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Messages - LunarDusk

"......" Lunar watches LunarShadow and Rain starting a conversation.
Lunar gets off his feet then sprints off out of sight. "You'll have to land at some point."
"Heh... about so, not that im surprised at that." Lunar looks up at the horizon. "Atleast there isn't a pony from canterlot to hunt me down..."
// you all can just call mine Dusk
Lunar finally stops firing realizing that Tilien is too far away. "Hmph." He sits on the ground and stares across at the ravaged area from the fight with the dragons.
// Eh seems interesting

Name: Lunar Dusk
Age: 14
Race: Unicorn
Spoiler: show

Talents: Magic, reading, flying
"I do..." He growls as he's firing.
"Hehe, if it wasn't for that dragon burning my cape I would be chasing you in the sky about now" Lunar finishes charging the lightning then shoots it in the air being so loud that everyone could hear it.
Lunar barely deflects the ice shard. He thinks " So that's a magic horn..." Grinning menacingly he runs forward shooting projectiles. "I hope you can learn how to use that in time..." He starts spinning his head around charging lightning. " Before its too late!"
"That crown of yours..." Lunar says quietly barely being able to be heard. He starts shooting more projectiles moving forward with each shot.
Noticing Tilien waking up Lunar finishes charging and sends an ice projectile her way.
Calming down and reverting back to his original appearance due to the shock from the lightning, Lunar moves over in fron of Tilien. " Heh, seems a backfire has occurred." He aims his horn at the unconscious Tilien charging up an ice beam. "That crown might as well be destroyed hehe hahahaha"
Noticing that the dragons  scales are too rough to be penetrated, Lunar flies up on the red dragons nose. " Not yet! Don't Scream yet!" he yells. He headbuts both of the red dragon's eyes in an attempt to temporarily blind it.
Last boss I defeated, Nobunaga Oda in sengoku basara: samurai heroes.
Yeah...I would use extreme caution if I were the ponies about to face him
Quote from: Grizzly on 2014 Mar 02, 11:56:47
//um, how does Dusk fly up? I thought his cape got destroyed.

// When he goes berserk his appearance temporarily changes to what he looks like in my signature which I said in one of my comments
While covered in fire Lunar turns around and flies toward the red dragon ramming its stomach with all of his force. "Suffer!" he yelled.
Quote from: Grizzly on 2014 Mar 02, 09:55:38
// Dusk, does the fire bother your  character at all? I really don't know anymore, and from your previous post i thought that it's not a problem.

( It does bother him its making his injuries more severe)
Lunar slams his hooves on the ground to shoot the fire off his body, but is still covered in burns and blisters. He goes berserk and starts shooting projectiles in random directions while screaming including the environment.
"All these strategies....countered like that.....grr" Lunar's eyes start to glow red out of anger."......" While the flames on his body start to spread he remains sitting while glaring and about to lose his sanity (starting to look like what he does in my signature)