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Messages - Nuserame

How bout 'all of Outlast'

Awesome game, beat Amnesia on the sheer horror level though not quite on actual scariness since it relied more on jump-scares which got predictable after a while.

Both games kinda fall prey to obvious predictable stuff though.

I love horror games though, im kind of jaded. Most 'scary bits' in games kinda have me saying 'lol, nice try game'. Been playing horror games since... long ago, must have been like 11 years old.
Quote from: Pipkin on 2014 Aug 27, 16:38:20
....And the lead designer for that project totally isn't a good friend of mine who I talk to on a daily basis and therefore doesn't bias my opinion nope :ajshifty:

... sounds entirely convincing! Be sure to tell your totally not friend that we wish him best of luck  :D

Because I sure would like to see this finished.
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2014 Aug 26, 13:06:47
Quote from: Nuserame on 2014 Aug 26, 12:10:30
Its actually pretty common for patients to lose the will to live during all that.

I've been there.  :c

Glad your still with us then :]

Its also nothing to be ashamed or shocked about. Its a completely natural response of your brain to long-term, unabating trauma (be it physical or mental), since in the environment we evolved that invariably meant death. Thing long since got better but that deep part of the animal brain still flatly ignores rational explanations.
Quote from: Bro1997 on 2014 Aug 25, 17:27:23
Quote from: rhg135 on 2014 Aug 09, 13:56:19
I'll add my story.

It was 2013 and since idk chemotherapy, whille successful, had pretty much killed my enthusiasm for life, I didn't do much. Hence I had never heard of FiM.

Earlier that year I was on IRC hacking on a phone with other people. A friend mentioned he was a brony a few times, but that was it until mid summer. He said something implying that you can't mock something unless you know what. Even though I wasn't involved I somehow clicked on the YT link, then the next.

That's how i became 20% cooler. :D

When did you have chemotherapy, or don't you remember? What kind of cancer exactly caused you to lost enthusiasm for life? And how on Earth didn't you see or hear anything about FIM!? It premiered in October of 2010, almost 4 years ago! I mean, didn't you see a advertisement in a magazine or television about FIM or MLP G4 in general?

Ill give your the benefit of doubt since you probably don't know any better, and meant no offense, but that first question could be seen as incredibly rude and inconsiderate. Chemotherapy is poison that kills cancer slightly faster than the patient. No matter the 'kind' of cancer its an utterly miserable period of agony that lasts for months and takes years to fully recover from. Its actually pretty common for patients to lose the will to live during all that.
Quote from: Yuriski on 2014 Aug 24, 05:33:04
I'm a bit late to jump on the bandwagon, but I feel that it entirely depends on the whereabouts that you live, and the people you know. Out of all the people I know, a huge majority of those really do not care that I like MLP at all: sure, that's definitely not the case for everyone, but I firmly believe that humanity is slowly (but surely) moving on to the "each to their own" mindset. Obviously, I do get a few... comments... about it now and again, but I would guess that's down to the nature of those individuals.

Of course, there are 7 billion+ people on the world, and it will take time for all of them to change their opinions and become more openminded, but hopefully it won't be in 1000s of years from now, as Bro1997 has said. I'll estimate a couple decades (and well after the demise of MLP :c) before humanity will move on from these stereotypes.

Call my cynical, but thats definitely not going to happen in a few decades. Some of the younger generations in the more populated areas of the western world, maybe. Anywhere outside there, well don't expect it in out lifetime. I don't know if you have ever been outside the western world and actually conversed with people there for an extended period of time (or had online friend from eastern Europe or something) but they aren't as free thinking.
Trying to explain a single article of fashion with logic is just showing you don't get the whole point of the thing. Fashion doesn't operate on logic and utility, it throws those out the window and blows raspberries at it!

Which doesn't mean the phenomenon as a whole is unexplainable. Clothing, accessories, hairstyles, cosmetics, etc can be used as:
- A statement of some sort. Think punk rock if your old, emo if your less old.
- An expression of your character. Even just colors express character. Desaturated blue is calm, saturated primary colors lively, etc.
- Identification as part a group. From MLP shirts to a cross necklace.
- Identification of a function. Uniforms aren't always purely functional. Police uniforms are made to look authoritative, waitress uniforms to look approachable and uh, other things.
- Convention, think business suit. Or neckties, the ultimate example that fashion doesn't have to pretty, comfortable or functional. I dislike ties...
- A source of confidence. Stylish, expensive and high-quality clothing accessories and paraphernalia (I like that word) boost confidence, presuming you are comfortable with wearing them. You can deny it all you like but its baked into everyone programming, like it or not. If you don't need it to be confident then all the more power to you, but confidence doesn't come easily for the vast majority of people.
- Social advantage. Being scruffy will get you looked down upon in 'higher' circles everywhere in the world, Canterlot having so many more clothed ponies makes sense.
- Simply because its pretty.
- Stuff the forum rules don't approve of. You can proly guess.

To sum stuff up, fashion isn't logical. Its social. Product of the monkey-part of out brain, and theres nothing wrong with that.

... Do I tend to over-explain things? Nah! There is no such thing! Only under-reading things!
Knows the cake was past its expiration date. When it was bought last week.
Its kind of a work in progress (the desktop itself, not the actual background):

Half the meters aren't working due to some annoying crashy stuff and MSI not being able to keep download link working.
Secretly wants to be a changeling too. No shame in that though! Changelings are awesome.
The Retirement Home / Re: Colts vs Fillies
2014 Aug 18, 15:10:32

Resistance is futile!
All Dutch people can do that, you just don't see them do it because its actually not very practical.

Chromestone64 secretly cut down a herring with a tree.
Seeing as gender roles and bullying have existed since before humans could be called humans, my most optimistic guess is 'not anytime soon'.

Quote from: cloudwilk on 2014 Aug 18, 08:06:58
In regards to the comment defending bully's innocence (or at least trying to get people to back away from being harsh) I do not feel the same way. Some kids are bully's, not because they were abused as a child, but just because of raising or it just makes them feel tough. Nothing has to happen for them to ruin another kid's life. Granted, there are times when that is the case, and it is when they are no longer the bully but the victim do I feel sorry. But in every case the bully is the, well, bully, I feel to regret for the punishment they should take. Honestly, they barely get enough. The worst thing that works against them is people's reaction later in life to how asinine picking on people is. Well... I guess it depends on how bad the circumstance. They're are certain cases where the bully and the victim are truly not as clear as it would seem. Of course, in those cases, perhaps better terms would suit the situation.

This might be more true than you think. Bullying goes way back in human evolution, every single culture on earth and even baboons do it. Its not out of retaliation, or because the bully got a raw deal in life, its purely to harm, intimidate, coerce and generally 'diminuate' another for the sake of satisfaction and status. Its an example of instinctive pack animal behavior where a member or group of the pack tries to heighten their own standing, in this case by lowering that of another.

Its pretty much impossible to root out entirely, though suppressing the worst should be possible. There is quite a large difference in the amount of bullying per culture so that should mean that in theory its possible to reduce it.

Though judging the 'anti bullying campaigns' I have come across I say we have a long way to go...

Heres a pretty good article if anyone feels like getting sciency! (everyone should be sciency every now and then :I)
The Retirement Home / Re: Colts vs Fillies
2014 Aug 18, 11:35:45
Ah I see a terribly unfair battle going on! Now to make it even more unfair...

Brussel sprouts are good, peanut butter is good, I don't see what everyones problem is!  >:O

Anyhow, Chromestone64 secretly moonlights as a potted plant. A different one each time!
... But still wants one.
Is a mountain goat! On Sundays only.
Secretely doesnt't wuvs rattles.
Alcohol! Boredom! Of all the places those two have brought me together, ponies was one of the better ones :D
Introductions Archive / Ello thar!
2014 Aug 08, 10:43:58
Glad to see this project is still going strong, and ill finaly be giving the test server a go since I actualy managed to make an account in time and wasnt away during the test session.

Anyhow just saying hi and wishing you all good luck with the inevitable storm of crashes and bug reports ;)