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Messages - OfficerShields

I discovered MLP:FIM in late 2012, after watching the full length episode "Its About Time" on YouTube, and very much enjoyed what I watched. However I placed my curiosity aside and got more into compelling single player video games such as Fallout 3, New Vegas, The Last of Us, Beyond: Two Souls, and Skyrim. So over the course of 2013 I had kind of forgotten about the show.

Sometime during January of this year however, I decided to re-download and play DC Universe Online, a game I had abandoned since summer of the previous year. While gliding around Metropolis I saw a message from a user in Chat advertising his MLP-themed league. The first time I saw his advertisment I ignored him, but the following day I was once again in Metropolis and saw his message again.

This time I took him up on it, and joined the league as Applejack  :]. It turned out that he was the only member of the league and was being viciously ridiculed by other players for being a brony  :c. I decided to take on the challenge of recruiting the rest of the MLP cast, and after a month of doing so, I earned my position as second in command.  8)

It was during this time I joined the fandom and, about a month later, found out about Legends of Equestria.  <3
Quote from: XTheFreedomFighterX on 2014 Apr 09, 17:56:54
Quote from: OfficerShields on 2014 Apr 07, 00:19:57
Waking up as Applejack? that would be exciting! i would go with it.  :]

I would personally hate it... A lot...

Because you would have to work the apple orchard?  :\
Shelly's eyes widened as she watched the tsunami come forward; her mind ran at full speed as she quickly considered her options. Spotting a small changeling a couple feet away from her who bore a look of sheer terror, Shelly galloped forward, swept the Changeling onto her back and darted into the forest ahead, traveling further inland.

Gracefully skipping over and dodging debris from the sky, she spotted a cave ahead. It was their best shot at survival. Shelly sped up and entered the cavern. Quickly using her magic, she positioned a large boulder in front of the entrance to prevent the cave from flooding.
((Thanks! this is my first roleplay, i'll be honest so my bad if i make a mistake  :l))

Shelly rushes towards the battlefield, a tide of vertigo rushing over her. She felt sick to her stomach and wondered if she could fight. Her weapon levitating in front of her with the use of her unicorn magic, she changed the output setting and fired a single concussive bolt of electricity at an approaching hyena.
((May I join as well?))  X3

A lone mare comes upon the scene; gasping at the apocalyptic display. The echoing commotion of cackling hyenas, their rampaging confectionery mutations, and the full force of nature's wrath consumed the island.
Taking her personal stun gun from its holster, she rushed forward to aid the small collection of ponies ahead of her.
Waking up as Applejack? that would be exciting! i would go with it.  :]
Definitely Apple Jack  :]

sitting out on your porch on a late summer night with a cold drink in your hand, happily chatting with a friend and taking in the beauty of the evening sounds wonderful to me; and AJ is my favorite pony  ^-^ so there's that too.
This is so awesome! I can't wait to play  X3 <3
Quote from: Gracie Sky on 2014 Feb 05, 19:41:12
I'm actually a bit worried what this "outside the law" and this "corrupt commissioner" business is. I think somepony needs to inform Princess Celestia to give a surprise evaluation for the law enforcement in Manehatten.

I also find it difficult to see her unable to support herself considering how much she excels at getting things done through any means.

I understand your points, and thank you for voicing them.

If I can attempt to clear the haze here, the way Shelly operates changes over time. At first she is a renegade willing to do whatever she wants to satisfy herself, but after she leaves Manehattan she becomes more or less "reformed." This is primarily the reason why she is unable to provide for herself, as she has (1) never had to worry about it due to her immense wealth and (2) is no longer willing to lie, cheat, or steal to get what she wants (or in this case, needs.)

Thanks for the critique Gracie!
Here is Shelly Shields, answers are underlined  X3

Spoiler: Patience Questions • show

1: You've fallen in love with somepony and decide want to marry them.
What do you do?

A. Run to the nearest jewelry store, buy the biggest diamond ring you can, then propose.
B. Take the relationship steady and wait a few years.
C. Just go with it. If it's meant to be, it will be.
D. Go out for a while, and if all goes well, then sure I'll marry him/her!

2: Your friend wins 100,000 Bits thanks to your sweepstakes ticket. He says he'll give you half, but he won't say when.
What do you do?

A. Ask politely for the Bits, then wait.
B. His Bits?! They're already mine! I snuck them away last night!
C. Beg him until you get what he promised.
D. Let him take his time. It takes a while to count out 50,000 Bits.

3: Hearts and Hooves Day is nearly here, but you wish it would never come.
What do you do?

A. Hang your head, then try not to act like you care.
B. I care that Hearts and Hooves Day is here, but it's going to last twenty-four hours like every other day, so why be angry about it?
C. Research Time spells and stop time before it comes.
D. Snarl and spit at the new couples that are eating each other's faces.

Spoiler: Conformity Questions • show

1: Your friends want you to go dancing with them, but your boss says you need to work overtime, and you need the money.
What do you do?

A. Quit your job and go out with your friends.
B. Do as you're told. You need this job.
C. Try to persuade your boss to let you go.
D. Finish as quickly as you can, then go.

2: You hear Trixie Lulamoon is battling unicorns in magical duels, but everypony is afraid to fight and tells you not to challenge her.
What do you do?

A. Sit back and observe the others. Let them make the first move.
B. Ignite my horn and prepare.
C. Go to the very back of the crowd and cower.
D. Stand and mock Trixie until she notices me.

3: You hear a rumor being spread that Mr. Cake is cheating on Ms. Cake and are told to keep it a secret.
How many ponies do you tell?

A. I tell only my close friends.
B. Uh, none? It's supposed to be a secret, no?
C. What rumor, now?
D. I plaster the words on a billboard and smile wryly.

Spoiler: Compassion Questions • show

1: A dear friend of yours just lost their house in a fire.
How do you help him?

A. Give him a few Bits, but I really can't help past that.
B. Try to console him best I can. Words repair wounds better than medicine.
C. Invite him to live at my house for as long as he needs to, so long as he doesn't take advantage of my hospitality.
D. Act like I care about his problems, then rob him while he's on the street.

2: The hospital is overwhelmed with patients and they desperately need help to even keep up with the ponies coming in.
How much do you contribute?

A. All of my knowledge, time, and energy to heal the wounded and sick.
B. I already work at the hospital! I'm the one who needs help!
C. Shrug it off and go home.
D. I'm the reason they're there anyway, why should I help?

3: You find a small bag containing thirty Bits. Later that day, you come across a filly who looks starved and lonely.
What do you do?

A. Look disgustedly at her and keep trotting with the cash.
B. Give her the bag and then leave.
C. Treat her to a restaurant feast, even if that means spending some of my own Bits.
D. Take her home, give her a bed, and raise her as my own!

Spoiler: Charisma Questions • show

1: You discover the Summer Sun Celebration is being hosted in your town, only to then find out the royal guard won't allow you to attend due to a previous infraction with the law.
How do you get in?

A. Walk up to the guards, who shun me away with a firm, "Be gone!"
B. Sneak in and remain unseen.
C. Charm the guards, who let me attend. One of the mares/stallions even winked at me!
D. Don't even approach the gates.

2: You are three months behind on your mortgage and are about to be evicted.
How do you handle it?

A. I... "persuade" the manager of the company to let me stay. *Naughty laugh*
B. I... "persuade" the manager to let me stay. *Dark laugh*
C. Plead for him/her to give me more time, which doesn't work.
D. Ask to be given more time, which worked wonderfully!

3: You meet a mare/stallion who seems interested in you, and you feel smitten.
How do you react?

A. Sit casually as if (s)he doesn't affect me.
B. Give them a compliment in a suave/charming tone.
C. Blush/giggle and chat with them.
D. "Smitten?" Is that an emotion?

Spoiler: Intellect Questions • show

1: It's dark outside. You are over a mile from home and are in a shady part of town.
How do you navigate back?

A. I don't navigate. I couldn't even read a map.
B. Use my eidetic memory to find my way back.
C. Try to find my way back by wandering down random streets.
D. Uh, I don't go to that part of town, and I'm already home. What's the question here?

2: You are playing a game of cards and have been losing repeatedly to the same pony.
What do you do?

A. Expose the extra cards he has concealed.
B. Let him keep winning; I'm still at a profit.
C. Bring out my own cheater's hoof and win it all back.
D. I'm not even playing cards! Everypony knows you'll only lose money!

3: You get a strange sense of anxiety, but you're not sure what it could be from.
What do you do?

A. Ignore it. It's probably not anything important anyway.
B. Think back and see if there's something I've forgotten to do.
C. Rush to the doctor and get a complete physical exam.
D. It's because I'm taking this test, maybe?

Quote from: DawnsEmbrace on 2014 Feb 05, 15:46:55
I'd love to read it!
Though it will have to be later tonight or tomorrow, as I don't have a lot of time at the moment.

Sounds great! Feel free to post your thoughts on the discussion thread later; it helps a lot  X3 thanks
Quote from: DawnsEmbrace on 2014 Feb 05, 14:35:34
I like her.

She seems just in-between too dark, and just dark enough, on what seems to be her own personal road to redemption.
Anyway, I enjoyed reading it.

Thank you very much; I've tried to keep her appropriate for kids as well as entertaining for adults. The first chapter of her origin story is up right now if you'd like to take a look  ^-^
Thank you very much for the welcome; I will be sure and give the rules a look. I have already found my way over to the roleplaying forum and its really cool seeing all the different user-created ponies.

I can tell this is a good MLP community; glad i decided to sign up.  ^-^
--- OC#1 For my fan fiction titled "Control"
Name: Shelly Shields
Gender: Female (Mare)
Age: 25
Pony Race: Unicorn
Hometown: Manehattan
Physical Description:  Dark blue coat, honey blonde mane w/ bright blue highlights
Eyes: Brown iris (wears glasses)
Cutie Mark: Hoofcuffs

Personality: Her affinity to accomplish critical assignments as an independent cell working outside the law has left her with more scars than she cares to admit, and not just on the outside. After leaving Manehattan, her checkered past became the foundation of her inability to become close with other ponies and her firm belief that ponies by nature are incredibly selfish.

She enjoys listening to jazz music, eating peanut butter and banana sandwiches, and helping the residents of Ponyville.

Backstory: In Manehattan she was the commissioner's top pony, and trusted her to carry out top tier assignments that often required her to work outside the law. She was incredibly wealthy, wanting for next to nothing, and she had entered a long-running relationship with her best friend and partner Cal Gold. But all these blessings did not stop Shelly from waking every night in a panic, sweating in her bed as she remembered the innocent lives she had ruined through her loose acknowledgment of the law.

   She had been through enough, and was sick of the corruption that she herself was contributing to. It was time for a new start. Ignoring her power-hungry commissioner's threats and demands, she quit her job at the MPD and hit the road, not saying so much as "Goodbye" to Cal, her beloved partner. The commissioner had his contacts strip Shelly of all her wealth and branded her a coward. Her reputation was shattered.
   Shelly traveled for a month and seven days, living in poverty as she was unable to pay for food or a roof above her head, only occasionally getting either at the kindness of other ponies. With what little energy she had left, she shuffled down one last dirt road and came upon a quaint little town. Ponies here were smiling, and the atmosphere seemed much different than what she had felt before.

   Too weak to continue traveling, she knew this was where she would find her new beginning.

Current Ocupation: Ponyville Police Pony

--- OC#3
Name: Apple Pancake
Gender: Female (Mare)
Age: 11
Pony Race: Earth Pony
Hometown: Appleloosa
Physical Description:  Tan Coat, Brown Mane with Blonde Highlight
Eyes: Blue Eyes
Cutie Mark: sliced apples on a stack of pancakes

Personality: AP is a chipper young filly with a heart of gold. She is honest, courageous, and compassionate but on the darkest of days she can be selfish and cruel, especially when confronted by her parents regarding her future. She enjoys manual labor and cares deeply for her family and friends (who she also considers family.)

When she's not working the fields of her family's apple orchard, you can find Apple fishing, studying, or playing with her friends.

Backstory: Born and raised in Appleloosa, AP's the brightest in her class, having been raised by her parents to understand the value of education, but is adamant about wanting to stay and work the fields in her hometown. When she was 10, Apple Pancake saved the life of a tourist and was revered as a town hero.

Current Ocupation: Farm Hand and Student
I'm new and just wanted to drop by and say I'm thrilled to be a part of this community, and I'm really excited for Legends of Equestria.

Just a little about me:
I've been a forum goer for a while now, starting in 2009 with HeroHQ. I'm also the second in command of a My Little Pony roleplaying league in DC Universe Online, so needless to say i'm familiar with the series.

Looking forward to chatting with you all and I wish everypony the best  X3