. Brave made sure to get herself as warm as possible to get ready for the sudden large temperature change she was going towards that surrounded the Empire.

Brave Fleet looked back at the crystal city before crossing the threshold of warm and cold "I hope they didn't need me..." she said to herself, and then she crossed the barrier. The cold filled her lungs and her breath became cold. With the turn of her wings and tail feathers, Brave took a sharp turn down to the train tracks, already covered in pure ice. The long straits of ice squeaked as the heavy wind made contact. Brave still had the chance to turn back, but she had to find her house back in the mountains between Baltimare and Canterlot. 'its my home... Hopefully the would be able to understand...' she thought as she flew further into the blizzard.


Boa levitated out a white cartridge. The compartment openrf up, Boa removed the cartridge he had placed in there when he was back in Ponyville. He placed the white cartridge inside, making a clicking noise when it fit inside. Closing the compartment, he raised the gun, pointing it at the crystal. The gun began to charge up.

"If im going to break through, I'm going to need a Supercharge." A supercharge would use up all his charges on a cartridge and destroy it. But with the spell Admonishing Ray, a supercharge would deal enough force energy to break through anything. It was going to take some time, however.


Virulent's head slowly turned toward Boa. The black magic still was seeping through her eyes as she locked her stare on him. The dark specs slowly started to turn bright red; sensing that Virulent was in danger. Virulent was still not conscious of what was going on, so she still sat in silence. The crystal stood tall as it started to darken again. The mare and the others were slowly disappearing in a dark red smog. Many whispers could be heard from the inside of the crystal; as if the massive thing was alive.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



The gun finished charging.Admonishing Ray was the safest choice of spells, as the force energy was relatively nonlethal in nature. Boa saw the crystal change color, as well as the sounds of whispering coming from it. Boa couldnt stop. Looking at the crystal, he simply smiled.

"Admonishing Ray...Supercharge!"

The gun fired, a massive ball of force energy was speeding towards the crystal.

Brave Fleet

2015 Sep 18, 22:58:25 #536 Last Edit: 2015 Sep 18, 23:00:20 by Brave Fleet
As Brave Fleet crept through the snow storm, she heard whispers, not right by her, but as if she could hear them from really far away... But... They're whispers, how could she hear them? Brave flew away from the noise as the sound of squeaking ice became more aggressive. Her ear moved at the slightest unnatural sound. The ice them became louder as she flew under a very old bridge, as if it was here before the blizzard. It seemed very unusual, so Brave flew up to it and poked it, it was very cold.

Brave backed up for a moment, and quickly held her hoof closer to her. The ice was cold, so cold that it felt like a burn. Flying back down to her path, the sound of squeaking turned into a cracking noise as the bridge fell into the ice covered snow.

She looked over to see she had disturbed something, and a large pillar of ice was falling in her direction, followed by a large cloud of snow from the large, steep hill. The white clouds flying out of her mouth appeared faster as she hyperventilated, not knowing what to do.


Venom had created more than 50 new potions.

"When you get work done. You get it done." said Carter.
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.


2015 Sep 18, 23:05:00 #538 Last Edit: 2015 Sep 18, 23:16:34 by FakeSmile
Virulent sat in silence; her hoofs still toward the sky. The energy blast hurled toward the crystal and hit it with a loud bang. A thousands screeches could be heard as snow flew everywhere. Once the snow settled down the crystal fell down on its side; revealing the bottom. The bottom of the crystal had thousands of ponies faces all cluster together into one big dark red clump. The ponies looked like crimson crystals and had black empty sockets for eye. As they continued to scream, each crimson pony grabbed at the ground and pulled the crystal back to its original stop. Once the crystal stood tall, a few deep cracks could be seen where the blast hit it. But even worse, Virulent was sitting behind the cracks. The cracks made her face look disoriented; her eyes now spewing out dark red smoke. Her hoofs were still in the air but one slowly lowered down. The hoof stopped once it reached eye level of Boa. In an eerie tone the mare whispered,
Virulent: I can see in the dark
as if it is the light. . .
Protect me from those
who wish to do me harm. . .

Suddenly, the screeches started up again as the crystal slowly started to sink into the snowy ground. Virulent kept her blank stare forward as she sank along with the crystal.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


*shakes head at Virulent*
"Thats very loud."
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos


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