A notice for those having trouble logging in

Started by Ellowee, 2015 Jan 24, 04:13:53

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Lync Volan

I'm not even trying to log in at the moment just reading all this posts tell me its gonna be impossible for atleast an hour or so :l


hmm 15 months


Somepony tell me when the servers are back up. Listening to "pathways" on loop is driving me insane!!!

Seems as though the music is taunting me


must be a memory leak mines using not even a gb


Quote from: MichalPlays on 2015 Jan 24, 05:47:13
This launcher use to mouch memory during play  O: (i have 16gb ram and this launcher use 7gb  :o)

At least you guys can get the launcher to work or even the download i can`t get it to work  D:


Quote from: Star Flame on 2015 Jan 24, 05:50:16
Somepony tell me when the servers are back up. Listening to "pathways" on loop is driving me insane!!!

they were up and poof connection errors again  ovO


But that works! I walked some minuts around Cantermore (other ponies stand at same place???) Then logged out for hope to login somewhere ponyville and . . .  Failed to connect, no response from remote host.

Hope that developers seen and tests what they needs.

I'm calm, just wait and hope that sometimes game works properly and fully complete :)
  Cloudie Brilliant, Dusklight Blossom, Tomato Delight


Quote from: lunerhive on 2015 Jan 24, 05:51:49
At least you guys can get the launcher to work or even the download i can`t get it to work  D:

what happens ?


My launcher hasn't crashed once... although I was able to play for a bit until the 'No response from remote host' thing started up again, what's ironic is it's literally started up 10 seconds after making G.L.A.D.O.S as a pony and logging in  lol
I used to mainly play as the pony called Twilight Sparkus in the earlier days of LoE but mostly play as the unicorn Mena Green or pegasus Rainy Day now. If you become my friend ingame don't be afraid to message me on here to chat every once and a while!


"No character selection room running at this time"

Well, at least it's a change...
Fleur's biggest fan


Now I'm getting the no character selection room

Shadow Wing47


YAASSSSS. I was just about to take a nap too


Quote from: MichalPlays on 2015 Jan 24, 05:54:18
what happens ?

launcher is x32 and for download tells me to extract the folder but then tells me i need to exacute Win_x64_Data folder...( cant get it to work or its just my first time trying to do this..)


i'm still getting stuck at the pony creator :(


I can get into the character select screen! Except when I do select a character the game still crashes. I guess it's because I'm at Sugarcube Corner. :o

Shadow Wing47

It doesn't want me leaving Cloudsdale! i just keep looking at a view of canterlot evertime i try to go to the blimp! :P


I could get in, pick my character, but for some reason it tries to load the I-don't-know-it's-name-yet Crystal Empire parallel map. Only it doesn't, it freezes before it actually starts loading, and forces me to exit.

Upon launching the game and trying to login, I am presented with "That user is already playing."

What is going on?

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